
Chapter 13


Mikasa tried her best to reach Eren fast. While she is moving, an abnormal Titan came to attack her. She didn't see Titans for a while, so she led her to guard down. Titan opened her mouth to eat her but Shun came between them. Then shun punched the titan and the Titan's body exploded because of force. Mikasa saw how the titan died from a Punch. She didn't see when shun came in front of her and saved her.

Mikasa: how did you do that?

Shun: aa Mikasa I just trained my body to kill them with bare hands.

Hearing this she became speechless. Did he think she is an idiot to believe bullshit? She gave him a facial look, 'are u for real?'

Shun: okay I promise that I will tell you later. But for now, believe in me.

Mikasa: hmm okay

She nodded her head but she wanted to ask about the spar they did all these years are fun for him. Before she can ask any questions about their spar, Shun changed the topic.

Shun: we should move to reach our friends.

Mikasa: yes.

Mikasa then remembered her main goal she should meet Eren. Then they started to search for them.

Shun was jumping side by side with Mikasa going through the town for any survivors and killing all the titans in his way. Shun scanned the area and he saw a bunch of cadets gathered on a rooftop.

Shun: Mikasa! Over there!

Shun pointed in the direction and she followed. She saw them and nodded. Both of them landed on the rooftop and Shun see familiar faces and sighed with relief.

Shun: Why haven't they gone over the walls? They should've heard the bell.

Connie saw Shun and went up to him and hugged Shun.

Connie: Shun! I'm glad to see you, dude I thought you would've been dead!

Mina, Thomas come near shun.

Mina: thank God you are safe shun.

Shun returned the hug and asked him why were they on the roof. Jean gave him the rundown of how they don't have enough gas to scale the wall and that Titans dominated the supply area.

Some cadets whisper how Shun killed titans with just a single punch.

Connie: Shun I heard from others that you killed titans with one punch, is it true?

Jean: God Connie, I never knew you believe in fake rumors. No one can Do that idiot.

Mikasa: he is right, I saw with my eyes.

Jean: are you serious?

Seeing Mikasa's serious face he accepted but he still can't believe it.

Shun saw him and the others all are looking at him for an explanation.

Then Shun took Small Stone and said to them.

Shun: Guys see this stone, I will use my 10% strength to throw. Just see how far it will travel.

Then Shun throw the stone and the force came from his hand and sent people a few steps back. All of them saw how far the stone went. The stone went into the sky and made a big hole in the cloud and it passed it. Seeing this all of them were shocked and they waited for a few minutes to see when the stone will return but it didn't come back.

Everyone: (☉_☉)

Shun: (-, - )

Shun: We just have to retake the supply point and restock the gas to get out of here. I can protect you guys with my strength. So believe in me.

Everyone still hard time accepting reality but they nodded their head.

Then Shun overheard Mikasa asking Annie about Eren's whereabouts which made Shun feel guilty.

'If only I send my shadows earlier Eren would have not died. I made mistake by searching for Titan Summoner. No, I believed in Eren's skills

Mikasa saw Armin and ran up to him.

Mikasa: Armin! Are you okay?! You're not hurt, are you?

Armin didn't give her a response.

Mikasa: Where's Eren? I haven't seen him. Armin?

Armin finally looked at Mikasa with tears in his eyes. Shun looked at Mikasa and saw that Armin struggled to tell what happened.

Armin: We... The Cadets of Squad 34: Random 1! Nic Tierce! Milieus! Random 2! Random 3! Eren Jaeger! These five members fulfilled their duties and died in honor!

The cadets gasped and were shocked but you didn't move. Shun already had suspicions that they'd died and Armin pretty much answered it for Shun.

Sasha: N No way...

Mina: no

Thomas: they're all gone...

Armin: I'm sorry Mikasa. Eren died in my place. I should've died with him.

Mikasa knelt and placed a hand on Armin.

Mikasa: Armin, calm down.

Shun gazes in her direction with worry.

