
Chapter 19: A wild Phoenix is nearly tamed!

After the meeting was over, the elders scattered but one among them followed Sin Lin Er.

"Lin Er!"The man called. He has short hair and long bangs that cover his entire right eye, he appears as a man who is at his 40s but he was older by more than twice.

"Shaozhe! What do you want?" She asked coldly.

"Don't be like this...Lin Er, I just wanted to ask if you want help to train your disciple. For combat training, the martial institute will show a better result and we can use some of our resources on him too."

"Che- What do you want?"


"Go to hell!"

"Okay- I admit, I want something from you but it's not too much."


"Could you take Ma Xiaotao with him? We are martial's brother and sister, our disciples should be close. With her evil fire, she can't make a friend, so having a little brother will be good for her. Even more, they can train together. Your, show her the might of his research and her train him in combat."

"He~ you, who show disdain for the Spirit weapon, wants me to let your disciple learn about them?"

"Yes, if what you say earlier is true, then it's necessary that she sees the danger so that she can protect herself better in the future."

"What a lame explanation... fine, do what you want. But if she can't follow, I kick her out."


'Ahahah...Sin Lin Er, I don't know what you want to hide but, if you want to use such a big way to like that kid to your faculties that should be because he has something that will make me want him..'


The next day, Yuhao was picked up at his home by Fan Yu and returned to the academy. When they entered in Fan Yu's lab, Yuhao sees a beautiful young girl around fifteen years old( even if she just have 13).

She was very beautiful, her body line was perfect, her skin was like eternal snow, and her eyes were enchanting.

Yuhao activated his spirit eyes subtly and looked at her.

"Fire and darkness attribute...no, Evil Fire? Are you Evil Fire Phoenix Spirit?"

His question stunned the girl and Fan Yu. They couldn't understand how he learned that.

"How...how did you know?" Asked the girl

"I see it!" He answered before looking at her body more in detail. "Your vital Yin is intact so your Evil Fire should affect you mentally...do you have some berserk time?"

"...Yes, it becomes more frequent and stronger each time."

"Really? Then your teacher is a true idiot."


"Don't insult teacher!"

"I don't insult him, I just say a fact! If you let your fire fusion with the darkness there would be no attack on your mind. You lose control because you suppress the darkness and that your mental power is not high enough.

Your teacher should have trained your mental power before letting you cultivate. The best in your case is to have the mental power of someone with ten more soul power rang than you, so if you are a Spirit Grandmaster, then you should have the mental power of a Spirit King, exct... But you should hurry up and fuse your fire and darkness, sooner is better but train your mind a little before, you are too weak and the fusion has a risk if you stay like this."

"...But, how can I train my mental power? My spirit isn't mental attribute."

*Sight* "Seriously? It's not just being idiot but incompetence. Very well, I will train you in my spare time...now that I think about it, we didn't introduce ourself, My name is Huo Yuhao, six years old, Spirit: Spirit Eyes, soul power rank: 1.

"Ma Xiatao, thirteen years old, Spirit: Evil Fire Phoenix, Soul power rank: 35.

"Ok, now the most interesting thing, why are you here? With your Spirit, you are from the martial faculty."

"Well, I didn't really want but teacher says that if your research is really awesome as director Sun say then it would be great if I could learn something about it for the future."

"Bullshit! He asked you to earn all you could about me, right? He is suspicious that my teacher was so eager to make me an official disciple of the Soul Tools faculty because I have something that will make him want me. Such a tactic, too predictable. I will tell you now so that you don't have to ask later, my eyes let me see the particles of the elements and I learned how to control them so I can use any elements."


"I know! So, do you want to learn about my research?"

"Well, I'm not too interested in Soul weapons but if it's really different you could explain a little to me and let me determine if I want to learn or not."


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