
Chapter 1, Camp Half Blood (a bit of a Info and background DUMP YAY!)

Jack looked at Percy Jackson as he arrived at the camp, he felt conflicted looking at him, knowing that the Story of the World would now begin with his arrival. He tried preparing himself the last four years when he learned he was a half-blood and was brought to the camp by Bowl, a Satyr. After four years of preparation that might not be enough, when you think about the dangers Percy would await. He learned to use the bow and the use of plants and medicine, as he was one of the many children of Apollo and begged some Artemis children to teach him how to hunt and track.

His Archery was one of the best in the Camp, though his medical skills were average at best, as he learned medicine mostly to treat common wounds and never really cared to study deeper than that. He rather preferred learning how to fight on different terrain, dodge arrows or other ranged attacks and learn different tactic´s against the Monsters he knew Percy would encounter on his journey. With all of it, he might stand a chance against normal monsters, though he still could die any moment, as many others that had taught him before did.

He was not filled with pride or was overconfident, he knew one sneak attack from the back, and the chance of death was increased to over 80% depending on the Monster that attacked him. Since most monsters are either really strong, use poison, can throw fireballs, or just can turn you to stone. Some even can do a lot more, not to mention different gods or titans, that might think about fucking with him and throw challenges or tests his way for fun. He knew it better than anyone what could happen.

His first mission was a disaster, he and two others, the ones who thought him, one being Allen from the same cabin as him, and Clamantine one of the Ares cabin, trained him in dodging and fighting on different terrain. Both died because of him, he was unable to fight and was scared when he saw the two Cyclopses together with the Dhampir fight against the two. Both were overwhelmed quickly in a three-v-two and were killed before Jack's eyes, as the Monsters called him pathetic and insulted him, only for a storm of silver arrows to save him from dying as well.

The Hunters of Artemis being the ones who were hunting a certain monster nearby and noticed the fight came to the rescue. Sadly too late and Jack blamed himself once he unfroze and he cried, only being somewhat calmed down by one of the Huntresses. Seeing them he begged them to train him, to hunt and track, so that he would not freeze before some monsters again.

They first ignored him and walked away after doing a small ceremony and burning his teammate's bodies. Jack followed and begged and stayed with them for three days, till they had enough of him and agreed to teach him, well a girl he presumed to be Artemis did. As he found himself in a forest, with nothing more than a bow and quiver as a weapon. Made to chase and hunt different animals, while avoiding different monsters Artemis once had hunted. He stayed in the said forest for over three years, till he passed Artemis trail, only to realize not even two days had passed in reality, though he did look like shit once he came out.

With their guidance over, Jack completed the Quest from Poseidon himself, which had turned out to be a trap anyway, created to probably kill one of his mentors, after he or she insulted the god. When he got where he was supposed to go, another ambush with more cyclopses awaited, with the item meant to be returned not being there. Angry he returned to camp and announced the death of the two Campers and told Chiron about it, who could only give a sad nod. Knowing that he could not do anything, as it was a trial or punishment given by an enraged god.

Jack himself was also not really popular after the Mission, seen as dead weight and a bad omen, as whoever would need to go on a mission with him, would meet their demise. Lucky for them all, Jack only got two more missions, simple solo missions with no teammates needed, much to their relief. One was a simple Mission from Apollo, where he needed to deliver some love letters, and another one from Artemis herself, where he needed to track down a divine Deer and catch it in a trap. Probably a trial to make sure he would not waste her teaching and get rusty.

Completing them without difficulty he spent most of his time in the Forest, playing with the nymphs and Satyrs. He already reached the age of 16, though he looked more like 18 thanks to all the training and being a half-blood. He was also one of the older people in the camp, which was a bit weird for sure. Many older ones have already left the camp, trying to live outside it and create a family for themselves, or died on missions. Not counting all the younger half-bloods that have never reached camp half-blood and died way before even having a chance to learn who they really are and how to defend themselves.

