
The beginning

The wind wisped around me, sending my hair flying.

"I really should do something about that"

I looked down at the earth below me, the oblivious bottom feeders had no idea they were being watched.

"How easy it is, to strike one of you dead." I said, a smile tilting on my lips.

They walked around, worrying over the slightest of inconveniences. What they will never realise, is none of this matters when you're dead.

Then I saw her, Lynn Macuallis, the closest thing to family my off the grid mother had ever had. Of course, no one knew it was her. Covered in appearance changing gear, she was unrecognizable, and completely in character. No one would ever suspect she was a wanted person of all cities. Except for Eden, the sanctuary of which anyone who worked with my mother was honored. And no outsiders could reach.

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