
Something about HER

"Jill!" Sheri whispered. Jill continues to give Sheri grief. Though, in all honesty Jill didn't care, nor did she have room to judge. Jill has done what Sheri is about to do once or twice. Maybe even three times by the time she's done with Anthony. Who knows what his status is? Don't care... But Jill could shamelessly say this, she's never blatantly seen a man's wife and still brazenly flirt with their husband. Sheri was on a whole new level of savagery, and Jill wasn't letting her best friend off the hook so easily. Jill thought to herself, the next time Sheri tries to act all innocent and poise to judge me, imma rub the dirt all up in her face. She continues to push Sheri’s buttons till she gets up to leave and go to the bathroom. Jill was getting ready to tell her to use the gel when unexpectedly, Sheri collides into the Governor. They were a whole tangled mess, Jill practically had to pull them apart before his wife came. The Governor was grateful for her intervention because even he realized he wasn't focused. Upon meeting the governor's wife, Jill was 100% sure, she did not like her. This self-important, condescending chick, made Jill simply want to backhand her. Her whole attitude was trash. She looked down at Sheri and Jill the whole time with fake greetings of kindness. But Jill matched her energy. Like b*tch, your not about to run over me. But Sheri... Practically became her yes girl. And Jill had to fall in line because it wasn't her fight. *** After the awful encounter with Monica, the Governor's wife, Jill got to work on making sure Sheri had a more prominent presence. The girls went to the bathroom, and Jill opened every stall to make sure no one was around. "What was that?!" Jill yelled. "I know right?! Absolute b*tch!" Sheri added. Jill wanted to smack Sheri. "No! You!" Sheri was confused. "You're not focused! When she came up to us all stank, you had no fight in you. You acted like a docile little girl. She said jump and you went 'how high?' Even I had to fall in line." Jill was so infuriated. "Oh...". Sheri said in recollection. "Listen that right there was a freebie. Monica is not about to think that's how things are gonna be moving forward." Jill declares. Sheri was silent but signaled she understood Jill continued as she paced the spacious restroom. "She's the one that had things she wanted to discuss with you, not the other way around. You should of let Monica know what day YOU were available instead of going along with what she choose!" "I know I just got nervous..." Sheri put her hand to her forehead. "Well that needs to be out of your system now that we have a vague idea of what she's about. When we go to the Governor's house, don't act all impressed, as if you've never been in a place like that before, and whatever she asks of you, tell her you need time to deliberate. She's not getting her answer right away." Jill looked at Sheri sternly. "You're right! I'm sorry!... I guess I felt bad about my behavior with her husband that I kind of submitted to her." Sheri admitted. "So are you gonna feel bad about the Governor's behavior too?!" Jill snapped "Takes two to tangle, And y'all was entangled!" "Jill... I don't know if I can be the type of woman that can mess with a married man..." Sheri lowered her head. Well what is she trynna say about me! Jill thought. *** Hey everyone, thank you for your interest in my book, this is my first time writing a story. Hope you enjoyed this excerpt. This is my original work and the setting is urban American. My characters are of African American, Caribbean, and Hispanic descent, so this book may have a different flavor from the more traditional stories on here, so feel free to comment if there are any slang terms or phrases you don't understand.

_OrganicBeauty_ · Urban
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63 Chs

Was it something I said?

"Ambassador Henry..." Sheri addressed him with sincere reverence.

"Please call me Dennis."

"Dennis... I want to assist in giving these youth in Jamaica, the education they deserve without the threat of violence. But to be honest I've never delt with anything like this before. I don't want to make commitments to such a serious thing without comprehending what I'm actually getting involved with and how to meet the needs of the children coming in from the turmoil..." Sheri hoped her resistance wasn't coming off as if she was apathetic.

"Which brings us to the next phase of this proposal..." Mark said, glad she brought this concern up.

Sheri looked at Jill. Jill knew that Sheri was going to be forced into whatever plan the Governor and his wife had cooked up. Not that it was a bad plan but it became obvious that the Governor is taking advantage of the situation in Jamaica to use as a badge for his political resume.

Mark continued his presentation.

"Monica has been working closely with the ambassadors and some of their children who were taken in after the chaos erupted. She's heard many of the stories and has received a lot of different perspectives of the situation and how it has affected them. Monica has a sense of what these children are facing, so she can be in charge of them." Mark hopes that telling Sheri, she doesn't necessarily have to oversee the refugees, she won't be so intimidated to take them on.

"So Monica is going to visit the school and check up on them?..." That didn't seem like a valid solution to Sheri.

"No... I will be the new Vise principal of King Robert Andrews High School, and oversee all of the refugee students and help meet all their accommodations, while you continue with the other students and proceedings as usual." Monica chimed in.

"You 'will' be..." Sheri put special emphasis on the word "will" and looked at Monica incredulously.

"Yes... I'll assume my role and be in charge of my children and you don't have to worry... Like the governor said, your just a facilitator." Monica said no longer wanting to beat around the bush.

"Well I've already got two candidates that I have vetted and have to interview next week..." Sheri know this woman is not about to just assume she can have this job.

"Perfect! So it will look completely fair! After you interview them, you can email them shortly after saying 'Thank you for your time! Goodbye!'' Monica instructed, annoyed she had to break it down.

Sheri couldn't help but chuckle. Everyone watched her for a moment not sure if they should join in or stay silent. Sheri then got up from the table and said, "Excuse me. Can you point me in the direction of your restroom?" Sheri addressed George.

"Yes, right this way." George escorted Sheri out.

Everyone at the table looked at Monica in irritation. Why was she being so forceful? Was the question on everyone's mind.

Monica felt everyone's contentious gaze and cleared her throat.

"Well, I certainly needed a break from that conversation..." Monica chuckled.

Mark went to the ring feature on his phone and had it go off. Everyone looked at him.

"Oh! I gotta take this call. I'll be back." Mark said leaving the table and pretending to be on the phone.

Jill did not want to have to be forced into talking to Monica, to enable her to ease the awkwardness she caused, so she started an intimate conversation with Debra Henry.

Monica was trying to think of what to talk about with Dennis but he seemed irritated. She started to feel like she was getting boxed out. She wondered if it was something she said...