
17)Stuff That Happens.....

In a crowed street three people walked along the road before the person in front stopped in front of a door with beautiful carvings all over the door using the door knocker the person banged it against the door three times. They had to wait five minutes before an Asian man opened the door looking down at the three he couldn't see anything special about them but he was told not to turn them away, didn't mean he couldn't mess with them. "What do you want this isn't a place for kids."

"Let us in Wong or The Ancient One might get mad at you for making me an enemy rather than a friend." The one to speak had a man bun and beautiful golden eyes of course it was Jayden, Jean and Miss. Grey who were at the door.

Wong couldn't say anything but let them past he didn't expect for them to know who he was or about the ancient one he just thought they were some people who came to beg for training cause they had a problem. When they stepped inside he led them inside to a room that had a single person in it who was staring at Wong sternly making him put his head down in shame. She then looked at the three people in front of her making a gesture for them to sit on the mats in front of them, with a wave of her hand three tea cups sat in front of them with an alluring smell.

"So you're the one person I can't see, well one of them seeing as these women are changed and they have the same haziness around them like you do. So do you mind telling me who you are and what I can do for you?" She said while staring at the three intently deciding if they are a threat or not.

"Well seeing as we are here for your help and you aren't a bad person I guess I can tell you what we are here for. I'm Jayden Wayne, this is my girlfriend Jean Grey and her mother Elaine Grey," The Ancient One had went wide eye seeing the ages of Jean and her mother since they looked not that far apart in age but she didn't say anything, "So we are here to see if you can teach Elaine here magic? I would also like to learn a few things from your library and no doubt Jean wants to learn something."

She looked between the two and measured if they have the talent to learn or not and she was surprised to learn that their talent was even better than Stephen Strange but even then he still ends up as the keeper of the stone. Nodding she makes them follow her leading them to another room well more like a courtyard where others are training, "I only ask that you don't cause trouble why you are here and to learn earnestly, The man right there is Karl Mordo he is the one in charge of teaching you things." The man she pointed out was wearing green robes and walking towards them looking the three over, it was rare for them to get three new ones at a time but he never questioned her judgement.

"So I will be training you three then?" Seeing two nodded instead of all three he looked over to the ancient one.

"Mr. Wayne here still hasn't decided if he will be learning anything in the mystic arts from here." She explained which earned him a look from Mordo but he didn't speak out instead leading Jean and her mom off somewhere but not before Jean gave him a deep kiss.

"So where is this library at?" He asked looking back to the ancient one.

She didn't speak but motioned for him to follow her leading him through a door that came out to the biggest library he had ever seen the movies didn't do it justice with the size. "Here is the main library you have access to them all but there are some that a lock protected so I hope you don't look into those please."

He nodded before walking off he decided to help her later with the immortality thing but only if they had what he needed here, he walked to a shelf picking up a random but but seeing it was about control he put it back. This is all he did for the next hour before he came across the type of book he was looking for along with another pitch black one that shot into his hand, he ignored the pitch black one but instead opened the one he was looking for. Opening the first page it was an introduction to Runes, from almost every fantasy book the are described as mystic and powerful so he was hoping this could help him with future things.

He sat at a nearby table reading through the introduction which went in depth about the uses and dangers of them, at first he was bored but as he went deeper in learning about its uses he started to pay attention. The earliest mention was founded in Egypt but this book talked about how it didn't originate from Earth and most likely was left behind when someone else visited Earth, but they couldn't figure out what even the all knowing ancient one. After that it went into detail about the meanings off different symbols talking about how to put them together in a harmless way where it wouldn't explode in someones face.

There was more than a thousand of them, no wonder the book is so thick, Jayden rubbed his head but looking at the benefits rather than then the loss he stuck with it as best as he could. With his photographic memory he really only needed to see them to remember so it didn't take that long after a couple of page flips, the rest of the book gave him views on runes put together. Looking through them though there was only a few he wanted to use and even then they were not to the level that he wanted since it was simple, more advanced ones he had to learn himself.

Forgetting that book he put it to the side not even noticing he was so absorbed in it that it was well into the night time but with the help of the Phoenix Force he didn't even feel sleepy. Bringing out the Pitch Black book that flew into his hands earlier he opened it and didn't see much it was only three pages long so there wasn't much to tell about it. looking down at it he shrugged deciding to see what it talked about anyway.

