
Some Place Elsewhere

Author: KronicKat
Fantasy Romance
Ongoing · 2.2K Views
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What is Some Place Elsewhere

Read ‘Some Place Elsewhere’ Online for Free, written by the author KronicKat, This book is a Fantasy Romance Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Books, roses, animals and winter have one thing in common. Niya. She'd drop everything and anything for it all. But its ...


Books, roses, animals and winter have one thing in common. Niya. She'd drop everything and anything for it all. But its never a good idea to go out in the cold. Especially in search of a magical rose garden. Its even worse of an idea to approach a wounded dog. Especially if its eyes are more human than animal.

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please reset the booktitle Rechel_ 20231218092329 22

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