
The Truth

At Song Tian's cabin, everyone is already left except the elders.

Gao Zhao, Gao Ning & Wei Xiu are on the kitchen to prepare the foods since it's almost dinner times.

Meanwhile, in the living room, Song Tian and his grandpas seem to be discussing something.

Song Lian looked at his grandson, "Xiao Tian, I didn't expect you to already get the system, and you obtain it in the mortal world. At first, we're waiting for you to reach into cultivation stages to tell you this," he said.

Zhu Dong looked at Song Lian, "Just get to the point already. Look at our grandson's face, he's so nervous right now," he said.

Song Lian retorted, "Like you're one who talks!" he said.

Song Lian looked at Song Tian, "The so-called system we called now is actually a spirit, they're an intelligent being," he said.

Song Lian continued, "From what I know so far, they have their own domain in the other universe, and they also had technology no human can ever hope to reach," he said.

Song Tian still didn't get it, "But didn't our universe had law itself? Why can't it prevent another being from entering its universe?" he couldn't help but ask.

Song Lian shook his head, "There is, but it only prevents the harmful being. The system itself is only guiding us, and they can travel freely to all the universe they want to," he said.

Song Lian sighed, "As to why Old Zhu and I are waiting for you to reach your cultivation stage to tell this because we're planning to let you inherit one of our systems to you. Hence we call this inheritance, and the system only allows us to pass this to our relative once they reach the cultivation stage," he said.

Song Tian surprised, "Inheritance? Does that mean I can inherit the system from you? How about dad? And what happens to you if you pass the system to other people?" he asked.

Song Lian answered, "Yes, you can. I will let both of you and your dad inherit the system. From the information I got so far, i speculate the system itself could reproduce and can be only passed through blood-related ones. As for the rest, I'll leave it to Old Zhu as he's been glaring me for a while now," he said.

Zhu Dong glared at Song Lian, "Humph, now you remember me. Xiao Tian, it's time for your best grandpa to explain it, hehe," he said.

Zhu Dong looked at his grandson, "Xiao Tian, there is a difference between the fated ones and the inherited ones. Old Lian and I are the fated ones, that means we got the system itself through our fate. Some people in another world got the system, but most of them are getting them through inheritance," he said.

Zhu Dong continued, "As to why we can detect each other system is because we're the fated ones. The inherited system can't detect us, but we can detect them no matter how hard they're trying to conceal it. That's why your system can detect us when we're coming toward you, right?" he said.

Song Tian nodded, "Yes, my system warned me when both of you are coming. No wonder when I met with Grandma Zhao, she can't detect anything. Does that mean she didn't have a system on her?" he said.

Gao Ning and Wei Xiu coming as they're putting the coffee for their husbands and grandson.

Gao Ning answered, "My little sister got one too, but it's inherited from me," she said.

Gao Ning continued, "Me and Sister Xiu also the fated ones. It just that we can't detect the system from another gender. As to why I don't even know," she said.

Wei Xiu nodded, "That's right if your grandpa didn't tell me, I don't even know if he got ones or not," she said.

Song Tian was shocked to hear that, sighed, "Here I thought the system is rare, turns out everyone can have them," he said.

All of them laugh, hearing their grandson sigh.

Zhu Dong shook his head, "Who said it's not rare? Xiao Tian, for my whole life in this universe, I never encounter any fated ones except my wife, your grandpa, and your grandma," he said.

Zhu Dong continued, "Now we added you to the list, it's only five. On the cultivation world, I only met one guy who had the system, and it's inherited ones. That elder told us that he got it from his deceased father. Your grandpa and I know him as he's the sect elder in the cultivation world where we studied together," he said.

Song Tian asked, "So there's only a few of them? How about on this mortal world? Is there anyone who also had a system like us? If there is, does that mean there's a hidden danger on this mortal world?" he said.

Song Lian laughed, "There is a monk who got the inherited ones. What do you mean hidden danger? Xiao Tian, you read too many novels. Do you think there's a system who can help our cultivation directly like those in the novel?" he said.

Song Lian continued, "There's no such thing on this world as it's already rules set by this universe. Even if there is, it must be somewhere in another universe. You must be confused to why I know this right? Xiao Bo, explain it to Xiao Tian," he said.

Song Tian confused as to what his grandpa says, and before he said anything, the white eagle appeared out of nowhere in Song Lian shoulder.

"Yo, so this brat is the new fated ones, huh?" The white eagle said.

Song Tian jaw widened to see the white eagle could talk like this, he glanced at Grandpa Lian, "Grandpa? This is?" he asked.

Song Lian laughed, "This is my system, Song Bo. He can form into a being because our level is higher," he said.

Song Tian surprised. Now he knows the system can form into a being, he asked eagerly, "Xiao Yi, can you form into one?" he said.

Song Yi answered, "Not yet master, our level isn't high enough," she said.

Song Bo glanced at Song Tian as if he can hear what they're talking about, "Just be patient, when you reach the desired level, then your system definitely can form into a being," he said.

Song Bo lowering his head to drink the coffee in Song Lian's mug, "When we reach a higher level, that means our privilege to enter the information vault in the system domain is increased. That's why we know about this," he said.

