

Celeste didn't know what to do in this situation. Her friends were now attacking her for helping the demon child they injured. While trying to figure out what to do she looked at Roland. She had to began to fall for him on their journey and it was obvious he also had feelings for her but now looking at him she could see no such affection now and it hurt her greatly.

She decided to plead to Roland once more and said " Please stop this now, I thought we were fighting to stop needless death and violence, these two committed no wrong so why must they die." After saying this she took a look back, the girl was already healed and being held by her mother as they cowered in fear. She then returned her gaze back to Roland just as he was starting to give his response he said, " Our mission is to rid the world of demons and those who help them, but as you are the goddesses chosen representative you will not be killed but you must face punishment." With that statement her heart began to ache and she for a brief moment she lost focus causing her Devine Protection to weaken just enough for an attack to slip through.

Quickly realizing her mistake Celeste closed her eyes expecting to feel great pain but it never came. Confused she opened her eyes only to see a man more handsome than she had encountered before standing in front of her with a smile on his face. But she couldn't help but also be intimidated by him because of the power radiating off him. She quickly realized the man in front of her was none other than the Demon King himself.

Confused about what was happening she didn't know what to do but from behind the Demon King, The Hero Roland raised his guard and shouted, " Demon King why are you out here, I thought you wouldn't leave your throne unless you were faced with a situation you deemed it truly necessary?" Without looking away from Celeste the Demon King replied, " How could I allow you to harm the most beautiful woman in the world for simply wanting to help the weak."

With his words everyone fell silent and Celeste especially was stunned by his statement. After a moment Roland said, " What nonsense are you saying, everyone ATTACK!" At his command everyone immediately went into action. As everyone took a step forward ready to fight to the death if necessary, the Demon King simply waved his hand while saying, " Teleport " , and in an instant Roland and his party were gone leaving only Celeste with Demon King as the mother and daughter duo ran away the moment the danger was gone.

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