
Chapter 3: Spirit

The Spirit Yuhao awakened was really his eyes but it was not the same as in the story he knows.

In the original, the Spirit eyes give to their possessor a better vision than even outclass the weaker Spirit master but the Spirit Yuhao just awakened wasn't just that, no.

When he activated his spirit by injecting Soul Power in it, the 'sixth sense' that he has between his death and rebirth and lost after entering the stomach of his mother was back.

Even if he doesn't see in a 360° vision, all that was in his field of view was like back then.

The auras of the people, the karma, the attributes, the flow of energy of the world, the interaction of the numerous elementary particles in the atmosphere.

All of what he was seeing was too much for his still weak Spiritual Power and that was why he was absentminded for the last hours.

Of course, he didn't say so to his mother and just explained to her that his mind has become refreshed and his view way better than before.

It was not the only thing he hides to his mother, actually, awakened a second Spirit but wasn't so sure about it, and even if it was real, it would be better to not talk about it to anyone as he didn't know if there was someone who spies on them.

As the day passed, the duchess has them being displaced in another courtyard, much smaller and poor than the one they had the six last year under the pretext of Yuhao Spirit not being the White Tiger and some other bullshit.

His mother didn't say anything and was not pained by the acts of that woman as she knew already this would happen but Yuhao had a burning rage in him. He swore to the heaven that he will kill that woman the cruelest way possible.

The sun fell at the horizon and the night passed. Yuhao slept comfortably in his mother embrace.

When he wakes up, Yuhao discovered something that made him speechless.

His pajama was wet. He had a wet dream.

'What the fuck.'

Even more, his little brother has become a very big brother that was actually pressing against his mother.

Cold sweat runs on his back as he quickly separated from her. Then he found a bucket of cold water and wetting himself with it.

The coldness of the water forced his blood to circulate to the organs like the heart and stopped pouring to his brother who regains his normal state.

'What was that? Even if my spirit has been awakened the puberty in this world is the same as on Earth.

I couldn't be...by my mother? No! Impossible! There is only one possibility then...'

After some times, his mother wakes up too. He gives her food and then used his spirit, looking around them. After 10 seconds he sighed with relief.

When she finished eating, Yuhao sits in front of her.

"Mother!" He says with determination.

"What is it Yuhao?" She was surprised with the serious face of her son, never she sees him like this.

"I think we should go from here!"

"What? Why are you saying this?"

"Mother, do you really think that woman will just let us like this? As more time will pass, the more she will make thing difficult for us."

"I know that she is a little jalou-"

"A little? Are you serious? She is sick."

"But we just have to wait for your-"

"Do you really think that man will be able to do something? Even if he goes home, he will have to go back to war again, he can't protect us and I don't want to place my trust on someone I didn't even meet once. We should just run away from here and if he really cares about us then he will found us.

If not then we will have found a better life."

"Yuhao..." She looked straight into his eyes and she sees his determination. "Alright, we quit this place."

ah~ I don't have any planning for the release but i think i can do it one chapter per two days.

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