'This is a personal entry of Jig Saw, yes the one you are thinking of, this isn't like anything I expected but if you are reading this that only means one thing, You are like me. No I don't mean a master in the Mystic arts, but another soul which has came to the MCU but there is a difference my world follows the strict pattern if the movies so no surprises there except that I took the spot of Stephen Strange in my world. It's been about fifty years since I wrote this and seeing as I have spent the last forty looking for a way for immortality if you are reading this it means I have passed. Now this book could go to any new soul out there but what you should know is....'

Jayden stopped before reading the next part his eye wide at what he was seeing he couldn't believe it, or more like he wasn't expecting it seeing as this is something he always questioned himself. He had always found it weird being in a MCU that had X-Men and Fantastic four but he was also grateful or he wouldn't have met the people he had by now. He looked down deciding to finish it.

'Don't trust what you know about the MCU there is always a curve ball out there it may seem like the world you know or it could be completely different, what I can tell you is follow your own path or you will die. We were never meant to be apart of this world unless you are in a marvel character do not, I Repeat DO NOT!!! join the avengers you will die!! plot armor doesn't follow you and when the time comes and the snap happens you won't be brought back after five years. You will be erased because you are an anomaly."

That was just the first page before he turned it instead of seeing more though his named shined at the top before words started to fill out the last two pages.

'Jayden Wayne-

You are the most weird of the anomalies that I can see while most end up as a marvel character or wished their way to the world you are someone who was dragged into it by a powerful force in your version. I can't tell you much because something blocks me from seeing your path but I can tell you that if you are reading this you are down one of three roads; The first leads to your doom there is no happy ending no saving the day, everyone you love or care for is gone it's just you standing alone in a waste field of dead bodies nothing around, faces of the past and future are there all dead.

Then there is the second road which is neutral of sorts it has you being a normal person you tried the hero or anti hero route but you stopped it all it can't see why you stopped but you did. This is the only life I see where you gave up on your dreams seeing as I can't see everything in your life my assumption is you lost someone important. It's like you are living just to push forward in life what I can say is that whatever you have on you makes it where the snap doesn't effect you, but that still doesn't stop you from taking the lonely road of doing nothing.

Lastly and this is the big one not because it the most promising it is because I can only see snip-its, this life is like a fog that is cloaking you from me seeing you in any way. It's hard to say the outcome but one thing I can see it the end which is the best route so far with everyone alive and you coming out one top.

I can't exactly tell which one you are on but these are the only three outcomes for you, they all do start the same way though and that is with you meeting Jean Grey (Lucky Bastard getting more people than me) I can also tell you that you have to follow your own way don't let others make decision for you.

--John Kramer aka Doctor Strange

P.S- Visit Dimension 405 somehow it will lead you to something you are searching for.'

Jayden thought he would get wisdom from this but all he got was an obvious vague plot points and nothing to help him in the future, he could tell though that Dimension 405 held another Petal though. Reading it again he only grabbed his head at the obvious story plot that he couldn't control his only options now was hoping that he was somehow on the third path since he got more answers that questions. Looking to the side he saw people walk in looking for their own books, he still didn't know that he had spent the entire night there, but he was going to see Jean and Miss. Grey to see how they adjusted before meeting the Ancient One.

Going around he asked around for the new recruits and was told they were having breakfast in the hall making him stunned that he actually had spent an entire night reading that stuff. Going into the mess hall he saw Jean straight away her red hair sticking out from the crowd plus he had spent so much time with he that it was hard not to know which girl he was looking for. At their table the two were talking to some other newbie disciples about the place, Jean must have felt his stare because she turned around with a big smile at him standing and letting him have her seat.

After he took her seat she sat in his lap while asking him where he was all night, learning he was in the library she chuckled and promised to go get him if he was up to late again. She along with the rest started to talk about their training here and he laughed when she pouted about meditation saying that she had done enough of that with professor Xavier. The bell for the start of their lessons went off before he could talk to them more but he was fine with it he still needed to talk to The Ancient One.

