
Moving Out

At the bedroom, Song Tian still packing all his stuff for moving out tomorrow.

Since there's no internet yet, Song Tian is going to buy the sim card for his router.

He's going to bring his PC too, and after done with plugging all the cables out from his PC case, Song Tian lifts the PC and put in on a customized travel bag.

Song Tian looked at his travel bag, nodded, "PC is really crucial for me to play... To gather information after all," he said.

After that, he disassembles the monitor mounting system.

As time goes, all the stuff is already packed, and Song Tian went to sleep.

At 4 AM, Song Tian already wakes up since he's somewhat excited and nervous at the same time because today is going to be his first time living on his own place after all.

After making sure all the stuff he needs is already packed, and nothing is left behind, Song Tian calmed himself down and started to meditate.

Several hours later, Song Xia knocked on her brother's door, "Brother, breakfast is almost ready," she said.

Song Tian took a quick shower and went to the dining room to have his breakfast with his family.

Zhu Mei look at her son, asked, "Did you already pack all your stuff?" she said.

Song Tian answered, "Yeah, I already move all the stuff. I only bring some clothes and my PC," he said.

Zhu Mei gasped, "Some clothes and PC? You didn't bring any medicine just in case you got sick? Wait, mom is going to bring cold medicines and..." she exclaimed as she kept talking.

Several minutes later, after Zhu Mei finishes talking, Song Tian smiled bitterly, "It's okay mom, I can just buy it later. It's not like it's easy for me to get sick," he said.

Zhu Mei retorted, "Don't say that, even if you had a strong body. Who knows what's going to happen," she said as she handed all the medicines she packed to her son.

Song Chen looked at his wife and son, shook his head, "Eat your breakfast first, we all can talk after this," he said.

After breakfast, Song Xia looked at Song Tian, "Brother, I will come to your cabin today after lunch," she said as she's curious.

After all, she only saw his brother's place after they're buying the land.

Song Tian looked at his sister little sister, smiled, "Alright, you want me to pick you up?" he said.

Song Xia shook her head, "No, I can just call the online taxi for that," she said.

Song Tian narrowed his eyes, he took out the folded knife and handed it to his little sister, "Bring this with you. I've seen lots of crime lately," he said sternly.

Song Xia pouted but still took the knife, "It's fine, I can take care of it. Brother, you watch too much news and don't jinx it," she said.

Song Tian smiled bitterly, "Sorry for that, just to make sure. Anyway, don't forget to bring it with you," he said.

Song Xue looked at her little brother, and little sister, smiled, "Alright, I'm going to work now," she said as she bids her farewell.

It's time for Song Tian move out, he put all his stuff on the back of his new truck and tightens the belt on it.

He bids farewell to his parents and little sister.

Zhu Mei eyes reddened, looked at her son drives away, sighed, "I can't believe now he's going to be on his own," she said.

Song Chen comforted his wife, "It's fine, it's not like he's not coming back anymore, and we can just go there every day since it's not really far," he said.

Song Xia walked to her bedroom. After she closes her door, she somehow feels lost.

Since she's little, she's been clinging to her brother almost every day. Now her brother isn't here anymore, it's going to be different from now on.

At somewhere on the phone store, Song Tian purchased his temporary sim card for his router.

He chooses to get the monthly subscription plan since his data usage is really high.

Although it's way more expensive, it's the only way for now, and at least there's no data cap on the subscription plan.

Arrived at his farm, Song Tian moved all his stuff to his cabin.

He looked at the planted strawberries and cabbages, which already on their early vegetative stage, he smiled in satisfaction.

Song Tian started to water all the crops and feeding his chicken.

He's still trying to do the method of picking the chicken and gently drop it to see if there are any changes on it, and as a result, he ended up being pecked by his chicken again.

Song Tian went to continues his work on the fence.

Several hours later, Song Tian finishes his fence's task.

Song Yi's voice suddenly rang on Song Tian's mind, "Master, congratulation for completing the Side Quest 6: Fence For Protection," she said, and a scroll appeared in front of Song Tian.

- Rewards: Fence Integrated With System, and Ability To Upgrade Fence (Unlocked the Farm Panel). For the function, ask me.

- (Claim Now)

Song Tian excited when he sees the ability to upgrade, he immediately click the claim button on the scrolls.

He looks at his EXP progress increased to (50/250).

Song Tian eyes lit up when he saw his EXP progress increased, "Xiao Yi, first tell me the function," he said.

Song Yi laughed, "Master, don't get your hopes up. For the integrated fence, that means the fence will be indestructible. For the function, it will prevent any animals bigger than a cat to goes inside unless you gave it permission to enter," she said.

