A boy is born as son of the grim reaper and his God father is non other than Satan himself but God wants him to change because he believes there is faith within him because God knows Alexander's (grim reapers son) mum on a personal scale will he convert to his satanic ways or will he kill god as requested of his father
Alexander: Shut up Shut up shut up
Demon 1: Learn your place
Demon 3: You will kill god
Alexander: Shut the fuck up
Demon 2: You curse at us?! you ignorant fool
the only reason we haven't slaughtered you
yet is because your father has connections
with our lord and saviour Satan and God
Alexander: I can kill you right now all of you!
Demon 1: go ahead
Alexander: I'm leaving
Alexander stood up in rage and murdered the demons in cold blood. He walked away and flew to the mortal world to visit his mother
because he has a complicated relationship
with his father.
he knocked on the door and his mother
opened the door
Alexander: Hi mum
Kate: Hi Alexander I didn't expect you came back So soon.
Alexander: Well I did, suprise.
Kate: So what do you need?
Alexander: Nothing just to say hi
Kate gasped in shock that there was blood on her sons clothes
Kate: Alexander tell me the truth is that your blood.
Alexander: No mum I got into a fight with some demons they where chatting shit
Kate: Mind your language
Alexander: Ok mum. anyway I got to go just came to say hi
Kate: Ok bye Alexander
Alexander: bye mum