
Chapter 25: Exams and Facing the Past

"Let's begin your practical exam," Aizawa states while standing with his colleagues. The student's stand opposite of their teachers. 

'Thank god,' Izuku thought to himself, seeing his teachers. 

"It is, of course, possible to fail this exam. If you want to attend the training camp, then don't mess this up." Aizawa explains, waiting for the students to catch up with what was going to happen. 

"Sure are a lot of teachers…" Jiro looks across the teachers. 

"5, 6, eight of 'em." Invisible girl counts off. 

"Knowing you guys, you probably asked around, and you might think you have a vague idea of how this'll go…" Aizawa's support gear around his neck, starting to fidget. 

"So, who do I get to fight?" Izuku raises his hand, smiling softly. 

"What?" Mina and Kaminari ask as they look ready to fight robots. Aizawa just grins some. 

"Circumstances have demanded a revision to the exam format!" The principal of U.A. pops out of Aizawa's capture gear. 

"The principal?" Sero leans forward to get a better look at the head of U.A. 

"A revision?" Momo bites her cheek, rethinking strategies.

"From now on, we'll focus on battles against flesh-and-blood opponents. It is critical that our teaching simulates practice experience as closely as possible!" Nezu explains, keeping a joyful smile on his face. "As such, you students will be pairing up and fighting one of the teachers you see here!" Nezu motions to his staff behind him. 

"Against a teacher?" Ochako looks across the different teachers. They all seem to be enjoying the confusion turn to an understanding on their student's faces. 

"your pairings and assigned teachers have already been decided. Your battles moves, your grades, your friendships with one another… All these factors and more were considered, so without further ado." Nezu ends, letting Aizawa take over. 

"First, Todoroki is with Yaoyorozu" Both students perk up looking to their teacher. "Against me." 

"Next, Midoriya, you're a pain in the ass," Aizawa admits. Aizawa and Nezu went in circles to figure out what teacher would be best to put up against him. Who to put him with, and everything in between. 

"Thank you, Sensei. I try my best." Izuku shoots back. 

"We will have your match last," Nezu informs. "So, you will be watching the matches of your classmates doing analysis." Nezu hands Midoriya a brand-new notebook. "I can not wait to see what you come up with." Izuku nods and flips through the journal. Each section had the team-ups on it and who they were against. Izuku didn't see who he was facing and shrugs. 

"Ten stages have been prepared, and all teams will begin simultaneously. The test guidelines will be explained by your respective opponents. None of the areas are outside the school grounds, but let's not waste any more time. Get going." Aizawa turns towards the busses as the kids get their pairings.

Nezu vs. Ashido & Kaminari

Thirteen vs. Aoyama & Uraraka 

Present Mic vs. Koda & Jiro

Ectoplasm vs. Asui & Tokoyami

Midnight vs. Sero, Sato & Mineta

Snipe vs. Hagakure & Shoji

Cementoss vs. Bakugo & Kirishima 

Power Loader vs. Iida & Ojiro

Team Ashido's Location

"The time limit is 30 minutes! Your objective is to either get theses handcuffs on me or have one of you escape from the stage!" Nezu informs the pair. 

"Kinda like our battle training." Kaminari looks towards his partner. 

"We can really just run away?!" Mina takes the cuffs from Nezu's paws. 

"Yes." Nezu smiles normally.

Team Jiro's Location

Present Mic gives his opponents the same speech and stretches out. "This is nothing like your past battle training!! Because your opponent this time is on another level!" Present Mic beams. 

"Another level?" Jiro deadpans. "That's not really the image I have of you…" she looks at Mic, remembering the energetic radio show host/English teacher. 

"Dammit! Hey, girl, watch your mouth!!" Mic yells, luckily without his quirk. 

Team Uraraka's Location

"This test is meant to simulate true battle as closely as possible." Thirteen stands in the middle of the now clean USJ. "So please think of us as actual villains." 

Team Shoji's Location

"Suppose we do meet in battle, if you fight 'n' win, that's just fine too. However…" Snipe fixes his hat while speaking with the two young heroes. 

Team Todoroki's Location. 

"If you find yourself overwhelmed by my power," Aizawa turns to them, looking at the couple. "Feeling and calling for help might be your wisest option." 

In the observation room. 

Izuku had an earpiece he can use to listen in to any of the locations. He sits down next to Recovery girl sending her a curt nod as she smiles and turns her attention to the sites ready to start the exam. "It's either fight to win or run to win," Izuku mutters. "What's on the teachers' wrists?" 