Song Yi continued, "For the ability to upgrade, you can see it on the Farm Panel beside your stats," she said.

Song Tian opened his stats and clicked the [Farm Panel], and there are a lot of locked features. He didn't mind that, and immediately clicks on the Upgrade section.

Song Tian saw a lot of locked text, and there's only one opened, and it's the Fence. He clicked on it to see what it is.

[Upgrade Fence: Gate]

- Required Material :

- Iron Ingot x50 (Any size or weight will do).

- 3 timber each from 5 different types of hardwood.

- 5 timber each from 5 different types of softwood.

Song Tian jaw widened, "Xiao Yi? It's definitely a typo, right?" he couldn't help but ask.

Song Yi giggled, "No, it is as it is Master. After it becomes integrated with the system, the material required will be much more," she said.

Song Tian sighed, "Can I just make the gate by myself? Timber? It's like bringing the whole trees," he said.

Song Yi answered, "No master, the gates you make can't be connected, or the gate will be destroyed as it's considered an unidentified object by the system," she said.

Song Tian smiled bitterly, he decided to pass the upgrade later once he got more times.

He went to his cabin to put his stuff to his bedroom.

Several moments later, Song Tian went to the gazebo on his backyard.

Staring at the river, Song Tian leans back to close his eyes for a moment to relax. Hearing the sounds of flowing rivers and waterfall really help him with that.

Song Tian sighed, "Before I move out, I never think it would be this lonely. Well, at least I can chat with Song Yi," he thought.

After talking random stuff with Song Yi for an hour, he feels his phone vibrated, It's his little sister.

He picked up the call, and Song Xia voice could be heard, "Brother, I'm already on your farm. Where are you?" she asked.

Song Tian answered, "I'm in the backyard, come to the gazebo," he said.

Not long after, Song Xia appeared with Su Wen.

Surprised to see his little sister coming with Su Wen, Song Tian immediately greeted her, "I'm sorry if my sister always troubling you," he said.

Su Wen shook her head, "It's fine. After we ate at the cake shop, I want to bring her to shop with me. I have no idea that she's already had a promise to visit you, I decided to tag along," she said.

Song Xia giggled, "Hehe, since Sister Wen is with me, might as well to bring her here since it's free rides," she said.

Song Tian asked, "Free rides? Did you drive here?" he said.

Song Xia answered, "Not me, Sister Wen's driver suddenly got an urgent call from his family when she arrived at the cake shop, so she's driving the car today. It's so convenient, hehe," she said.

Su Wen smiled, "What did you do on this land? I asked Xiao Xia, but she's being so mysterious with it and said see it for yourself," she asked.

After Su Wen arrived, she didn't really focus around as she's only following Song Xia to the gazebo.

Song Tian laughed, "I'm starting my own farm in here, I just started not long ago so you can't see much in here. I planted some fruits and vegetables," he said.

Song Tian continued, "Do you want to come inside the cabin? I will prepare the drinks," he said.

Su Wen surprised to see Song Tian starting his own farm, "You don't have to do that. It's actually nice in here. I feel relaxed," she said.

Song Xia looked at her brother, "Brother, juice. I want strawberry juice!" she said.

Song Tian smiled, he went to the cabin to prepare the drinks and snacks for his little sister and Su Wen.

Song Xia and Su Wen playing beside the river and looking at the fish swimming around.

Su Wen looked at the river, "The river here is really clean," she said.

Song Xia suddenly remembers something, "Oh right, Sister Wen. Come with me, there's an interesting place I want to show you," she said as she led Su Wen.

After walking for several meters along the rivers, Su Wen shocked to see such a beautiful giant waterfall.

The waterfall is a rare sight in the city, if she wants to see the waterfall, she has to drive about five hours away from the city.

She didn't expect there is one on Song Tian's land and it's only 40 minutes drive from the city.

She immediately took her phone and waved her hand at Song Xia, "Xiao Xia, come here. Let's take a photo together," she said.

Song Tian brought the drinks but didn't see his sister and Su Wen, "Their bags still here, they're probably going to see the waterfall," he thought.

Not long after taking selfies together, Su Wen and Song Xia came back to the gazebo.

Su Wen sat on the chair, "Song Tian, I didn't know that there's such a beautiful waterfall in this place," she said eagerly.

Song Tian laughed, "Yes, at first, I was surprised too," he said.

Song Xia drank her juice and looked at her brother, "Brother, you're raising chickens on this farm, right? Can you show us?" she said.

Su Wen eyes lit up when she heard chicken and asked, "You raise chicken too?" she said.

