
Danerys,Sansa ,varys,petyr,tywin

danerys after reaching astapor and was rescued by ser beristan selmi

she was having a talk with him

so what brings you here ser berristan

I want to pledge my sword to you one last time to the house targerian I have failed your family allow me to be your queens guard

mormont who was near her also told how he served her brother rhaghar targerian

your highness I came with news Robert baratheon was dead

danerys was shocked but also happy the killer of her family was dead now all she needs to do is reclaim the iron throne

after settling down

ser berristan what's the situation in westros she asked

the lanisters have killed lord hand ned stark and now they taken iron throne

right now the north ,river run ,dorne,and high garden along with baratheons all are fighting each other and lanisters it's all out battle now no one can say who will win

what about the vale whose side were they on

the vale is on no one's side he made himself king of the vale and seperated himself from kings landing

danerys was shocked why does he want to pick the pieces and take over the throne

from what I personally can say no he doesn't want to take kings landing but he don't want to be ordered either so he make vale independent territory and he gave up the opportunity to contend against iron throne

maybe he is just a coward danerys snorted

oh if only it is that way your highness he is kind of eccentric person he is by far the most promising lord in this era he now has the army to contend against kings landing and he is most rich after lanisters he made vale what it is today in span of 10 years

danerys didn't think much and asked so will he support me to claim the throne

I don't know your grace I can be sure he don't want the the iron throne but iam not sure if he support your cause

it doesn't matter sooner or later I will conquer westros he will submit to me or die

your highness if he was your ally taking back iron throne will be as very easy not everyone can do what he did

danerys thought for a moment and decided to think about it later when she goes to westros


in kings landing

Sansa pov

it's hell why am I suffering like this I couldn't do anything about beheading my father I strained his honor I betrayed the north even then i was still suffering was I supposed to be a princess why is the prince torturing me what wrong have I done

she never thought joffery would be so cruel to go as far as kill father and mount his head on a spike only to torture him

she was disappointed in herself she sided with lanisters instead of her own family now she is suffering from retribution

she suddenly thought of daniel that arrogant look on his face even when he was dealing with the king

have I done something wrong should I have chosen him instead she is in her own world thinking something's

if Daniel heard it he would have been amazed that these kind of people are still there he simply didn't even know her why on earth is she thinking like he was a knight who is going to save her


.. varys pov..

the realm is right now in distress all of them fighting for the greater good of realm he was supporting the targerian queen so that she will be able to lead westros to a more flourishing country but he also have another candidate who already proved that he can bring westros to greater prosperity Daniel arryn

he already proved that vale right now is more prosperous than any other region the nobles as well as common people all were happy this is the type of kingdom he wants to see but it seems like he have no interest in taking over the throne he declared himself as king and there are no movements that led to believe he was waiting for opportunity to pick up the pieces he must drag him in the game

...petyr bailish pov...

petyr was depressed his family is on tight watch in vale he lost 30000 dragons that's a huge amount it nearly puts many of his plans to halt

he cursed Daniel so many times his chess piece Lysa was now in riverrun his tool Robin was now a noble without any name he was removed from genealogy

if everything goes according to his plan he might be able to kill Daniel outside but he never expected he wouldn't even stay one day in winterfell so all his plans came to halt

all his investment on king Robert is in drain the lanisters took over coin master position he needs money for his plans but he don't have anything right now he needs to take vale but he can only plan in chaos

..tywin pov..

I finally got it I finally got the iron throne even though Joffery is the king even a child knows in kings landing everything is decided by him

what he wants to know is what is Daniel thinking he don't want to admit it but Daniel was really more outstanding than him he envies Jon arryn a fool to get such a outstanding heir whereas he who was one of most best in westros gets all stupid children and grandchildren

his spies sent messages that lord arryn is enjoying his time with his mistresses and building all sorts of things

he increased his milatary around 50000 yet there are no movements what is he planning he was thinking making his head hurt