
A Goddess??

Beep Beep Beep Be—

Issei hit the snooze button on his alarm clock, silencing it. Waking up from his sleep to a brand-new morning, he yawned and wiped his eyes. He looked at the time seeing it was 7:30. He had an hour before school started so he got up and got dressed in his school uniform.

Moments later, he heard a knock at his door. Opening it, he saw Asia who is now adorned in her very own school uniform.

"Good morning, Issei-san." She greeted him with a smile which he reciprocated.

"Morning Asia-chan. I see you are already dressed. How's the uniform?" he inquired. She simply made a twirl and ended with both her hands gripped as though offering up a prayer. Well, she was a nun so makes sense.

"It's fits nicely." She seemed to be very excited at the prospect of going to school.

"You seem to be excited" Issei noted. From her tone, she almost seemed to be brimming with joy which wasn't that far from the truth.

"Yes, th-this will be my first time going to school. I've always wanted to try experiencing going to school so this is like a dream come true." She said almost jumping with excitement.

"haha I see. In that case, let's go downstairs and eat breakfast shall we." He gestured towards the stairs and she nodded. Both made their way downstairs and saw that Ophis and Great-red were already in the kitchen. They had a standard breakfast of Eggs and bacon however when Asia tried some type of new fruit she had never seen before, her taste buds sky rocketed.

"Oh my, this-this is delicious. What is it?" she asked as she continued devouring the fruit.

"These, Asia are Dragon Apples. They are fruits which are currently being grown in Tannin's Territory in the Underworld. Oh, you probably don't know who he is. Tannin is a former Dragon king, now an Ultimate class devil. They are a true delicacy for any dragons so it's no wonder you find it delicious. In fact, many of our species rely on these fruits for survival. Unfortunately, climate changes in the environment made these fruits go extinct on Earth so the only place they were found was the Underworld. At the time, however Devils feared and hated dragons so there was no way they would have given us that spot for nothing which is why Tannin-sensei chose to become a servant and rose through the ranks to be able to acquire that territory. He singlehandedly saved many dragon species from going extinct. You could say he is a hero to many dragons." Issei praised his mentor like a child talking about his favorite superhero. In a way, he idolizes Tannin, even though he now outclasses him in strength. Anyways, he could go on and on with stories about dragon kind but they did not have the time for that. Having finished breakfast, it was time to head for school.

"Are you done with Breakfast, Asia?" he asked just to be sure and she responded with a nod of the head.

"Alright then, in that case, we are off. See you later mom, dad." He bid farewell to his parents.

"Yes, see you later Ophis-san, Red-san." She bowed her head bidding them farewell as well.

"Have a nice day kids. Issei, it is your responsibility to keep unwanted fellows away from little Asia. Teenagers, these days let their hormones control them rather than rationality these days." Great-red said seriously causing Issei to sigh.

"I know dad. You don't need to worry. She is in the same class as Matsuda and I and both of us will make sure nothing happens to her. Of that you can be sure."

"Oh? Perhaps I should have a talk with this Matsuda person someday." Great-red remarked. It took everything Issei had, not to laugh at the thought of his dad confronting Matsuda. Imagining Matsuda's reaction when his father stares him down. He would probably be scared shitless and most likely Ddraig as well since even if Matsuda would not know who his father is, Ddraig most certainly would find out no matter how good Great-red is at hiding his aura. Meeting face to face with the dragon god of dreams would probably be grounds for Ddraig to shit himself despite being nothing but a soul trapped in a sacred gear.

"I'll let him know so… he can look forward to that." He answered releasing a small giggle which was caught by Asia who tilted her head not understanding the joke.

"anyways, see you later." They both waved goodbye and made their way to school.

The two teenagers were blissfully making their way to school casually making conversation as they went along. On their way, they passed by a few students and with his enhanced hearing, Issei could make out what they were saying even though they were trying to be quiet.

"Hey, isn't that Issei?"

"Yes, but I don't recognize the girl beside him."

"Could she be a new student? Now that I look closely, she is wearing our school uniform."

"She is so cute. I think I'm in love"

"Go ask her out then."

"Are you crazy? Those two looks like they are close. I don't want to get killed."

"Is that his girlfriend?"

"No, how will I get Issei-san to notice me then" That definitely came from a girl. He found it funny that people thought Asia to be his girlfriend. On one hand, it was cool because it kept unsavory guys away from Asia but on the other hand, he didn't want needless rumours to start spreading around as they were going to be a hassle to deal with. Not to mention, Akeno's reaction to such rumours. Eh, she wouldn't take it that far, would she… maybe … probably

'I'm screwed no matter what!' was the thought going across his mind. Asia unaware of Issei's turmoil or the remarks about the two of them being a couple kept walking towards school with a smile on her face, excited to start the day.

In class, everyone took their respective seat as the morning bell tolled. On queue, the teacher entered class and addressed her students.

