
Chapter One

After 37 hours of driving, we made it to Tallahassee, Florida! The drive benumbed my brother in the back, but I was wide awake as my mother turned onto the sanguineous Road. The street name was Latin, all the houses were bare and boring. Except ours, it was eerie, and bone chilling. We pulled up into the driveway, and the moving truck was here. They were unpacking and changing everything. My brother and I looked around, our house looked around the place, everything looked like an undeveloped painting on a bare canvas. The inside was broadly more flattering than the outside of our residence. I sauntered up the stairs, observing, and walked into an enormous, creamy blue room, which was my room. It had pink and purple Christmas lights hung up around the room, my gymnastics metals, and a picture of Haley and me. The soft, pale glow of sunlight illuminated my room and made it attain vitality. I looked around, and a large door caught my attention. The door had to be normal, right? Maybe I am just acting paranoid, I don't know, but my gaze couldn't shift off of the closet. The hairs on my neck stood up from tension. I took a step forward, instantly trying to stop, but it felt like the door was pulling me like this door was a fridge and I was a magnet, my hand trembling, as I felt it wrap around the cold gold handle, and twist. I was relieved it was just a closet full of clothes. I exhaled and fell onto my queen sized bed.