
Reviews of Son Of Oceanus: Land Of Melee


Son Of Oceanus: Land Of Melee


  • Overall Rate
  • Writing Quality
  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background



Your new novel isn’t bad but the text walls are still a bit large. Try to split hen up more often. The grammar is s but funky especially with capitalization and comma usage. For examole there were lots of words starting off sentences that were uncapitalized, and words like “I” was uncapitalized as well. There were some comma usage in places that didn’t need them and commas missing in places that definitely needed them. The length is nice, not too long and not too short so that’s a good thing. The concept seems pretty interesting thus far but the speech text is a bit hard to read. Maybe try having dialogue in a paragraph by itself instead of right in the middle of a paragraph, this will make it easier to read. And add more descriptions to some of the important settings, objects, and scenes. What you have now is good but there is some imagery that is missing.

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The story never goes how you expect. Sometimes you get it and sometimes you don't see it coming. Long story short, it was nuts. Great job and I hope you don't slack off like last time.


Only 5 chapters in, so I can't really say much but, Its funny and best of all the plot is picking up. Keep up the good work. I like when Originals make there own books. Keep it up bro! Can't wait to see how this book does.


I like the idea, At first I thought Percy Jackson. But the book is so different you lose the feeling quickly. There two different books. So far The uploading is on time so thats a win win for me. Would recommend if you need a new type of book. Idk if this is Fan Fic so far its funny and has magic and super power so I'd say Fantasy. Great Job author. Also don't neglect SuperFail or I'll be mad!! :-)