"Good morning everyone, we have a new transfer student here today with us and I expect all of you to make her feel welcomed." The teacher told the class as all the boys started gossiping as soon as they heard the transfer student was a girl all except Matsuda and Issei who already knew who the unknown student was.

"You can come in now." She beckoned the transfer student to come in. Asia entered the classroom. Several students could be heard going 'wow' as she made her way to the center. With a bright smile that dazzled so many, she introduced herself.

"Good morning, my name is Asia Argento. I transferred here from Italy. It's a pleasure to meet you all and I hope we can all get along." She introduced herself.

"Alright class, I'll allow you to ask a few questions to get to know Asia better. No perverted questions allowed. Is that understood." The last statement was directed at Matsuda and Motohama. The latter looked dejected while the former just shouted "I didn't say anything" before sinking into his desk.

The other students however started busting with activity.

"Oh my god, she is so cute"

"Are you single?"

"Why did you move to Japan?"

"Wait a minute, wasn't she the one we saw this morning?"

"Can't believe how lucky we are that she is in our class." It seems that some people recognized her from this morning.

"Isn't she adorable." Even the girl could not help but find Asia to be the cutest thing they had ever seen. While Rias and Akeno were living goddesses whom they could never compare too, Asia gave more of an innocent maiden vibe. In a way, she possessed her own charm that captivated everyone's heart.

Meanwhile, Asia tried her best to answer as many questions as possible until the teacher decided that it was enough and it was time to start class.

"Alright, it's time for class. You can talk to her later. Asia, please go ahead a sit wherever you'd like."

"Thank you very much." She thanked her teacher before taking a seat in between Matsuda and Issei. The girls were of course worried for her being near one of the perverted duo's but did not believe anything would happen since Issei was there. Eventually class ended, and Asia was surrounded by many of her classmates, mostly girls who began to intermingle. Seeing the interaction brought a smile to Issei and Matsuda's face considering that one of Asia's dreams is to make many friends so it is good to see her interact with so many students.

"Are you living nearby by any chance?" Issei heard one of the girls ask her.

'Shit' but before he could intervene, Asia answered.

"Well, I live with Issei-san and his house is a bit further from the school but I enjoy the walk." She answered so innocently yet everyone was so surprised that she lived with Issei. They all turned towards him for confirmation.

Issei sighed before nodding his head.

"Yes, Asia does in fact with me AND before you get any ideas, she did not have a place to stay so my parents offered her to stay with us. She has her own room and all." Issei clarified before any unnecessary chatter began. Luckily, it seemed they believed him although even if someone wanted to call him out on it, they were not brave enough to say it to his face. It's kind of funny, his reputation is somewhat mixed. Many of the students have taken a liking to Issei particularly the girls. He was big, strong, very athletic, smart and easy to get along with. Everything one wishes in a man wrapped entirely in one package. However, there is a minority who also kind of fear him and it's no wonder why. He is a walking behemoth who could probably lift them up with a single hand so they really did not want to get on his bad side which is why the ones who don't like him simply leave him be, silently cursing him behind his back. High school students are never simple.

The door to their class soon opened.

"KKKYYYAAAAA, it's Kiba-sama."

Well, that answers who it was. No sooner than he came in was he surrounded by his very own fan club. Issei had to give him credit for being able to handle such a hassle every single day. He sure can't.

"What are you doing here Kiba-sama?"

"Did you come to see us?"

"Do you need anything?" Being bombarded with questions, Kiba simply waved his hand.

"I just came by to talk to my fellow club members." He said before turning his attention to Matsuda, Issei and Asia. He calmly passed the girls and made his way towards him.

"Yo pretty boy, what' up?" Matsuda said. By now Kiba was used to Matsuda calling him like that so he didn't really mind. His fan club however were a different story. They already hated Matsuda for being a pervert but there hatred for him was intensified by the fact that he belonged in the same club as their idols and their prince. The death stares Matsuda received always sent shivers down his spine but there was nothing he could do about it. He was already used to getting beaten up by the kendo girls for repeatedly peeping on them but now he is getting a different kind of torture. How ironic, that in the past he would have died to receive any sort of attention from girls and yet now he's scared.

"How are you doing Kiba?" greeted Issei with a wave of his hand.

"Good morning Kiba-kun?" greeted Asia.

"Morning to you all as well. I'm sorry to have bothered you but I just needed to inform you that Buchou would like to have a meeting after school to discuss club activities." Kiba notified them. Of course, Matsuda and Issei instantly understood what he meant by "club activities" so they both nodded.

"Very well, tell her we will meet in the clubroom after school" Issei answered for all of them. Kiba nodded before leaving to let his king know.

Eventually, the day came to an end and all three of them were making their way to the clubroom.

"So Asia-chan, what do you think about your first experience in school? Are you getting along with other girls?" Those are the things Matsuda was most concerned about. A former Sister who had just transferred to our school. Since her lifestyle was far different from ours, there was a chance she might feel lost in school life. However, Asia makes a smile which comes from the bottom of her heart which then rejects any concern about her.

