
Chapter 4 Three Friends

"Hey why dont you go get changed Percy?" Grover asked to which Percy nodded and took out a pair of shorts from his back pack.

"Changed for what?" I asked curious. Grover looked at me like I was some sort of idiot. "Are you stupid or what?" He asked, clearly trying to make me feel bad. I dont know what his problem with me is.

"Dont be rude Grover, what's your problem man? I'm changing so that I could swim in the pool." Percy went to the changing room.

I decided to take this moment to clear up any misunderstandings that I may have with Grover.

"Hey um...do you not like me?" I asked Grover who was clearly trying to avoid talking to me. "Do I not like you? No, I dont. More importantly I dont TRUST you. Percy has enough shit in his life that he does not need more people coming in and hurting him." Grover stated with a threatening tone.

"Are you talking about that asshole who he lives with? I saw him this morning, smells like a pig." Grover laughed at this, it seemed like he agrees with my description. "I understand why you dont trust me, after all you dont know me. But I can assure you that I mean no harm toward your best friend or do I plan with taking your place. I'm new here, to this city, to this school and school in general."

Grover seemed to soften his face after hearing me. "This is your first time ever being in school?" I nodded. "Yeah, I was home schooled my whole life."

"*sigh*...I'm sorry man, for acting like such a dick. I guess I was just feeling a little jealous that Percy found himself a new friend other than me. Let's start over. Hi, my name is Grover Underwood." Grover extended his hand for a hand shake.

"Lucian Amarie." Lucian smiled and grabbed Grovers hand. He was gonna shake it but Grover did some sort of weird shake that Lucian has never done before. Lucian just guest that different people do different types of handshakes.

Not soon after Percy came out in nothing but his shorts. He saw our hand shake and smiled. "You two friends already?" Grover smiled and nodded. "Fast friends, I guess since now there are three of us we can be called the three musketeers, or the Jonas Brothers." Grover shrugged his shoulders at the last part.

Lucian did not know who or what the three musketeers and the Jonas brothers were. I guess they are a group of three friends.

Percy laughed and cannon balled into the pool making a big splash. Lucian gave a laugh and was waiting for Percy to resurface, but he never did. "Is he drowning?!" Lucian was worried and was about to jump in to save him but was stopped by Grover. "Dont worry, he's fine. This guy can hold his breath for a long time. It's our thing to come here every morning and time how long he can stay down there. Longest is about 6 minutes." Lucian was astonished, how can he hold his breath for so long?! They both sat down by the pool as they waited for Percy to come back up. They talked and got to know each other as they waited. Although Lucian did not find out much, he knew that Grover was a really cool guy.

A few minutes later Percy came back out breathing in some air, he was not even gasping for air that devil!

"And hes ALIVE! Haha Percy Jackson is a beast man, a BEAST!" Grover was clapping for his friend as I clapped too. Percy swam to the edge where we were sitting and grabbed the towel that Grover hands him. "How long was that?" Percy asked as he pulls himself out of the water and starts to dry up. "7 minuets, a new record." Wow that is such a long time, I would have drowned. "7 minutes?" Percy repeated the time with what sounded like disappointment, like he could have done better. "How do you do it?" I asked not being able to hold back my curiosity. Percy shrugged "I just like being in water, it's the only place I can think." That's funny, I like to think by throwing a sword at a target.

Percy went back to the changing room then came back a few minutes later fully clothed, and just when he got out the school bell rung. "I guess it's time for school." Percy put on his bag and sounded disappointed. "Dont worry Percy, we have a field Trip tomorrow remember?"

Percy perked up at the good news. "Field Trip?" I asked. "Oh I forgot that you dont know what that is. A Field Trip is when you leave school to go somewhere, in this case it's the museum."

"Lucian let me see your schedule." I hand Percy the peace of paper and he smiles as he looks at it. "Good, you have the same first period with me and Grover. Come on we dont want to be late."

We get to class and we see that it's all full, most of the kids were already in their seats. When we entered the class, all of the students directed their gaze at the people who just came in and realized that they did not know one of them. The girls eyes basically turned into hearts, as well as some guys but Lucian did not want to think about that...ever. Lucian followed Percy to the left side of the class room by the windows and sat at the last seat of the row, and in front of him sat Grover then Percy.

A few seconds later the final Bell rung and a woman walked into the classroom and wrote on the chalkboard "I understand a fury in your words but not your words"- Othello 4.2 and then introduced herself.

"Good morning, I'm Ms. Dodds your substitute english teacher. Can anyone tell me what Othello was trying to convey in this line from Othello?" She asked the whole class. A few people rose their hands to answer. I also knew the answer but I wanted to see how the other kids do it. To my surprise Ms. Dobbs did not pick any of the raised hands and called on Percy who seemed like he was not paying attention.

Percy was silent as he squinted at the board. His face was confused which drove Ms. Dobbs impatient. "Well?" Asked Ms. Dobbs. "I'm sorry, I don't know." Percy seemed a little upset as Ms. Dobbs moved on. "Anybody else?"

Lucian raised his hand slowly trying to see if that was the right way to do it. Ms. Dobbs saw and called on him "You there in the back, what's your name?" Lucian lowered his hand. "Lucian Amarie" He answered making the girls in the class whisper to each other after finally hearing the new kids name. "Do you have the answer Mr. Amarie? I can understand If you dont, since this is your first day I presume?" Lucian nodded. "Yes, it is my first day but I do know the answer. I have already read Othello." Ms. Dobbs raised an eyebrow and spoke in her usual slow tone. "Oh? Please enlighten us."

"Very well. In this line it is Desdemona speaking to her husband after he has summoned her and began to question her. Othello was recently angered by the rumors he heard from Iago. Thus the reason Desdemona says that she can hear the anger in the words spoken by her husband, but she does not understand what he is saying." Percy and Grover were stunned at the fluent analysis. "Good analysis, let's continue reading." The rest of the class was just reading the rest of Othello. I was not really paying attention since I have already read it.

School is a lot different from what I thought it would be. There is even a lunch time which I spent with Percy and Grover. We could not really enjoy it though since there were a lot of females that kept coming up to our table and asking my name. Grover also tried giving his name but the girls ignored him, which gained me a few jealous stares from Grover. Our last class was Physical Education where we played a game called dodge ball. It was pretty fun and easy. I was able to tag everyone out and win every game, which got me even more stares. As school ended I followed Percy home.

As we reached our floor we walked to our doors. "So what did you think of your first day of school?" Percy asked. "It was not what I expected, but it was definitely interesting." Percy laughed. "Its interesting alright. Hey, want to come over?" Percy asked but then remembered who he lived with. "Oh, nevermind. You saw the guy we live with, a total ass." Percy was about to open his door when I interrupted him. "No it's cool, I can say hello to Ms. Jackson." I take it upon myself to open his apartment door and walk in.

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