
Prologue《Someone like me》

My life is and always will be filled with misfortune, I always ripped jeans, a white singlet and my hair tied up and messy. I keep my hair messy to avoid nits. But the thing that really made me seem different was the pale white mask I wore, used for me to avoid getting and spreading bacteria. I always get called 'weird' or a 'freak', though that was not a big problem.

I was raised by my parents up till I was 6, they unfortunately died from not getting their immunization, so I became really weary of bacteria, later on, I stayed with my aunt, Natalie, she had a successful family business and she always left me at home to watch over the house.

I went to high school, behind my back, my auntie booked me special classes so I could fit in with the other students, I would have respected her decision if she had told me.

Booking me for the special classes was a good experience and well, turned out horribly. Whilst doing special class I saw a pretty girl wearing light coloured clothing, she told me that she was scared of radiation, since her parents were -and didnt know- investigating in a high nuclear radiation area, her parents, when she was born, were transmitted to hospital after and luckily survived.

We started growing up and we spent two years together, only friends, we were now 16, and I asked her out. She said yes instantaneously.

Dating, in my perspective, wasn't like in romance novels or movies, we were to embarrased to talk to each other and we suddenly cut of our relationship and split ways. Wearing white reminded me of her, so to live with the break up instead of moping, I decided to wear bright colours and a white mask. I don't want anyone to ever fall in love with someone like me.

Hi i'm the author of this webnovel, critisism is allowed if it's not insultin, opinions are allowed, if you want me to stop the series I'll stop it staight away and delete it.

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