"Everyone is very kind towards me. They are teaching me a lot of things so I would get familiar with Japan. I also made lots of friends. I was also invited to go shopping with them."

That's good to hear. Looks like her relationship with other classmates is going well.

"I'm glad to hear it. Remember, if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask me." Matsuda said confidently as he rubbed her head softly.

"Teehee! Thank you, Matsuda-san."

"Alright you two lovebirds, we should probably go ahead and not keep Rias and the other waiting." Issei smirked interrupting their wholesome moment. Though being called lovebirds caused both of them to blush much to the amusement of Issei.

Eventually, they finally arrived to their clubroom.

Knock Knock

"Come in" After Issei knocked, Rias gave them permission to enter which they did. It seems they were the last to arrive as Rias, Akeno, Koneko and Kiba were already there.

"Sorry to keep you all waiting." Issei said.

"It's fine. No need to worry about it. How are you doing Asia" she addressed her Bishop.

"I'm fine Rias um sama" Asia wasn't sure how she should address her new king.

"Please don't worry about formalities Asia. I may be your king but it does not mean you need to treat me any differently than before. You can call me however you like. Buchou, sempai or simply Rias like Issei-kun calls me. You can even call me One-san if you'd like." Rias suggested. Asia seemed to take her offer into consideration.

"umm, in that case, is-is it okay to call you Rias-onesama" she asked nervously. Rias found her so adorable that she immediately embraced her into her well endowed chest. Deja-vu for Issei.

"Oh my, you are the most adorable thing I've ever seen. Of course, you can call me that. In fact, I would very much like that." Rias answered happily. On the side you could see Matsuda beaming with jealousy that Asia was experiencing such a divine gift. Rias let her go after a moment, and coughed on her hand to recompose herself.

"Anyhow, the reason I called you here Asia is to introduce you to our devil's culture so you may begin Devil's work as soon as possible. I take it to guess that you do not know much about us, correct" Rias asked. Asia nodded to her question.

"Very well. In that case, for starters, it's important to know that amongst Devils there are certain ranks in the hierarchy. The main three levels are of course: Low-Class, Middle-Class, and High-Class Devils. Any one Devil who is recently reincarnated and servant to a High-Class Devil is known as a [Low-Class Devil], the lowest level for Devils. Though there are many High-Class Devils who are born into their status, like myself, there are also a few Low-Class Devils who became High-Class Devils through hard work, attaining their rank by certain means. The means by which all the Low-Class Devils attain their ranks are through various achievements. Achievements like societal contributions, war efforts, contract fulfillment, and success in something called the [Rating games]. But that's a conversation for another time. What we want to focus on is 'contract fulfillment'. You see, every Low-Class Devil starts out by being assigned to receive contracts from humans. Contracts that tie the human to the Devil and allow the human to make a "wish" or "request" for the Devil to fulfill. If the Devil fulfills this request, then a "pact" is created and the human must sign a contract with the Devil. That, and the human will provide the Devil with some form of compensation. Sometimes it's money, sometimes it's a gift, usually it depends on the agreement reached between both parties. But the old days of when souls were used as barter are practically done and gone. All in all, nowadays, a Devil's job is contract making." She explained. Asia payed close attention and being the curious girl that she is, found all of this very intriguing and so did Issei for that matter since he didn't know much at this point in time only having heard a few things from his sensei Tannin during his training. Matsuda however seemed to have been a bit confused

"uhhh Buchou… not sure if it's just me but you didn't tell me most of this stuff when you explained a devil's duty to me? In fact, I think you just told me the part of devil contract and that's it" questioned Matsuda causing a small giggle to pass through the lips of Akeno, Kiba and even Koneko who, for a moment had a small smile on her expressionless face.

Rias couldn't help but chuckle as well. "The reason I didn't tell you all of this is… well, i mean no offense when I say this Matsuda-kun but, all of this knowledge would most likely have confused you so I decided to simply explain the main point. That being contract making" She tried to phrase it as nicely as possible but everyone knew she basically called him dumb which cause Issei to laugh and Matsuda to go wide eyed before turning his head away.

"Sorry for being so dumb." he mumbled, feeling down after being indirectly called dumb even if it was true. Asia, next to him tried to comfort him by patting his arm.

"Anyways" Rias decided to get back to matters at hand "like I previously stated, I would like for Asia to begin her debut as soon as possible." Rias stood from her seat and walked in front of Asia and grabbed her palm. Matsuda immediately understood what she wanted to do considering it was the same thing she did with him during his debut. Rias then proceeded to draw a magic circle of the Gremory clan on Asia's palm. Thanks to that, she will be able to transport through the magic circle.

"Akeno, please check whether Asia has enough demonic power to transport through the magic circle."

"Yes, Buchou" Akeno placed her hand on Asia's forehead after Rias ordered her. A faint light appears on her fingertips, and it seems like she is reading something.

"We had an incident with Matsuda before so we need to check properly. Although I do not think we will experience the same thing again" Rias said.

