
Dragon Soul

I never knew this could happen... I was the strongest dragon in all of the land but now I stand here... alone and weak.

My life was never like this. I had family.. my mother a three toed light blue scales, and my father a three toed pure black demon. I was born alone with no brothers or sisters. That's somewhat rare to have just one egg.

My father gave me my name "Zerus". After that my mother was the only one looking after me...

"When is father coming back mother?.." Zerus asked looking up from the nest. The female dragon tried to hold back tears and show of her happy emotion. "He'll be back soon... he'll be fine." She said calming her youngling down.

In true light she knew that her mate wouldn't be coming back... He was found dead along the riverbank by the hunting party. He was her backbone but no more.

She looked down as she felt her youngling curl up with her long tail. She smiled for the first time and knew everything will be fine for now...