Song Tian smiled, "Of course, but it's only leghorn breed for now. Come with me to the chicken coop. I will show you," he said as he led both of them to the chicken coop.

At the chicken coop, Su Wen looked around. Such a clean chicken coop and there are a lot of chickens in clean white feathers and with red combs on it.

She picks up one of the chicken and patting its head. Suddenly she forgot that she's with other people, which make her blushed.

Su Wen smiled embarrassingly, "I'm sorry," she said.

Song Tian laughed, "It's okay, just be careful with it. Sometimes they're trying to peck someone who's trying to pick them," he said.

He immediately picks one, and the chicken quickly pecks his hand right off the bat.

Song Tian then looked the chicken he just picked up approaches Su Wen. Su Wen picks it up, and she pats its head. The chicken didn't do anything to her.

Song Tian looked at the chicken on Su Wen's arm, "Oy, how come you're so tamed when it comes to a woman? Xiao Xia, pick one up to see if it will peck you or not," he said.

Song Xia giggled and pick up one chicken, and she tries to pat its head. The chicken on her arm seems to be relaxed and didn't do anything to her.

Song Tian gritted his teeth, "It must be different this time," he thought, and he picks the chicken off from Song Xia's arm.

The chicken immediately pecks Song Tian's arm as if it's angry to be taken away from a beautiful woman.

Song Tian gasped, "Why are you only tries to peck me," he exclaimed.

It seems that the chicken only hates Song Tian.

Both Song Xia and Su Wen laughed after looking at Song Tian's situation.

After almost an hour playing with the chicken, all of them went to the cabin.

Song Xia and Su Wen looked at the cabin fully furnished. The design is really great with simple decorating, which makes it feels homely.

Sat on the couch, Song Xia looked around the interior of her brother's cabin, "Brother, it even had a TV, and here I thought you will be living off-grid like the off-grid channel I saw on Sphere," she said.

Song Tian laughed, "Of course not, why would I bother with that? It's more convenient with electricity here. I even had the plan to install the internet here. I'm still waiting for my approval to install it from ISP company," he said.

Su Wen, who's been looking around the design in the cabin, asked, "Song Tian, who is the person designing the interior of this cabin?" she said as she's been interested with the interior design of it.

Song Tian answered, "It's my mom. If I were to design it myself, it would be a mess," he said.

Su Wen surprised, "Your mom's really great with her design. I want to makeover my apartment, did you have her business card so I can contact her?" she asked.

Song Tian laughed, "Business card? Nah, I will just give her number to you," he said.

Su Wen shook her head, "Not a personal number, I mean her office number. It would be bad for her to do personal business if she's tied with her company," she said.

Song Tian chuckled, "Don't worry, just call her. She doesn't have any trouble with it. I will send a message to my mom about your appointment," he said as he sent his mom's number to Su Wen.

Su Wen felt helpless, "If his mom's higher up were troubling her, I can just make her work on my mom's company," she thought.

Song Xia sat lazily on the couch and asked, "Brother, don't you feel lonely here? It such a quiet place and rarely heard the cars or bikes sound," she said.

Song Tian smiled, "It is lonely, but I will have to deal with it eventually," he said.

Song Xia gasped, "Brother, is this what you called the hermit's early phase on the novels?" she said which makes Song Tian speechless.

After talking for an hour, they bid farewell to Song Tian. Song Tian wants to drive her little sister, but Su Wen insisted on driving with Song Xia.

Looking at the car leaves his farm, Song Tian sighed, "It's lonely, I think I'm going to get a cat or maybe a dog?" he muttered.

Song Yi's voice could be heard, "Master, why pick one when you can just take both of them?" she said.

Song Tian smiled bitterly, "It's not easy to raise them, you know, I need to consider a lot of things before getting them," he said.

When the night comes, Song Tian turns his PC on and play some games to kill his time.

Waking up in the morning, Song Tian realized that it's still 4 AM. He can hear the clucking noise from the chickens.

He stretched his body and went to water his plants and checking their stats to see if there's anything wrong.

Several moments later, Song Tian relieved to see the plants are healthy, he went to the chicken coop.

After Song Tian opened the door, he was shocked by what he saw in front of him.

Third time editing this novel.

This time, I'm using Grammarly Premium, and I hope it'll be at least slightly better than the previous editing with a free version of it.

If you don't see these messages until around chapter 20 or so, that means it's edited using a free version of Grammarly.

I'm still trying to learn the proper way of writing and editing, especially in the English language.

I hope you guys can continue to guide me through.

Thanks for reading :D

OrzDemoniccreators' thoughts
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