"Will something happen to Asia-chan" Issei asked a bit worried for her after hearing that there was an issue beforehand but tit was immediately rectified by Matsuda.

"Ahh… um that was my fault. In order to use the magic circle, you needed to have a bit of demonic power inside of you but unfortunately, I didn't possess even a little bit so the magic circle didn't work and I had to visit my clients on my bike" he said rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Buchou, it's okay . There's no problem at all. In fact, it appears she may have the most demonic-power surpassing even yours and mine. Her potential capacity for her demonic-power is extraordinary." Rias seemed to be very surprised at Akeno's report.

"That is probably thanks to her draconic heritage. Dragons are beings born from pure energy so it is normal that our race possesses more magic than any other race. Even a halfling who never trained in her powers like Asia still possesses more than average magical potential than most people." Issei explained. Although having power and being able to effectively use it are two entirely different things.

"Wow, Asia-chan is indeed gifted. You are amazing." Matsuda exclaimed causing Asia to blush at his praise.

"Indeed it is excellent news. She will be able to use her power as a bishop to her fullest potential then." Rias added her own praise.

If Issei recalled correctly, each of the evil pieces grant a certain boost to its owner.

A rook like Koneko receives a boost in offensive and defensive strength. A knight like Kiba receives a boost in their speed and Asia receives a boost in demonic power curtesy of her Bishop piece. Last but certainly not least, the queen piece given to his girlfriend was gifted a combination of all three.

"Ano, Buchou… um I feel a bit uneasy letting Asia go by herself. It's her first time and I can't stand it if some creep decides to take advantage of Asia-chan." Matsuda exclaimed fiercely before drinking a glass of water.

Rias was about to answer until she got interrupted by Issei.

"Wait a minute… Rias. You said that your society accepts any kind of contracts as long as the payment corresponds to the favor. Does that include… sexual contracts." His question caused Asia cheeks to blush a deep crimson that seemed even redder than Rias's hair while the aforementioned Rias simply looked at him in shock not really expecting such a question. Matsuda spit out his drink and nearly choked himself despite that he was worried about the same thing while Akeno simply chuckled at his behaviour. The thought of some random male asking his Akeno for any kind of sexual favors really did not sit right with him. In fact, it angered him. Before Rias could say anything, Akeno decided to make the situation worse.

"Ufufu, it' true that there were a few clients who seemed to be… creative in their requests." Akeno finished that while very subtly accentuating her bust and smiling, as if she was trying to somehow provoke a reaction from Issei. It seemed to have worked as they heard him let out a growl.

"Unforgivable… Rias please give me a list of all male contracts that have come into contact with Akeno. I wish to have a word with all of them." He said catching her by surprise.

"W-What! Wait a moment, no I'm sorry but I cannot do that. That is a breach in confidentiality with our clients as well as not allowed. Plus, I dare not imagine what you would do to them." Rias flat out denied his request or better yet demand.

"I won't do anything to them just… have a reasonable and civilised conversation with them, nothing else." he said a smile ever so present on his face although the intention behind that smile was crystal clear to everyone with him cracking his knuckles in front them causing Rias to sigh.

"Can't say I'm inclined to believe you when your actions betray your words. In any case, Akeno interrupted me before I could finish. While it's true that there are clients that may ask us such requests, those are handled by other Devils who shall we say "specialize" in those requests so I can guarantee you for the record that nothing of what Akeno implied to you has ever been requested from any of our clients. If I recall correctly, the closest thing we received to that extent would be Koneko's client who asked her to cosplay for him." That seemed to calm him down a bit then Matsuda stepped in when he heard her remark.

"Ohhh, you mean Morisawa-san. I remember the guy although the first time I met him, he was behaving like an ass. He freaking didn't believe that I was a devil at first simply because I rode to his home on my bike." Matsuda complained.

"Why did you go on your bicycle? Couldn't you simply teleport there?" inquired a confused Issei not understanding why he would travel using his bike instead of the usual transportation circle or even his wings.

"Hey, it's not my fault. I was a newly reincarnated devil and I didn't know how to fly using my wings until much later on. Plus, like you heard before, the transport circle failed because I had little to no demonic energy so I was forced to find alternative means of transportation which happened to be my bike" Matsuda said with a hint of embarrassment, still recalling the event and how Morisawa even mocked him for it.

"In any case, Ise, a request which is too lecherous for the devils they summoned would not be sent to my servants. There exists humans who requests those kinds of wishes but those clients are sent to Devils who specialize in that domain. Plus, any and all jobs that are asked of us are thoroughly examined by me beforehand so I can assure you that the jobs we take are safe and nothing of what Akeno may have hinted at would have occurred" She directed her gaze at her queen when she said the last part, clearly annoyed with what she did. Although, Akeno simply struck out hr tongue playfully and winked at her king who could do nothing but sigh.

"Going back to the topic, since Asia has a high demonic-power, she has no problem transporting through the magic-circle ."