"Nezu had the support course department make them compression weights. They handicap the teachers down to at least 50% of their power. They can also be used as stamina training." Recovery girl explains. "I believe that Hatsume girl's design was picked." 

"Not surprising." Izuku chuckles, remembering the genius support girl. 

"Hm… I'll be working hard today, I expect." Recovery girl smiles and presses the intercom. "Everyone in position? Let's begin the final exam for U.A. High's First years! Ready..." 

"Go!" Izuku's eyes quickly dance across all eight sights, starting with Shoto and Momo. 

Shoto and Momo's Location. 

Shoto leads Momo through back alleyways staying off main roads. "we need a way to tell if Aizawa sensei is nearby… Got any ideas?" 

"Slowly ice your hand, and I'll create smaller objects. If Aizawa sensei has us in his sights, then we won't be able to use our quirks… sound good?" Momo asks softly. 

"Sounds perfect. Any other ideas?" Shoto skids to a stop in a side street looking back at Momo. She looks hesitant. "Yaoyorozu, Izuku praises your strategic mind. We need that if we are going to win. I trust Izuku, and I trust you." 

Momo looks at Shoto before nodding. 

Tokoyami's Team location. 

Ectoplasm's clones surround the teammates, and Tokoyami quickly acts. "Dark Shadow, grab her!" Dark shadow flies from underneath his cloak and grabs Tsuyu before throwing her to the next level. "Asui Run!" 

"Tokoyami!" Tsuyu spins in the air shooting her tongue out, wrapping her partner up before pulling him with. Using Dark Shadow, they get to the third level quickly, leaving the clones on the bottom floor. 

"Not bad." One of the clone's comments while looking at the team disappears behind the rails. 

"So, they've chosen to flee?" Another close asks. 

Back in the monitoring room. 

Recovery girl just sits back watching the screens as the young man next to her was muttering and flipping through his notebook writing quickly. "What do you think so far?" She asks since she really couldn't keep up with his muttering. 

"Communication skills. In this society, with such powerful quirks, people overlook it, but it's essential for heroes." Izuku slows down just enough for her to hear. "Shoto is helping Momo boost her confidence to bring out the strategic side of Momo. Tsuyu and Tokoyami have been pretty close lately, so their teamwork is pretty good." Izuku rubs his head softly. 

Recovery girl just nods softly. 

Team Todoroki's Location. 

Momo finishes creating Russian Matryoshka Dolls with a small surprise inside. 

"What are those?" Small amounts of ice were growing on his palm as he saw Momo put them away. 

"They're Russian matryoshka dolls… are you still sure you want to go with this plan?" She asks, knowing it would get him trapped for a little. 

"Yes, like I said. I trust you. I'm not surprised you have something ready to go." Shoto stops before checking the rooftops. "We both got into U.A. under special recommendation. We started at the same point, Yaoyorozu, but you don't have confidence in yourself." 

"It was your leadership that got me through the cavalry battle. Then…" Momo was cut off by Shoto. 

"I was an idiot during the Cavalry battle. I was blinded by rage, and you probably noticed Tokoyami's new move. I didn't notice until it was too late." Shoto's ice stops crawling around his palm. He quickly looks to his partner seeing the matryoshkas also stop being created. "He's here!!" 

"I'm sorry I…" Momo looks the other way of Shoto. 

"Yes, you should've acted sooner." Aizawa's dull voice comes from in between them. 

"TCH!" Shoto went to attack, but Aizawa drops to the floor, landing on all fours like a cat. "Go, Yaoyorozu, GO!" 

Momo takes off down the street away from Aizawa. 

"That's your plan, then? Fine by me." Aizawa strings up Shoto quickly. 

"Ouch!" Shoto was stung up by his arms. 

"You're the offense of this team, so I knew I had to capture you first, no matter what." Aizawa cut the strip holding Shoto up and ties it around the telephone pole. 

"Do you really think this will hold me?" Shoto stalls so Momo could set up the next part while Aizawa was distracted with him. "Flame or Ice, either one will break these bindings…"

"Use whichever you want, but watch your landing." Aizawa throws caltrops under Shoto before putting eyedrops into both eyes. 

"Caltrops? You a ninja? That's a nasty countermeasure sensei", Shoto grunts as his weight was only supported by his arms. 

"I know there're two of you, and I know your quirks. So you can bet I'm ready to counter whatever you do." Aizawa puts his goggles back on. "You took on more than your fair share with this plan, though. Thinking of the girl is nice and all, but maybe you should've listened to what she had to say?" Shoto had to bite back the smirk that threatens to spread across his face. 

