
SOLO LEVELLING : Boboiboy watch

Men got reincarnated with his chilhood's cartoon power in solo levelling

Mickeal_wezozski · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

chp 2

John Anderson had barely settled into his new role within the guild when the next challenge presented itself. News of his exceptional abilities spread quickly, and he became a topic of interest among other Hunters and guilds. His new friends, the members of the low-ranked "Iron Claw" guild, were both proud and anxious about the attention.

"John, you've really shaken things up," said Lila, a skilled archer who had been among those he saved. "But with your powers, we're sure to rise through the ranks. We need to plan our next move carefully."

John nodded, understanding the need to balance ambition with caution. "Let's start with some easier raids. We'll build up our strength and gather resources before tackling the bigger challenges."

The guild agreed, and they began systematically clearing low-ranked dungeons. John's versatility was invaluable. He used Boboiboy Water to heal wounds, Boboiboy Earth to create barriers, and Boboiboy Thunderstorm to strike down powerful enemies. The guild's success rate soared, and their reputation grew.

One evening, after a particularly grueling dungeon crawl, John and his guildmates relaxed around a campfire. Lila approached him with a parchment in hand.

"I found this in the market today," she said, handing it to him. "It's an invitation to a high-ranked dungeon. The rewards are substantial, but so are the risks."

John studied the invitation. The dungeon was known as the "Cave of Trials," reputed to contain ancient relics and powerful monsters. It was a test for those aiming to reach S-rank status.

"We're not ready for this," he said, shaking his head. "We need more training and better equipment."

"We don't have to do it alone," Lila suggested. "There are other guilds forming alliances for this raid. If we join forces, we might stand a chance."

After much deliberation, John agreed. The next day, they contacted the guilds planning to enter the Cave of Trials. Among them was the prestigious "Silver Wings," led by the formidable Hunter, Gareth.

Gareth was a tall, imposing figure with a reputation for his tactical genius and unmatched combat skills. When John and his team met with Gareth, they were welcomed with a mix of curiosity and respect.

"I've heard about you, Elemental Knight," Gareth said, extending a hand. "Your powers are unique. We could use someone like you in our alliance."

John shook Gareth's hand firmly. "We're ready to contribute. Let's work together to make this raid a success."

The combined forces of Iron Claw and Silver Wings, along with a few other smaller guilds, set off for the Cave of Trials. The journey was long and treacherous, but John's abilities proved crucial in navigating the dangerous terrain.

Upon reaching the entrance, they were greeted by a massive stone door engraved with ancient runes. As the guild leaders discussed how to proceed, John felt a strange resonance with the symbols. He stepped forward, transforming into Boboiboy Light, and placed his hand on the door. The runes glowed brightly before the door slowly creaked open.

Inside, the cave was a labyrinth of tunnels filled with deadly traps and monstrous guardians. The alliance moved cautiously, each step meticulously planned. John's elemental powers were vital in overcoming the various challenges. He used Boboiboy Fire to melt ice barriers, Boboiboy Wind to disarm traps, and Boboiboy Dark to cloak their movements from the monsters.

Halfway through the dungeon, they encountered a formidable boss: a giant, multi-headed hydra. The creature's regenerative abilities and relentless attacks posed a significant threat. Gareth led the front-line assault, while John supported from the back with strategic elemental strikes.

As the battle raged on, John realized that brute force alone wouldn't be enough. He needed to combine his powers. Focusing intensely, he merged the elements within him, creating a massive, swirling vortex of fire, water, earth, lightning, and wind. The combined attack struck the hydra with devastating force, destroying its regenerative core and bringing it down.

The alliance cheered, their spirits lifted by the victory. They pressed on, eventually reaching the heart of the cave where a massive treasure trove awaited. Among the relics, John found a mysterious orb that seemed to react to his presence. It merged with his watch, enhancing his powers further.

As they exited the cave, triumphant and laden with treasures, Gareth approached John.

"You've proven yourself, Elemental Knight," he said. "Our alliance was a great success. I'd like to propose something more permanent. Join Silver Wings as our strategist and front-line combatant. Together, we could achieve greatness."

John considered the offer. The camaraderie and success they had achieved together were undeniable. However, his loyalty to Iron Claw and the bonds he had forged there were strong.

"I appreciate the offer, Gareth," John replied. "But my place is with Iron Claw. We started this journey together, and I intend to see it through with them. However, I propose an alliance between our guilds. Together, we can continue to take on greater challenges."

Gareth smiled, respecting John's decision. "An alliance it is, then. To our future victories."

With the newfound alliance and enhanced powers, John and his guildmates returned to the city, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.