
Chapter Three

"YOU WHAT?" Sergeant Lynn spat as I fell forward. Almost as fast as I could regain my balance, I was knocked against a wall.

"How do I know you're telling the truth?" Lynn quarrelled.

" My mother left me with a set of instructions. So that if we ever were to meet, I would know what to do." the words slipped shakily from my mouth, no longer the strong-willed assassin from before.

"You're coming with me." Lynn said, her tone flat.

"Because if what you say is true, you may be the most wanted person in all of this city soon." To my suprise, Lynn released me and motioned for me to follow her. I nodded my head eagerly and made anxious steps behind her.

"Relax, or you'll give us away." she said in a voice that was almost, soothing?

"Just walk like you own the place." she said bluntly. No one would notice me, what with my average looks. I was no one special, and never would be. I calmed my expression and proceeded in the most deadly position, that was next to THE Sergeant Macuallis. She pushed open the door and we proceeded into the battle ground.

Author's note~ I had actually began to lose purpose and inspiration with this until I saw a very encouraging review from someone who had read this! You know who you are and I really do appreciate it <3

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