'We got him Momo. Let's get past this.' Shoto hangs there as Aizawa jumps away. Aizawa lands on a rooftop seeing something disappear down the alleyway. He goes to follow it as Momo backtracks to Shoto. 

"He fell for it?" She questions as she unties Todoroki. He lands between the sharp objects on the floor. 

"Yeah, but he's already coming back. Got the surprise?" Shoto throws the gear down. 

"Yeah." She reaches for the dolls she already created. 

"You two finished?" Aizawa glares down, cutting off their quirks. 

"Yes." She throws the dolls upwards. "Close your eyes, Shoto!" 

"What's this?" Aizawa kicks and swats them away. The dolls open up, and a click could be heard. Momo and Shoto close their eyes as the flashbangs go off right in Aizawa's face. Aizawa's eyes are forced shut before he gets encased in ice, leaving his head free. 

"Let's get him cuffed and end this." Momo states. 

"Sounds good." Shoto throws her the cuffs he had as they make their way up the glacier Todoroki threw at him. Aizawa opens his eyes, seeing his students standing over him. 

"Not bad. Not bad at all." Aizawa felt warmth around his hands before metal was tightening around his wrists. 

"That worked well." Shoto keeps melting the ice around his teacher now that he was caught. 

"Agreed." Momo smiles, even though she relied on Shoto's power. It was the best option to end it quickly. 

"When did you come up with the plan?" Aizawa asks Shoto. 

"As soon as the bell started," Shoto answers. "I just acted like the first part was my idea. It was hers." Shoto points to his partner.

Aizawa's smirk was hidden by his capture gear as the announcement gets called across all testing sites. 'they tricked me.' 

Observation room

Izuku smiles, seeing Aizawa in cuffs. He snaps a photo on his phone for blackmail later on. 

"My, my. What a softy." Recovery girl states and smiles. "This is an announcement. The first team to pass is Todoroki and Yaoyorozu!" 

"I know they're calling this a test, but each matchup is an intentionally specialized assignment, right?" Izuku leans back while flipping through his pages. Sato and Sero were both knocked out by Midnight in seconds. Not really fair, but they did get distracted once they got near the gates. Mineta was the only one spared due to Sero's and Sato's quick thinking to throw the smallest guy away from the mist. Katsuki was hardheaded along with Kirishima as they try to break through Cemetoss's walls. It did seem Katsuki was waiting for something, but Izuku wasn't paying attention to that site right now. 

"That's right." Recovery girl answers calmly. 

"Tokoyami still needs to work on his close-quarters combat. He's getting better but needs work." Izuku writes down his notes as Dark Shadow covers Tokoyami while Asui saves his butt when a clone pops up behind him. "Asui's there to give emotional support, isn't she?" 

Recovery girl stays quiet as he just goes back to mumbling and writing. Recovery girl watches as ectoplasm spits out his biggest clones but ultimately defeated when Dark Shadow cuffs his legs together, making him trip himself. 

"Asui and Tokoyami have passed the exam!" 

Izuku smiles but moves to the next sight. He facepalms hard, seeing Mina and Kaminari just run away from the sadistic Nezu. Izuku quickly marks out the path they should have taken since he left it clear for them. They just panicked, and it cost them dearly. "Also, Mina could have gone through the pipes. Nezu wouldn't destroy anything knowing he couldn't find his students." Izuku mutters before flipping to Jiro's team page. 

Her team was still behind held back by Mic's quirk. Izuku felt bad for Jiro as she covers her ears while firing back counters to clash the two sound quirks. Finally, Koda got over his fear of bugs once he saw Jiro was bleeding from her ears and cause Mic to faint. 

"Beaten by bugs? Pathetic!" Recovery girl grunts. Izuku thought back to the Uraraka's construction dungeon. Those red bugs with human teeth. They were grosser than normal bugs. 'I wonder how easy those dungeons would be now?' Izuku looks at his stats as he already had most of the matches played out in his notebook previously. 

Team Uraraka's Location

"We were so close!!" Ochako grips the railing tighter as her teammate was next to her. The gate just feet away when Thirteen Sensei caught them and starts to use their quirk. 

"Close one there… you almost got away!" Thirteen walks closer to the pair holding on for dear life. 

"He keeps trying to vacuum us up as he gets closer!" Ochako whines softly. 

"Personally, I dislike fighting, but I have my own method of trapping pray." Their Sensei sounds a lot meaner than they were used too. 

"Heh, heh… now that's one quirk that constantly sucks." Aoyama's cape was pulling back from the vacuum. 

"You doing a routine or something?! We're in a pinch here!" Ochako yells at her partner. 