Issei was satisfied knowing Asia wouldn't come into contact with… shady people and it seems she possesses a strong start as a devil so all is fine. Matsuda, however seemed to started to feel uneasy. Even if Rias just explained that there would be no lecherous contracts, that wouldn't stop greedy people from asking such things when they see her. What will happen to Asia who is kind to anyone and who doesn't know how the world goes around when she gets summoned by someone with lots of greed?

Several devastating thoughts popped into his head mostly on Asia's clients wanting to grope her breasts or even having sex with Asia. He wasn't sure that Asia who is really kind would be able to decline if her client asks her a lecherous order! If anything, Asia who is serious and passionate to her work will try to accomplish her work even by sacrificing her own body! Yup, everything his king just said went in one ear and came out the other.

"Matsuda, are you crying?" Rias looks into his face with a worried looks.

"No Buchou" Matsuda shakes his head while tears flow out his eyes.

"Buchou! I feel uneasy if Asia goes alone~! If Asia~! I can't stand it if some weirdo asks some sick wish to Asia!" His statement caused Rias to pinch the bridge of her noses then started rubbing her forehead.

"Huh, Matsuda-kun, like I said earlier, there will be no lecherous demands asked from her clients. Those types of contracts are sent to the professionals who dwell in this type of field."

"Buchou, I know you are telling the truth but I still feel uneasy. For all I know, the client will choose to change his requests the moment he sees how cute Asia-chan is. I KNOW I WOULD!" he shouted the last part causing Asia to blush and everyone else but one to start giggling.

"Pervert" Koneko, with her ever stoic face, said.

Rias simply sighs after seeing how worried he was and decided to concede.

"Alright. For a short time, I'll put you with Asia to support her. Are you satisfied with that?"

"T-Thank you very much! Asia! Let me handle the pervs! Asia, you can just make the contract normally!"


He takes Asia's hand, and make a sigh of relief. Asia herself looks worried that she is causing trouble for Matsuda, but that's not how he sees it. He simply wanted to protect Asia. He even made a promise with Buchou. You have to do these kinds of things until they get annoyed with you but even so he will protect Asia even if it makes her hate him. So until the time came that she tells him "I can do it myself" he will go along for the ride.

"So then, if a request comes, Asia, you will transport through the magic-circle by taking Matsuda-kun with you."

"Yes, I understand, Buchou."

"Please notify me if anyone tries anything on Asia-chan. I will make sure they regret their actions with every fiber of their being" interjected Issei who did not seem to be joking on his threat.

"You got it." Matsuda and Issei fist pumped sealing their agreement.

Rias simply sighed another time. When she sis so, a giant magic circle on the floor started to glow. Akeno who is in charge of the magic circles begin to read the devil letter's that appeared on the magic circle.

'pretty cool' Issei admitted to himself.

"Ara ara, there is a client who is trying to summon us, and it seems his wish is something very simple that even Asia-chan can handle."

Hearing Akeno-san's report, Buchou smiles.

"That's very convenient. Asia can supply the demonic-power needed for teleporting through the magic-circle, and she can also support Matsuda who lacks demonic-power as well. Let's do it then." Matsuda seemed to be a bit embarrassed considering he was the one who is supposed to help her, but it looks like he might end up being the one needing the help but that's fine by him. All he really needs to do is take care of Asia while she performs her first job.

"Let's go, Asia-chan"

"Yes, Matsuda-san"

They both went towards the centre of the magic circle and soon teleported to their destination.

With both of them gone, Issei decided to take his leave as well.

"Alright, I'll be heading home. Tell Matsuda to drop off Asia at my place when they both done with their client. Akeno knows my address so it should be fine."

"Very well. We have a few things to take care off before we head off. Have a good evening Ise" Rias bid him a goodbye.

Akeno went and embraced him in a hug which Issei gladly returned though could not hide the small blush from feeling Akeno's huge breast on him. Luckily, no one noticed.

"I'll see you tomorrow Issei-kun. I'm still expecting that date you promised me, ufufu." Akeno whispered to him.

"I know. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten or rather there is no way you would let me." Issei joked. They both shared a quick kiss before he waved everyone a final goodbye and retired for the day.

Inside Issei's home, we encounter Issei was lying on the floor barely able to breath. What happened, might you ask? Did he train to hard? Did his father beat the living shit out of him? Did he encounter a powerful enemy? The answer to that is




No. Taking a closer look at Issei, one could hear that he was… laughing. He was laughing so hard that he could barely breath. Why you ask?

(one hour ago)

As the Hyoudou family was enjoying their evening, they heard someone ring the doorbell. They could sense that it was Asia alongside somebody else. Great red and Ophis didn't know who he was but Issei did so he reassured his parents that he was a friend.

Ophis got up from her seat and went to answer the door. The moment Matsuda layed eyes on his mother, his brain exploded into overdrive.

