
My experience towoards family.

Just as a parents contribute to the grouth of a child, so too do parents contribute to the formation of a family. Even if a family is formed with people close to us, that family survives only with the love of our heart.

All parents want to build a happy family. but some family cannot bring this happiness in a hundred attempts. Happiness seems to be a curse for their family.

Some families look from the outside and five look like normal families, but on the inside their appearance looks like e terrible one.

Family is a hope based on witch we live and fulfil our dreams for them. We build our new life against their will. In some families it can be said that their is no love Between them. Someone is so busy in his life that he can't give time to his family. The fact that family is the greatest means of love is still unknown to many.

The family is not just some people together. The family is to share the joys and sorrows Between them. standing next to them. Give them time. Giving importance to their wishes.

There are many of us who have do not have families. And even if we have that family, we don't care about that family. Trust love can be found only thought loving one's family.

So, the first role as a chid's first means of love is his own family.