

Luke, was an unfortunate soul. He's mother was a loose woman who would open her legs to just about anyone, whether they were young, old, or gay, her door was open and revolving.

She would take on just about; anyone, thing, even animals if she had to. It was a wonder how his grand parents had only found out her lifestyle only after she was pregnant.

If not for Luke being inside her, they would have forced her to bite the curb, but thankfully for her, they made a deal to postpone her punishment until after Luke was born and he could safely take formula.

When Luke was eventually born, he greatly concerned the room because he wasn't breathing. Everyone was worried. All except his mother. In her well disguised reaction, she was giddy inside with overwhelming joy and euphoria.

She was hoping of aborting her child, but the laws and her Christian parents had other plans. It plagued her every night as to how she could get rid of this child, this—parasite,off her body.

She has never regret her sexual journey before, but now that there was actual consequences, she started to think about her future and what would happen from now on. Horror plastered her face Every time she thought about it.

NOW she regretted the day she got so drunk, she forgot to take her birth control. NOW She regretted the day she let a guy hit it raw.NOW She regretted the day she told her parents about her pregnancy.

She regretted it all, and she wished that she could go back in time to redo it all, but she alreadyknew it was too late. She wished she could just run away, but her bieng unemployed, and fresh from highschool ment: she had no way of taking care of herself, her car, and luxurious lifestyle.

She tried to asking her friends and potential baby daddies if she could move in, but to no avail.

Over the months, she had gotten more and more depressed. She predicted that her parents were probably going to disown her soon after Luke was born.

She was spiraling bad, and focused all her malice and hate to her unborn child.

She would sometimes skip on meals and endure the hunger, just to spite her unborn child and her parents for forcing her to keep the child.

Luckily for Luke, his grand parents Intervened before anythingtoo bad happened.

She eventually gave in and stopped and accepted her fate of being a young single mother who's father, she didn't even know.

After the birth of Luke, she regained some hope and hoped he died so she could have a chance. A chance to restart her life without a burden to carry.

Things were looking up for her... until

*baby crying noises*

The color drained in her already pale face. The tiny sparkle of hope in here eye died, crushed by the prospects of her future, bearing it's full weight on her shoulders.

She slumped down on her bed and out like a light. The stress from the situation and her child birth had drained her of all her energy.


A few years have gone by. Luke's mother wanted nothing to do with him and ran away leaving Luke at his grand parents place where he lived for 5 years.

One day, while Luke was waiting to get picked up from school, he heard the news that his grand parents had got into an accident.

They were hit by a car that was in chase. The suspect vehicle had tumbled to the other side of the road after a failed pit maneuver. His grand parents didn't have enough time to break and crashed. They died instantly.

Luke's life quickly turned upside-down. His mother was nowhere to be found and his relatives didn't want him.

He spen many years in the system. Rarely did he ever get adopted, and on that rare occasion, he wasn't treated very good. His adopted parents were only in it for the money it gave them and for the punching bag that he was.

He would rarely ever get food and the times he did eat, he had to steal from the fridge which would get him a beating.

He would would come to school covered in bruises. He would have to shit outside as his adopted parents would bar him from the bathroom because they didn't want to share toilet paper.

His life had gotten so bad that one day, he broke down in the classroom, which got the cps called.

His adopted parents were charged with child abuse because of the multiple scars and bruises on his body, and even some cigarette burn.

He was eventually thrown back in the system where a similar case happened again but to a lesser degree as he had grown bitter and resentful. He was less trusting of people, and that miss trust had been reinforced as he spent more time in the system.

In his time spent hopping homes, he's body had slowly broken down. He had developed Asthma. Probably from all the smokers and druggies he came to live with. His eyes also gradually worsened as the years passed by.

Day to day life got harder for Luke as letters had become blurry at a distance.

Prescription glasses were expensive so he had to get the ones in Walmart. They worked fine, but would hurt after a while of wearing them, so he used them sparingly— concerned that his eyes would get worse if he didn't.

A few more years go by. Luke was eventually kicked out when he turned 18. Luke already had some savings from part time work, but that was only going to last him a while before he would be in the streets.

There was also his inheritance from his grand parents, but little was left after it was split between all his relatives.

Luke rented a small apartment next to his 9 to 5. He wanted to save up to go to college some day so he could get a chance of living a better life. He dreamed of buying a house one day, which seemed impossible with the prices as they are now, but Luke had hope in some day achieving his goal.


Time flies, Luke, now 24 gave up his dream of what he considers now as luxury. He gave up on college as he made the mistake of taking computer science with the hopes of becoming an IT professional.

Depression embraced him, as he succumbed to his reality. He took out student loans and had to bang his head against the wall because it was so hard. He contemplated switched majors many times but he somehow pulled through.

Currently, he was drowning in dept. He was miserable. He wanted to dull the pain with some alcohol, but he doesn't have a single cent to his name as he got fired trying to steal some food. He had to steal his neighbors wifi and he was about to be evicted.

All he could do is watch some of his favorite shows before he was thrown into the streets.

He cried from the knowledge that his life was over. He cried from the pain of hunger and he cried as he watched his favorite show getting massacred and desecrated by its sequel.

Luke turned off the phone walked outside, said his goodbyes, before taking one last breath, as he ran into traffic and committed suicide.

He had nothing to live for. He had no family, no friends, no food, no home, and no future. He had nothing to live for.

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