'OH MY FUCKING MAOU. She she she she is THE MOST FUCKING GORGEOUS WOMEN I'VE EVER SEEN. I I I' All he could do was stare wide eyed and slack jaw at the living goddess in front of him. She was the most beautiful women he had ever seen. He loved Rias but even he had to admit that this being surpasses even her beauty. His brain couldn't process the sight in front of him that he actually fainted standing up still wearing his shocked expression. Asia started getting worried for Matsuda and tried to wake him up, shaking him gently while calling out his name. Issei, on the hand starting laughing at the sight. This is the first time that someone actually fainted at the sight of his mother. All the while, Ophis simply tilted her head in confusion not understanding that she had been the cause of his state. Eventually, Asia tried using her sacred gear to heal matsuda and after 5 minutes, Matsuda returned to the world of the living.

"Wh-What happened" Matsuda started rubbing his head.

"Matsuda-kun!" Asia called out in worry.

"Oh Asia-chan, I just had the weirdest dream. I-I just saw what is no doubt a living goddess is front of me. Hands down the most beautiful women I've ever seen."

"Ano…" Asia didn't know how to answer but was suddenly interrupted.

"Hahahaha, it wasn't a dream.. haha you moron. Look in front of you" You could hear Issei in the background attempting to recover from his laughter while clutching his chest.

Matsuda, heeding his words, turned around and was once again stupefied by the living beauty in front of him, but before he could faint again, Issei suddenly appeared before him and chopped his head.

"Oy… don't faint again and cause trouble for Asia-chan. I don't see what the big deal." Issei exclaimed before Matsuda started yelling

"WHAT THE FUCK ISSEI, you never told me you had such a bombshell of an older sister." Grabbing the hem of Issei's shirt as he tried to shake Issei back and forth though with little success considering the difference in physique.

"Hey bro, chill out and what do you mean by sister? That is my mother." Issei revealed which thoroughly shocked Matsuda.

"W-What?" He looked again towards Ophis and there was no way in hell that he believed Issei.

"Like hell I believe that. She doesn't look a day past 20." Matsuda continued yelling at Issei not believing that a woman as beautiful and youthful as that could be a mother of anything but maybe a baby.

"You do remember that we are dragons, right?" questioned Issei. Matsuda had question marks above his head not understanding what he meant until Ddraig spoke in his mind.

["Partner, what he means to say is that dragons' posses the ability to transform into any human form they please. Therefore, it shouldn't come as a surprise that his mother looks youthful. If she wanted, she could have taken the form of a child if she pleased"] explained Ddraig. Understanding the situation, Matsuda let go of Issei and apologized for his behaviour.

"Sorry about that, Issei!" he apologized.

"Don't worry about it." He accepted his apology with a wave of his hand.

"uhhh, so Matsuda-kun prefers bigger breasts" Asia said, her voice laced with a bit of sadness as she looked at her chest. She had very nice sized breast for a woman her age but pales in comparison to Rias and Ophis. Matsuda quickly started to panic as he tried to solve the situation, he unintentionally created

"wait wait wait wait wait, Asia-chan! While it's true that I love big breasts, it it it it dosnt mean that is all I like in a woman. In fact, I believe Asia-chan to be perfect the way she is and I have no doubt that you will grow up even more beautiful." Matsuda stuttered as he tried to rectify the situation even though he never though himself as a smooth talker. Luckily, it seemed to have worked this time as Asia started to blush at the praise.

"ohh, um uh, t-thank you Matsuda-san"

"your welcome" Matsuda said scratching the back of his head.

"Alright, before you two kiss and make out, please come in the house. It appears as though it's about to rain and I for one wouldn't want you guys to get drenched in the rain and catch a cold. Though it mostly for you Matsuda, since Asia would be more resistant to catch a cold thanks to her lineage." Issei said prompting both of them to blush madly at the idea of being called lovers

"Issei" "Issei-san" they both shouted at the same time. Nonetheless, they both did as he asked and entered his home. Seeing as it was his first time at Issei's home, he took a look around and was surprised to see that he lived in such a normal and plane house.

["Not all dragons are like all the myths and stories you are thinking about, partner. While it's true some dragons are greedy and like to surround themselves with treasure, you will find them to actually be in the minority. When I was still alive, during my journey I dwelled in many different places, caves, forests, mountains, you name it…"] Ddraig explained, a bit of nostalgia resurfacing as he recalled his glory days.

'I see' Well, even if it was normal, it was still bigger than his home. Having met Issei's bombshell of a mother, he could not imagine how his father would look like. Probably one of those Bishoujo guys that surpasses even the likes of Kiba if he had to guess.