As the coffee on the mug almost drained out, Song Bo continued, "This universe will convert any harmful system function, look at me for an example. At first, I'm Alchemy God System, but once I came to this universe, I'm being converted into Eastern and Western Medicine System," he said.

Song Tian shocked to hear that Song Bo is used to be an Alchemy God system, "It seems that each universe had its law," he thought.

Zhu Dong looked at Song Lian showing off his system to his grandson and said, "Xiao Tian, forget about that bird. Xiao Chao, show yourself!" he said.

A golden cat appeared out of nowhere and glanced at the Song Bo, "Yo birdie, no wonder you can't stop squeaking. Turns out that black liquid with a bitter taste on it can make you stupid," he said.

Song Bo snorted, "What a kid like you know about the adult taste? Hush, just go take a little nap somewhere and don't disturb our adult conversation," he said.

The golden cat fur raised, "What do you say birdie? You want some?" he said ass he bares his fangs.

Song Bo shook his head as if it's not bothered by a cat, "Look at you, there's your master's grandson, and you act like this," he said while drinking the last bit of coffee on Song Lian's mug.

The golden cat realized that he is being glanced by Song Tian, "Cough. That's the birdie fault for squeaking too much okay. Anyway, my name is Zhu Chao. Previously I'm Merchant God System, now being converted here as Business Management System," he said.

Song Tian speechless at sudden changes of behavior, "No wonder my maternal family is wealthy, it's Business Management System," he thought.

After having dinner with the elders and talked for an hour, all of them left.

Song Tian sat on the couch and wondering about what his grandpa's system said to him, he asked, "Xiao Yi, does that mean when you came on this universe, you're also converted? What's your previous function?" he said.

Song Yi said, "That's the only thing I don't know about myself. Master, you need to level up, so I had more access to gather information," she said.

Song Tian nodded, "I see. We don't have to rush anything, there's still a lot of opportunities later," he said.

"AH!" Song Tian slaps his forehead as if he remembered something, "I forgot to ask what kind of system my grandmas had," he said.

Song Tian went to his bedroom to turn on his PC and looked for chicken's favorite treats.

Song Tian looked at the monitor, shocked, "Wow, I didn't expect that something fresh had been in front of me this entire times," he said.

Song Tian find out that one of the chicken favorite treats are strawberry and cabbage, which he already planted on his farm.

Song Tian pondered for a moment, "I still got some strawberries left on the fridge. Might as well let them eat it tomorrow," he muttered.

Song Tian opened the Sphere to see if there are any new exciting videos from the channel he follows. Looking at the following section, he didn't see any of it.

Song Tian opened a new website, "It's still 10 PM, let's see if the novel I added to the library already had 100 chapters for me to read before I go to sleep," he said.

As he looked at his account libraries on the novel websites, Song Tian could see several novels already had updated 100 or more chapters on it, and he decided to read one.

At 5 AM, Song Tian wakes up.

Song Tian stretched his body, "Oh yeah, today I will let the chicken eat some strawberries," he said as he walked down to the kitchen to take several strawberries on the fridge.

After picking up all the strawberries, Song Tian put is on the cutting board to split it into 4 parts and put them on a plastic bag.

Song Tian looked at the chicken already waking up, he went to collect the eggs and put the chicken feeds first.

He took out one slice of strawberry to see if the chickens are interested or not. However, he underestimated the chickens as one of them tries to jump to Song Tian to get the strawberry on his hand.

Song Tian shook his head, and he spread the slice of strawberries for all the chicken to get their share.

Looking at the chicken seems to really like it, Song Tian relieved, and he went to the planted crops to water them.

Song Tian looked at the empty tilled soil from yesterday, "Should I just put another strawberries and cabbages on it? But that would be too boring, I need to plant another one since I don't really know the demands right now. Also, I need to consider to grow a fruit tree early so I can easily harvest it when the season comes," he thought.

Song Tian walked toward the chicken coop to let his chicken out and went back to his cabin to research the crops and trees to related.

Several moments later, Song Tian closes his browser, "Woah, the easiest fruit tree I can find to grow outside is the apple tree. I think I need to consider to make a bigger greenhouse if I want to take the fruit tree seriously. Since the weather isn't too cold this month, I think I can grow some garlic outside and adding more strawberries and cabbages," he thought.

At 6 AM, after Song Tian finishes his training, he feels hungry, "What's for breakfast?" he thought.

Song Yi's voice could be heard, "Master, how about you try to use the Basic Fishing Rod you got? Not only you can get some fish, but you can also eat them," she said.

Song Tian laughed, "I bet you only want me to spend some money to buy the bait, right?" he said.

Song Yi giggled, "Of course not, I just care about master wellness okay," she said.

Song Tian laughed, "Wellness, huh? Fine, I'm also curious to try it," he said as he took the Basic Fishing Rod and walked toward the river on his backyard.

Third time editing this novel.

This time, I'm using Grammarly Premium, and I hope it'll be at least slightly better than the previous editing with a free version of it.

If you don't see these messages until around chapter 20 or so, that means it's edited using a free version of Grammarly.

I'm still trying to learn the proper way of writing and editing, especially in the English language.

I hope you guys can continue to guide me through.

Thanks for reading :D

OrzDemoniccreators' thoughts
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