Shun: Her voice... she sounds dead inside

Mikasa: Now isn't the time to be emotional. Get up, Shun, and I will take care of the titans on our way.

Shun: Yes, you all saw How strong I am. What Connie said makes sense. We just have to retake the supply point and restock the gas to get out of here. The Shadow Soldiers and I will protect you guys.

Mikasa: I can handle all of them. I'm strong. Very strong. Stronger than all of you. I'm going to kill all of the Titans over there. Even if I have to do it alone. You people are weak. Cowards. Pathetic. You can just sit here and watch.

Shun: Did she forget about me or what 😦. Well, that was... lame, She just directed them to die. GUYS don't Follow her, you will die. Follow those shadows. They are stronger than Mikasa and you guys already saw their strength. So follow them. And don't dare to die on me. We are soldiers we fight for Mankind.

Shun pointed at 2 shadows and one of them came from Shadow of lovers(I forgot their names, Mc kept a shadow soldier in their shadow)

Shun raised his fist in the air, gave a war cry, punch a titan, and killed it.

The cadets regained their motivation and gave Shun a war cry in response.

Jean: Yea we weren't taught to let our comrades fight alone!

Armin got up and wiped a tear. Everyone then took off in the direction of the headquarters and followed the shadows.

Jean was behind Shun with Connie and Armin. Shun saw that Mikasa is killing Titans that were in her way but she was expending too much gas.

Jean: Hurry! Follow Shun Don't use too much gas!

Connie: Wow look at Shun, he is killing them all with one punch!

Mikasa ran out of gas and began to fall.

Armin: Mikasa

Shun: Armin, Connie go make sure she's okay! Jean stick with me, we need to lead everyone else to headquarters!

Connie: You got it! Come on Armin!

They chased for Mikasa, then Shun and Jean went forward.

Jean: How were you able to figure out what to do?

Shun looked at him while gliding through the air.

Shun: I just follow my guts and pick the decision I'll regret less.

Shun saw an abnormal jump through the air in the direction of Jean.

Shun punched That Titan.

Jean: Shun!

Shun: Still few abnormal titans are roaming around. Jean Go! They need you! I will take care of these titans.

Jean: ok! Come back, bastard.

Shun smiled and started to kill all of them. Then he saw a titan and Shun was about the punch that titan but the Titan was pulled back with force. It took Shun by surprise.

Shun: W-what? What just happened?

Shun saw that the Titan was grabbed by a 15-meter-tall Titan with piercing green eyes and long hair. It roared as it pulled it and stomped on it repeatedly when it hit the ground.

Shun: A Titan killing another Titan? Holy shit. Hange would lose her mind at this.

The Rogue Titan looked at Shun and Shun felt he is familiar with this titan. It dismissed Shun and ran in the direction of Mikasa with a roar.

Shun: It's going in their direction!! I have to stop it. Then Shun jumped on the roof

But he saw abnormal titans coming in his direction and Shun went after them to kill titans. Shun believed in Mikasa's abilities so he decided to kill the titans.


Shun heard a Titan's roar that sounded familiar.

Shun: It's that Titan! How? Why Mikasa didn't kill it?

Shun took off in that direction and landed on a rooftop. Shun saw that the same Rogue Titan.

Shun scanned the headquarters and saw a group of cadets standing there watching the Rogue Titan. Shun took his telescope from the inventory and Shun looked through it to see who it was. The group consists of Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Mina, Annie, Bertholdt, and Reiner.

Before Shun made his way, he saw another Titan making its way to the headquarters and all of the sudden the Rogue Titan let out a roar and charged. Shun watched in awe as the Rogue Titan kept charging, despite losing arms, and bit into the nape of the Titan. Then it used its body to hit the remaining Titans and killed them. It roared and fell,

Shun saw Mikasa going down running towards the Titan.

Shun: What the hell is she doing? Why is she running at the corpse?

Before Shun started speculating, another Titan popped out and was about to reach Mikasa.