Boy was he wrong! If meeting Issei's mother was like meeting a goddess, then meeting his father was the opposite. It was so frightening, as though you were face to face with the devil himself and even that wouldn't do it justice. The moment Issei and Asia introduced him to this behemoth of a man, Great-red

This led to the current circumstances with Issei laughing his heart out on the floor while his father kept grilling Matsuda with tons of questions and behaved like a father who just met his daughter's boyfriend. Both his parents immediately took a liking to Asia-chan and they seemed to treat her as if she were their own daughter. Not that he could blame them. There is something about Asia that makes her absolutely lovable. Maybe that crazy myth about dragons wanting to protect innocent maidens actually contains some truth to it. Asia certainly fits the bill Even he couldn't help but view her as a little sister. All in all, they welcomed her into their family and would do everything to protect her. Unfortunately, it spelled bad news for Matsuda as he became the recipient of such behaviour and the poor boy couldn't help but answer like a broken record

" …. Uh uh , I don't… um" Matsuda was scared shitless as the living behemoth of a man kept staring him down. The force of his stare alone put so much pressure on Matsuda that he felt like if he answered even one question wrong, he would get killed. It didn't help that Ddraig seem to make things worse by saying "It was nice while it lasted partner. May your journey to the afterlife be merciful" and other lines that involved his death. Massive amounts of sweat seemed to pour out of his face as he kept stuttering in fear. Asia was very worried for him and seemed to ask Great-red with her eyes to ease up on him which he seemed to catch. No one could blame him though and if he knew his true identity, he might have actually died from the shock. However, while Matsuda remained clueless, Ddraig seems to have gotten an inkling as to their true identities.

He could already sense that Issei was a truly powerful dragon the moment he met him in the ORC which got him to wonder who his parents might have been. A dragon of his power could only have been sired by dragon king and above. However,

He recalled that Tannin only had three childrens. Midgardsorm is sleeping at the bottom of the ocean somewhere never interacting with anyone. Fafnir doesn't really care much for anything other than his treasures. Yu-long seemed to lazy to even think of a family. Vritra was defeated by Indra and sealed into several sacred gear. Finally, Tiamat… … … no! He highly doubted that Issei was Tiamat's child simply for the fact that he is interacting with his host peacefully. If he were Tiamat's child, she would have poisoned his mind to attack any of his host on sight.

With that, the dragon kings were taken off the list. Both he and Albion dedicated their lives to their rivalry and never had any children before being sealed and there is no way in hell those evil dragons would even bother to create something as mundane as a family. In addition, he could not sense a single bit of maliciousness coming from Issei even during the assault on the fallen angel church so that idea was taken out. Besides, from his recollection, all evil dragons were either sealed or destroyed long ago.

He was now left with only one class… dragon gods. At first, he thought himself crazy for thinking such a notion. Ophis and Great-red both never cared much for anything other than the dimensional gap so it would be too much a leap to believe that they suddenly decided to have a child. Ddraig then thought that perhaps Issei was kind of like Sirzechs. An abnormally strong dragon compared to his fellow kin. That thought seemed more plausible than his other theory. That was… until now when his host met Issei's parents face to face. While Ophis had hidden her energy extremely well, there was no way that he, of all people, would fail to recognize this aura. A limitless pool of energy that embodies the nothingness of the void. He knew that the women standing in front of his host was none other than the Ouroboros, the dragon god of infinity, Ophis. He had met Ophis various times in the past, both when he was still alive and through his hosts. This revelation was both intriguing as well as frightening. He could understand why Issei was as powerful as he was if his very own mother was the ouroboros itself. Now he was more than curious at who the father could be. What kind of dragon did the most powerful female dragon decide to mate with and have a hatchling?

At first glance, he couldn't tell much since he assumed, like Ophis, this dragon also seemed to be hiding his power really well however it was then that he felt it. When Issei father stared Matsuda down, for a fraction of an instant, barely a millisecond, he unleashed his power that made Matsuda cower in fear instinctually but that little instant was enough to make even Ddraig cower in fear because that tiny moment gave Ddraig his answer. The power he felt from that one moment was by no means inferior to that of Ophis and there was only one dragon in existence whose power rivalled that of the infinite dragon gods.

['It can't be'] Even though it' unlike him, he couldn't but shake in fear at the possible identity of this being and some part of him wanted to deny it but the answer soon came to him in the form of a voice

"Hello Ddraig Y Gosh" Ddraig heard a powerful draconic voice speaking in his mind.

["Is… Is that truly you… Great-red?"] he asked nervously.

"Indeed it is. I had a feeling you would be able to deduce our identities despite our efforts to conceal our auras and it turns out I was right" Great-red smirked to himself.

["The only reason I was able to deduce your identity was due to the close proximity with my host and due to the pressure you released for a brief moment on my host"] explained Ddraig. If it wasn't for that and the fact that he had already met Ophis in the past, he would no doubt be as clueless as his host right now.

"Ah, I see so it was that moment. I'll admit I was a bit careless there but I wanted to see if the man little Asia came to have a crush on is worthy of her. I've come to see her as a daughter and I want to make sure whoever courts her is worthy."

["I see. Although would you mind easing up on my host. Any more added pressure and I feel like he will die from it. I'm impressed he lasted this long to be honest."] Ddraig begged Great-red, worried about his host state.