It didn't take him long to find her cause when he walked through a doorway he found out he was somewhere different and she was sitting in a chair at a table with some tea waiting for him. He walked to the seat and sat down and took a sip of tea before speaking, "What do you know about different dimensions, and not the ones connected to this world but different realities all together?"

She sat there for a moment thinking it over, "Well I don't know much seeing as the Mystic Arts don't dive into that, it's hard to say what could happen by even visiting one but if there was a way its a lost art."

"Then what is the Dark Dimension you are tapping into?" He asked before taking another sip not minding her shocked expression he actually like stumping people like that so it was quite funny to see it.

"So you knew then? But wouldn't that make you already know what it was then?" She said answering his question with one of her own.

"I guess you are right but since we both know you only have a limited amount of time left on this earth is it really worth it to tap into that energy?"

"It is all I have if I don't tap into the energy then I would die and there is no one to watch over the place and repel the dangers that come for Earth." she said with a sigh drinking her tea.

"True. But what if I could help you and you didn't need to use the energy from there anymore?"

"Then I with my whole heart would agree but we are both smart people and know that everything has a price, so what would it cost me?"

He looked at her chuckling she was right it wasn't free he would gain the thing he really came here for other than helping Miss. Grey, "I won't need much just in six months.... well five and a half I will come here to ask you for all your knowledge of the Mystic Arts then we are even. What do you say?"

She sat there for a moment thinking of the pro's and con's but she didn't see any problem with it seeing as if he just learned it himself then he would be better than her in the first place. "Deal, what do I need to do?"

Jayden just raised his had and the petals came out forming into one again before sending it into her chest at first there was resistance but soon it went away and what was left was flames covering her body. He could tell that it was Dormammu who was trying to keep the link to her so he could have earth on day but he wasn't a match for the petals which severed the connection he would still come here one day though. After the process finished an entirely new person sat in front of him she was younger with long blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes, if she wasn't so old then she would have been Jayden's type.

The Ancient One was shocked feeling that her power had increased but she didn't let it effect her she would still follow her fate and die when the time came so she could let Strange take his rightful place. She looked over to Jayden but seeing as he didn't explain what he just did she didn't ask about it instead choosing to let it go. "So is there anything I can help you with now since we have to wait awhile for your favor to kick in?"

Jayden thought it over and other than studying he didn't have much he wanted but she was so old that she could train him in fighting although he didn't know if she was a master for how old she was she could teach him stuff. "Can you training me in fighting while you use Mystic Arts so it's more of a challenge, also is there anyway to learn astral projection without Mystic Arts?"

"Yes I can train you in fighting and it's 50-50 for the astral projection while you could do it would be harder to control since you didn't have any training in Mystic Arts."

"Okay well just teach me all you can in fighting, I'm going to be studying most the time when we aren't fighting so whenever you are free just come get me to fight." He said before walking away he had already spent over five hours since it took a long time to change her with his Petal now he was going to spend time with Jane.

*Three Months Later*

Jayden is running in the mirror dimension while avoid whips that are sent his way by the Ancient One, this had been some of his training the past couple of months and since he had been working so hard she could hardly even hit him anymore. She was still able to surprise him by showing up near him or sneak attacking him but he went from being beaten to by the end of the day going to bed with Jean with just a cut from when she did sneak attack. There was still two months until he could use the Orange Petal and just learn the Mystic Arts but they did stick to a daily training him becoming more active when he would get his butt kicked.

The good news for Jean and her mom was that they came along quickly in the ways of Mystic Arts Jean mainly used it for her moving from one place to another though she was still inclined to using her Telekinesis. While her mom was becoming a master in it but she was falling in her fighting ability so she trained on that the most she had to get use to the idea of fighting people to injure them. When Jayden told her she would have to kill though it made her stop for awhile before he explained to her his reasons, he wasn't doing this so they could be batman but actual fighters.

These were also the times where he wished he was like the people who got systems so he could just buy stuff to improve people quickly, sadly on his path though they all had to train. After avoiding another Mystic whip he sat down knowing their time was done for the day, instead of going to see Jean he took a short break to read over the news. What he found made him smile a little seeing that in New Mexico a 'weird' hammer had fallen into the earth and that no one could remove it, looks like it is time for a trip

Idk enjoy maybe

KillingSoftlycreators' thoughts
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