She wasn't going to make it. Shun jumped and punched that titan. She and the others looked at Shun surprised.

Mikasa: Shun!

before Shun can say anything a figure emerged from the Rogue Titan's nape. Shun watched in astonishment as Eren got out of it. Mikasa ran to him and placed her head on his chest and cried. Shun was confused as to what the hell was he doing in there. Is he a titan summoner, no it doesn't look like a monster. Then is Eren a titan? Then Those Titans who broke the wall are also humans. Then what about the titans which are roaming outside the walls?

Jean came down and held Shun's shoulder.

Shun: huh.

Jean: You damn crazy bastard. I'm glad you're alive. thanks for saving me.

Shun: No problem, that's what comrades are for.

Reiner came down with Annie, Bertholdt, and Armin

Jean: So does this mean that Eren did all of this?

Shun took the time and looked at what he meant. Dead Titan corpses slowly disappear around the headquarters. What a sight it was.

Shun: Yea I guess he did.


Shun and the others scaled over the wall. The Garrison soldier saw what happened and confiscated Eren with Mikasa and Armin running after him.

Only 25% of Titans are alive and they will also be finished by Shadows.

The soldiers don't know what to do with Shun. But they at least know that Shun is the brother of Strongest Soldier so they let him do what he wanted. They still can't believe what are they seeing. What are these shadow soldiers? So they decided to finish with the easy subject and it is Eren.

When Shun reached the wall to give Healing Portions then he heard two familiar voices.

Krista/Ymir: Shun!

Shun stopped and looked in their direction. Krista ran to his side and cried while Ymir looked worried and checked to see wounds but sighed since she was happy to see you in one piece.

Shun: U-ugh Krista, I am fine.

She let you go and apologized.

She still looked at Shun with teardrops falling. Shun couldn't help but smile and wiped her tears away. Sometimes she shows real kindness of her either than fake.

Shun: Hey, I'm here, aren't I? So stop crying.

She rubbed her eyes on her sleeve and looked at Shun with anger.

Krista: What do you mean stop crying?! Ymir and I couldn't stop but worried about you. when you sent us away! When the others came back they said nonsense that you killed titans with one punch. We waited for you.

Shun and Jean jumped at her tone and were scared.

Shun: I've never seen her like this... it's scary!

Ymir smacked Shun in the face,

Shun: Ow! Come on! Stop it guys.

Ymir: I don't care. Krista is right. You made us worry like hell for your sad ass.

Shun: Yes, yes. I'm sorry. Look I have healing potions and I got this from those shadow soldiers. So let me give this to injured persons. after everything is over I'll treat y'all to something to eat alright?

Krista sniffled and smiled at Shun.

Krista: You better!

Ymir: How about I get to see into that journal of yours?

Shun: I swear I'll tell you about my life one day.

Jean: Alright ladies, let me bring Shun to the medical ward. He will help those injured people.

They both nodded and waved farewell. As Jean was walking with Shun, he asked Shun a question.

Jean: I have something serious I need to ask.

Shun: What is it?

Jean: How do you get those two cute girls to talk to you?

Shun: Huh?!

Jean: Don't be stupid. Throughout the training, the boys and I see that you're closest to them and sometimes Mikasal How do you do it, man?!

Shun: What do you mean?

Jean: Are you in a relationship with one of them?

Shun: Huh?! No, I'm not?! I'm just friends with them, maybe I'm able to be close to them because I'm nice?!

Jean: You don't have feelings for one of them?

Shun:" Well Ymir and I are partners in crimes, Mikasa and Annie are sparring partners so we respect our skills, and Krista... well maybe I have a small crush on her. "slightly blushes

Jean: Oh really? Well, I have one on Mikasa.

Shun: Yea... I know.

Jean: Well are you going to go after her?

Shun: I don't think she sees me like that. I don't know if she ever will. But I don't want to destroy our friendship.

The both of them kept talking as Jean brought Shun to the medical ward.

(Cliff-kun strikes)...