"Very well. It seems even Asia-chan is asking me to ease up on the boy. He is an interesting whelp. I'm impressed with the fact that he still held on to consciousness unlike when he met Ophis. That was funny." Great-red let out a chuckle while Ddraig simply sighed

["Ahhh! There is a reason for that. My host this time is a massive pervert and his mind couldn't handle the sight of Ophis figure. Even referred to her as a living goddess which is technically correct."] Ddraig said with slight embarassement.

Great-red simply waved it off

"Don't worry about it!" Great-red casually ignored the fact that someone was ogling his own wife.

["Still… I can't believe I'm speaking face to face with you. I'm even more impressed by the fact that you are able to speak in my mind when I am nothing but a soul stuck in the boosted gear. I've never heard of such an ability. As expected of the true dragon god of the apocalypse"] Ddraig praised Great-red for his abilities.

"That ability is in correlation with my domain so its no wonder you've never heard of it. Also, you don't need to refer to me by my title. We're both dragons and we have no need for formalities. You can keep calling me great-red or you can call me Dracon which is the alias im using here."

["Very well, I will adhere to your request then."] Ddraig answered back.

"Thank you. In that case, let's return to the matter at hand" Great-red tone suddenly turned serious.

"Since you know of out identity, I wish to ask you not to reveal this information to your host." Great-red explained.

["Do not worry, I wasn't planning on it. I don't wish to give my host a heart attack knowing he is conversing with the strongest living being in this world and courting his daughter. Although, may I ask why?"] Ddraig wasn't planning on telling Matsuda Great-red's or Ophis identity but he still wondered why they wanted to keep it a secret. It's not like anything in this world posed a threat to them.

"I just wish for my son to be able to live a peaceful life for as long as possible. A… friend of ours wanted Issei to experience school life and I wanted to grant their wish so the less people who know of his true identity, the better. There is a massive difference between knowing he is a random dragon compared to the son of dragon gods" Great-red reminisced about Shuri who convinced them that Issei should try out going to school and experience life as humans do.

["So it's true, Issei really is your son. To have not only one but both dragon gods as parents. That boy is nothing short of a miracle"] said Ddraig in awe.

"Indeed… he truly is a miracle" Great-red said, his voice beaming with pride for his son.

"In any case, I would like Issei to remain as inconspicuous for as long as possible, although… it might be a moot point in this case considering I've heard from Issei about his involvement in helping with the fallen angel incident so I know that it is only a matter of time before his secret is revealed. However, Issei has grown strong enough to protect himself from basically almost anything so I have little doubt that he can take care of himself"

["It sounds like you know who is the mastermind behind this"]

Great-red smirked

"I have my sources" was his answer. His source being none other than Barakiel. Although he didn't straight up tell him that Kokabiel was responsible for this, he did complain to him that Kokabiel was the only cadre class who wasn't content with the status quo. This situation was too coordinated to have been done by simple stray fallen so there had to be a mastermind behind it all and by process of elimination, great-red deduced it could only be Kokabiel. Now, with Issei's involvement with the devils, it was only a matter of time before he would get dragged into their mess and have his presence known. Even though he wasn't worried about Issei's safety, he still wished it could have occurred after Issei finished high school but fate never goes the way you want it to, even for dragon gods. All he could do was sigh his troubles away

["I understand! I will comply with your wish and will not tell a soul about what I have learned today until the time comes then."] Ddraig reply seemed to snap Great-red's mind back on track

"Thank you. In any case, it's getting late and I said all I needed to. Until next time Ddraig." The apocalypse dragon bid farewell to the red dragon emperor before terminating his connection. Outside Ddraigs mindscape, everything seemed to have finished although Matsuda was still scared out of his wits after a one on one confrontation with great-red. Asia was busy trying to help him while Issei was still laughing his heart out.

Since it was getting late, Matsuda received a phone call from his mother asking him where he was and to return home as soon as possible. With that, Matsuda bid farewell to Asia and Issei before heading back home.

"What was your opinion of him dad?" Now that Matsuda was gone, Issei asked his father his opinion of Matsuda.

Great-red rubbed his chin as he pondered a response.

"Well, despite being a pervert, he seems like a nice guy. It's too early to make any assessment at the moment but if this is the man Asia-chan fancies, then who am I to stand in the way. It was fun messing with him though and I did have a small talk with Ddraig" said Great-red. This, however shocked Issei

"You spoke with Ddraig?" He was caught by surprise to find out his father had talked to Ddraig but even more surprising was the fact that he didn't know when he did it.

"Yes, I have. I had a suspicion that Ddraig would be able to uncover our identities and it turns out I was correct so during my "meeting" with Matsuda, I secretly talked to Ddraig within his mindscape to ask him not to reveal anything for the moment and he agreed. That is the simple version of it" Great-red explained.

"I see" issei replied even though he didn't know what to make of it. Seeing his reaction his father placed a hand on his shoulder.

"You don't need to worry about it. It doesn't really change anything. Ddraig is a trustworthy dragon and I have little doubt that he will keep his word." Great red eased his son's worries.

Issei smiled

"I trust you, dad."

Next chapter