

<p>In a dark abyss where no light exist, there is a small light.<br/><br/>MC Pov<br/><br/>"What the fuck." That was the only thing I can think. I started thinking about what I did before ending up here. I was just going home from work and suddenly my vision went black and now I'm here.<br/><br/>"I wonder if I will meet a R.O.B like the novels I read and 'accidentally' burnt to ashes." I slowly waited floating in the endless abyss of nothingness.<br/><br/>I waited.<br/><br/>Then waited.<br/><br/>Then waited even more.<br/>•<br/>•<br/>•<br/>•<br/>•<br/>•<br/>•<br/>•<br/>•<br/>•<br/>•<br/>Still waited.<br/>•<br/>•<br/>•<br/>•<br/>•<br/>•<br/>•<br/>•<br/>•<br/>•<br/>•<br/>•<br/>More waiting.<br/>I'm bored out of my mind. I slowly losing my sanity and sense of time.<br/><br/>Waiting for a few seconds, seconds becoming minutes, minutes to hours, hours to days, days to months, months to years,etc.<br/><br/>How long has it been since I first arrived here. I wished I had my phone to play games, listen to music, etc. Wait a minute, what's a phone?games?music? I was confused about what a phone is. What is my name? what is the earth? <br/><br/>As I kept asking myself questions decades had past. *sigh* I should stop asking myself useless questions. Suddenly a blinding light assaulted my nonexistent eyes. <br/><br/>"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!! MY NONEXISTENT EYES!!! MOTHERFUCKER!?!" And a few more curses later. The light died down and what was left was nothing.<br/><br/>"Fuck. who turned the lights off. *sigh* U know it! I know it! Everyone knows it! It's... WAITING TIME!!!"<br/><br/>Time skip<br/><br/>It's been 84 years. Fuck. it's actually been 93822769 years. If you're wondering how I know that. I counted. I'm surprised I can count for that long because I have the attention span and the memory of a goldfish. A blinding light appeared out of nowhere and turned into a vague humanoid figure.<br/><br/>"Are you a R.O.B?" I asked.<br/><br/>"Yes, I am. I'm here to send you to another world with 3 wishes." The R.O.B answered.<br/><br/>"Ok" I said. Then there was an awkward silence.<br/><br/>"Uh, what are your wishes?"<br/><br/>"Ssssh, I'm thinking about it" Then there was another awkward silence.<br/><br/>"First, I want a gacha system. Second, I want infinite gacha spins. Third, I want to be able to travel the multiverse. That's all."</p>

Hello me. I'm bored

Fox22creators' thoughts