

It was a cozy afternoon and the sun has a tinge of orange already. A clear indication that the day was about to end, soon to approach dusk.

Long Yue was sitting leisurely under the shade of a peach tree. He was busy nibbling the grass blade that he had on his mouth.


Long Yue cut his trance when he heard his cat called him softly. He patted its fur head and look back to the clouds above him.

"Not yet Luna, give me more time," he said with a carefree smile on his beautiful face.

"Meow?????" the little cat seems confused for her master's reaction as she tilted her head and urge her master to scratch her more.

Long Yue looked at her attention-seeking spiritual beast. He lifted it next to his face and kiss its nose.

"How can you be so cute Luna???" he placed his cat to his chest and hugged it as he was planning to take a nap, but as if unaware of his intention to rest, Luna slightly raised her nose. Luna seems to sense something as she wiggles her way out of Long Yue's embrace.

"Hey, Luna! Where are you going?" He shouted when he saw her cat running away heading to the grass field.

Luna stopped on her track and looked back at him as if asking his permission so he just nodded.

"Maybe she will be going for a hunt," he thought.

With that thought in mind, he settles himself back to his seat under the tree and stared at the clouds that were being carried away by the wind. He always loved observing clouds especially when he started imagining what the shape looks like.

"How I wish I could live a life as simple as this. Away from the pretense and away from their silent but a fierce battle of power" there was a hint of sorrow on his voice when he said those words.

He continues to enjoy this hard to come by serenity of the place. Some of the few things that his home cannot offer. As his eyelids started to turn heavy and he was about to doze he heard the loud cry of his cat Luna!



He instantly stands up and runs to the place where the sound was coming.

"Luna,... I'm coming," he said with gritted teeth as he secretly prayed that nothing bad will happen to his cat.

On the other hand, Mu Lingxi was sitting quietly at the side. She was observing the colorful koi fishes that were swimming in the small pond since they arrived at the banquet.

While others were busy having some social talks every now and then, she does not bother at all. She was talking to her cat Janus about how fun it could be if they can go down there and play on the pond while catching some fishes, as per Janus' suggestion of course.

"Oh???? look who's here???? " an unfamiliar voice approach her at her back but she didn't mind it.

She continues to look around as if unaware that someone was talking about her.

Meng Rijen, the girl who approached her easily got pissed off. As if on cue, Mu Yanxiao and her group of friends standing not too far away soon came in to console her.

"Let me apologize for my cousin's behalf. I'm pretty sure that she did not mean to offend you" Yanxiao said in an attempt to soothe the situation.

Everyone who was listening on the sidelines immediately felt Lady Yanxiao has a good character, unlike her cousin who loves to attract unnecessary trouble for herself due to her attitude.

But unlike everyone else, Mu Lingxi knows that this might be one of Yanxiao's petty little tricks. Most probably she wanted to show how magnanimous she was, by using Mu Lingxi as her stepping stone.

"Sure? If you want a show, I'll give you one." She thought as she put Janus down.

"MEOW" [ Go little lass. Show them what you got. Slap them AAAAALLL!!! ] he cheered.

So she slowly stands up from her seat, crossed her arm over a chest emphasizing her full bloom bosom. She slowly raised one of her well define eyebrows as she looked to the well-dressed ladies surrounding her. She just stands there with a smirk on her thin lips. Saying nothing. Portraying a perfect image of a bitch!

Her confidence irritates Meng Rijen more. "Hmph! Who do you think you are for acting all high and mighty?!!"

"She was probably thinking that she was above others just because she is the young miss of Mu clan." another lady butted.

"She must be dreaming that the crown prince will take fancy for her, just because she was from the Mu's. I think someone needs to remind her that the title for the crown princess was only suitable for sister Yanxiao, her attitude does not even fit for a concubine at all." Meng Rijen harshly commented.

"Jenjen! That's enough. You should not be saying harsh words like that on my cousin." Yanxiao reminded her kindly but the short-lived glim on her eyes did not escape Lingxi's observation.

The ladies keep tooting each of their own horns and Mu Lingxi felt like she had enough already. She looked for her cat Janus and was planning to walk away from this headache. But as if choosing the best time to disappear, Janus was nowhere to be seen.

Before she could even start to communicate to her spiritual beast through a mental link, she saw Ming Rijen on the act of grabbing her.

With fast reflex action, she sidestepped to her left leading Ming Rijen to fall on the small pond nearby.

"AHHHHRRRGGG" she shrieked! Her beautiful silk dressed was ruined all because of that bitch. Her eyes stared daggers to Mu Lingxi.

"Ohh, I never imagine you would take a fancy on that pond as well? But look at your clothes???? You're soaking wet! C'mon silly girl before you catch colds."

Mu lingxi reached out for Ming Rijen and unceremoniously try to help her up.

Ming Rijen's pride, of course, get the better of her as she tried to wriggle her hand out from Mu Lingxi's grasp

"What are you doing?! How dare you! Don't you ever dare touch meeeeee...you filthy bitch!" she kept on shouting, very unladylike. More and more people got curious about what was causing the commotion as they crowded around the small pond

"Suit yourself." Mu Lingxi don't have the energy to argue with this unreasonable girl. She let go of her hand and walked away.

Her action caught Meng Rijen off guard so she falls back to the pond for the second time around.

"AAAAHHHHHRRRGGG" she shrieked but this time she just sits there crying as she covered her face with her hands. She was too embarrassed to face the crowd looking at her sorry state.


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