
I kill him

Okumura Rin POV

Several minutes before the meet Kiriko

We arrive at the neighborhood where Rei and Takashi live, well they used to.

We check their house only to find it's empty.

The good news is we didn't find any sign of attack either at Takashi or Rei house, which meant no one is at home when the Z-day happen or they already left.

Plus we find Rei neighbor, Seto-san.

The bad news is...

We didn't find any clue where Takashi or Rei parents could be.

Plus Seto-san is already turned into a zombie.

Rei looks uncomfortable seeing the zombie so I chose to kill her.

"Rei close your eyes." I say to her before I stab the female zombie at her brain.

"Thank you." Rei shortly says to me.

We leave the area and continue searching until we hear someone banging and yelling.

Rei runs to the source of the sound and sees someone she knows very well.

"Mom!" Rei yell at her.

"Rei!" She yelled back.

Both hug each other and start to cry.

"Rei! You're alive! I am so glad!"

"Me too Mom! Me too!"

We let the Mother-Daugther duo enjoying their reunion until Rei introduces her mother to us and vice-versa.

I feel happy that now we can go to search for Takashi's mother. Until Rei mother, Kiriko-san asks a question I never hope to hear.

"I just remember, did you see Takashi-kun?"

The moment Kiriko-san asks about Takashi, I know she realizes something might have happened to him.

Kiriko knows him since he was still a little boy, so she not seeing him come with our group, searching for his mother is unusual.

A woman's intuition is really sharp. I might have been underestimating them, especially those who already have a kid or kids.

I look directly into her eyes and admit what I have done to Takashi.

"I kill him, by twisting his neck... with my own two hands." I pause a bit at the end.

There is no use in hiding it.

It was better to tell her what happens so she can tell Takashi mother about her only son's death.

...If we can find her that is.

"We are on a bus, a group lead by Shido asks us to let them in. Being the good guy he is Komuro let them."

"Someone from the Shido group begins to complain so our group gets into a fight with them. Until suddenly we realize one of Shido group members is acting weird."

"We don't know that he had been infected until it was too late. Takashi and one of our friends, Hisashi hold that guy, but both get infected by him."

"They don't want to be turned into one of them, so they ask me to kill them. At that time we don't have any weapons yet, so kill them with my hands."

kiriko-san's face looks shocked and terrified by my story.

"I-I am so sorry for your loss." She said before hugging me.

"Its finds, now please lead us to where Takashi Mother could be." I say to hear as I release myself from her.

"Right. She works as a teacher at Shintoko Third Elementary School. If she is not at her house then there she would be." Kiriko-san informs us.

Great, now I don't need to make any reason we go there without me being suspicious.

"We already check her house so let's directly go to that school."

Kiriko-san joins us and rides on Lucy.

She maybe hides it well, but I know she is suspicious that there is something between me and Rei.

Why there are so many mind readers in this town?!

Is this why Rei doesn't want to talk anything to Takashi and hope he realizes what is her problems?

If so, then I wouldn't be surprised at all.

Since the School is nearby we only need a short ride.

We see bloodstains all around the front area. Which.... is not a good sing for us.

"Hold it right there!" A man shouts at us.

Several men dressed in JSDF uniform came out from the school building with their weapons aimed at us.

We didn't have time to finds the information that this school is an evacuation side since we need to leave as soon as possible.

Luckily Kiriko-san mentioned this school.

"State your business!" Said a man with an ordering tone.

From the looks of it, he is in charge of this place.

"Can you ask everyone inside this school if they know anyone named Takashi?"

The man thinks for a while then nods at me.

"Very well! Wait here."

Not long after that, the man returns with a woman who looks very worried.

"Rei! Kiriko-san! Do you see Takashi?!"

"Calm down Aiko. Please listen to me."

(AN: Aiko is the name I give to Takashi me since I don't know her name. Ai = Love, Ko = Child.)

Kiriko-san tells Aiko what I have told to her.

Aiko looks at me while crying.

"Thank you... Thank you..." She says to me several times as her tears are dripping other cheeks.

After Aiko-san calms down the man from before came to us.

"If you and your friends want to get in please let us check you." The man instructs me.

"No, thank you. I need to search for an acquaintance. But if you need help, you can go to Takagi estate." I politely refuse his offer.

"Is that so. Have any of you found a person with Supranatural ability on your way? We meet so of them, they keep telling us to find the " Kings"."

The man looks trustworthy and he is not unreasonable to force us about anything.

Plus he has the Aura of a noble warrior.

I think I can tell him about Souichiro-san, Yuriko-san, and Master.

"I am not sure, but at Takagi estate, there are their people with an unusual ability. If you go there just say, " A guy named Okumura Rin me". They would listen to you."

"Also, the zombies or whatever you call it only react to humans. They don't react to random sounds now." I inform him, but I don't tell him about how they learn and the incoming evolution.

There is no way he will believe me. No, he might think I am crazy.

The man salute at me and I salute back at him.

"I almost forget! Aiko-san do you want to bury Takashi-kun?"

"Please do it for me."

Aiko-san bow at me so I bow back to her.

Kiriko-san wants to go with us, but she also worried about Aiko-san.

She just now that her son is gone and there is no news about her husband, with the current conditions she is not mentally stable.

There is a high possibility she will try to do suicide or going insane.

"Don't worry about me mom, just stay here with aunty. We will be fine." Rei tries to reassure her mother with a smile.


"Mom, look at me. I am fine. With them, I can face anything." Rei interrupts Kiriko-san when she wants to say something.

Her face turns into a teasing smile

"Is it really them, or just him?" Kiriko-san whisper to Rei.

"Ha... Hah?!" Rei shouts in surprise.

"Rei doesn't be too loud we don't want to attract them." I warn her.

I pretend I didn't hear what Kiriko-san say to her. If she knows I hear her, she would shout even louder, or even run away.

Also, I don't want to attract unnecessary attention from anyone in this school.

"No-nothing! Nothin! Just get into the car Rin-kun! Everyone too!" Said Rei in panic.

Not wanting to cause more commotion I do as she say and turn on the engine.

Now I can go to Rika-san place.

"Wait, do you know where is Rika right now?" Shizuka-sensei ask me.

'Damn it! I forgot about it!' I scream in my mind.

I am too focused on going to check Rei and Takashi's house, the evolution, and the fact that the zombies can learn I don't think about how should I explain to them how I know about Rika-san place.

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