After seeing Percy, Jack just sighed and walked to his usual spot near the lake, sitting down and wondering if he had enough strength to, later on, survive against beings like Kronos. And it was clear he did not have the strength, no one really does, would it not be for some prophecy? He suddenly saw a glimmer in the sky, as a smartphone fell from the sky and landed right into his hands. Jack looked at it and wondered if this was some kind of prank by some god or a gift from his father. But looking at it, he was sure that it was way too advanced to be from the current time and resembled a smartphone from his past life.

Turning it on, he only saw one app on the screen and he started it, it being named chat group. He was not stupid and realized that this was maybe his gift or chance given to reincarnators, his gift being a group chat system. After starting it, his mind was filled with the rules of the System and how it worked, which were all rather basic rules, Jack had seen in typical group chat systems.

Like not attacking other group chat members, not talking about the system to non-system users, not being allowed to trade or gift things from the shop to non-members, etc. He processed the rules quickly and looked at the chat group interface and noticed three icons, one being a gear, probably for settings, another one a shopping cart for the shop, and lastly a box for the inventory. Tabbing on the Box, he saw the welcome package, opening it he received 300 shop coins, one translating pill, and two healing potions.

He took the Pill out of the inventory and it landed in his hand, he swallowed it quickly, as the Pill would allow him to read, write, understand, and speak all languages, even the ones from different worlds, a pill every group member would get, so there would be no language barrier, no matter the world they would go too for missions. He looked at the shop and noticed how certain items were marked down to 300 coins, as a first purchase deal, some being things like devil-fruits and stuff.

Jack looked and found what he wanted, a sun drop or better known as the thing that allowed Rapunzel to heal others with her hair. As to why he wanted it? It was the pure essence of the sun and he had half the blood of a new sun god, yes Apollo was also the Sun god thanks to budget cuts in the Olymp. So he wanted it, since it would have a positive effect on his bloodline and the bloodline would probably buff the effects of the sun drop. At least that is what he hoped would happen, if not it would not be too bad, as he would gain the ability to heal and decay, which both were useful. Not to mention how he already was a blonde and longer hair might even suite him, if his hair would actually suddenly grow longer.

So buying it for 300 coins, a drop of golden light landed on his hand, and before any god could notice, Jack swallowed it, "Tastes a bit salty" he commented and suddenly felt really good. Noticed how a flower-like pattern bloomed on his chest and his body started to glow like the morning sun. Luckily enough the System probably expected such things and quickly dimmed the light and created a cover over Jack, making him invisible and impossible to track.

The System itself not wanting thier users to die stupid deaths, not to mention how it currently had not enough strength to search for new members and would need its current members to complete missions first, before having enough strength to add new ones. Sadly Jack was not the only one it needed to protect, as the different members seemed to make similar choices.

A Guy with pink hair, eating a certain flame.

A Guy with white hair, drinking white blood.

A Girl with Blonde hair, holding a dark and gloomy book in her hands, while smiling.

A Woman with red hair, eating a heart that is pulsating, clearly enjoying it.

Who can guess who is who?

Little Clues, One has a Monster Arm, One is a Monster, One sees Monsters, and One could turn into a Monster, though the last one could count for two of them. Make sense right? Well not for me to be honest as I look at it now...

Like these Clues? If not blame the Author, wait thats me... Nevermind...

Anyway a Chapter every week, and maybe some bonus ones, this chapter will be around 1600 words, a bit lower then the quota I wanted to achive, but it is the starting chapter and honestly I am writing this at like 3:00 am... Not to mention how this is my first time writing a fanfiction or even longer texts, as I suffer with a reading and writing disability and use grammerly to correct most of the mistakes I make, so it is maybe at least a bit readible for you guys and gals.

Also no Harem, there is no harem tag, so no Harem, maybe some flings, but only one partner mc will stay loyal too. So no cheating or something or uneeded relationship drama, will also try to make the relationship as healthy as possible, as it is for my ace and aromantic gay ass... who understands 0 about romance or sex and only knows things from romance movies and porn... Anyway gonna see how this ends up!

Next chapter