"My costume," Aoyama bends his legs up, pointing his knees backward before blasting his quirk towards Thirteen. "It transmits from my navel so pinch? We are in so pinch that I can see." Aoyama smiles cockily. 

"I can also absorb light." Thirteen deadpans while still getting closer. "Annihilated down to the atomic level." Aoyama's mask flies off his face only to be ripped apart into Thirteen's quirk. 

"This is no joke!" The blond huffs out, seeing his mask destroyed. 

"What the heck, Aoyama?!" Ochako grabs the bar tighter. 'Darn, we'll be caught. In a pinch like this… think dummy.' Ochako grits her teeth. 'in this situation if I were Izuku.' 

"Hey." Her partner speaks up. 

"Hold on a sec, I'm…" Ochako was cut off. 

"You were just thinking "if I were Izuku Midoriya…" Weren't you?" Aoyama gives her a knowing smirk. "You like him, don't you?" 

"Huh?" Ochako blushes and slaps her cheeks, completely letting go of the bar. "Oh!"


"What?!" Thirteen closes off his quirk, so he didn't kill a student. 

"Another Announcement. Shoji and Hagakure's Team has passed the exam!" Recovery girl's voice comes through the speakers while Ochako quickly pins her opponent and cuffs him. "It appears that Uraraka and Aoyama's team has passed the exam!" 

"Oh, Ochako's team won." Izuku looks up, missing the conversation between Aoyama and his best friend. "Did you hear what they said? I was paying attention to Shoji and Hagakure's match." 

"No, sweety, I missed it." Recovery girl lies and shakes her head. 'Ah to be young again.' 

Izuku looks weirdly at recovery girl who looks like she was remising about something. 'okay then…' 

Izuku sits back as the pairs are on their way back. Everyone passed besides, Kaminari and Mina. Which was disappointing on its own. "I mean Mineta even got his head straightened on and stopped Midnight while lugging both his partners out of the gate." Izuku closes his notes before seeing one screen showing a large city that hasn't been touched yet. 'That must be my testing sight.' Izuku thought about other teachers he might face or if they called in a hero from outside the school. He lays his notes down at the desk now that his classmate's matches were over. 

Izuku spends his time trying to guess who he would be facing until he felt a paw on his arm. Izuku stops and looks down. "Ah, Sorry." Izuku looks down at Nezu while rubbing the back of his neck. 

"It's okay, Midoriya. Do you have your notes?" Nezu keeps giving that same polite smile. Izuku nods and hands over the notebook Nezu gave him. "Thank you, Aizawa will take you to your resting sight."

"Okay." Izuku gets up from his seat as his classmates that were not injured were already taking their spots ready to watch the last exam of the day. "I won't know who I'm facing until I'm inside, right?" 

"Correct!" Nezu chirps, already flipping through the notebook. "Good Luck, Midoriya!" 

"Thank you, Principal." Izuku rubs his head as he finds Aizawa on the last bus. Izuku got onto it before sitting down towards the front. "So, won't be throwing me a bone and tell me who I am facing?" 

"Sorry, kid, Nezu's orders." Aizawa drives down the long road Izuku could only try to relax. 

Aizawa stops the bus and pulls out his own tablet. "Your opponent is waiting inside. Good luck, kid." 

Izuku nods and gets off the bus. Izuku stands at the gate, feeling as if he was walking into a dungeon. 'It has to be All Might.' Izuku breaths in before stepping through the entrance. 

"The final exam of the day has begun," Nezu's chipper voice comes over the speakers. "Play nice boys." 

The wind pressure changes quickly as blocks of the faux city was ripped from the foundation. Izuku expertly dodges pieces of rubble being sent his way as he walks towards the center of the town. 

"Who cares about keeping this city intact?" All Might stands as the dust settled, allowing Izuku to see his opponent's full body. 

'no cuffs… they want a full blow match?' Izuku looks at the cameras and then drones flying above them. "All Might, are you sure you want to do this?" Izuku hadn't taken his hands out of his pockets. 

"I am a villain, hero. So give me your best shot." All Might grins. 

"I hope you got enough rest." Izuku removes his hands from his pockets while the hero dashes in front of Izuku. Bringing his fist down like a hammer. All Might feels his hit connects as the power of the blow explodes outward. Any of the buildings that may have been standing after his first punch were effectively demolished by the power of the second hit. As the dust settled, All Might almost coughs blood, finding Izuku just blocking his attack with his forearm. Izuku glares upwards before palm striking the large hero in the chest, sending him backward through the street. Dust blows upward, blocking any visual on the two fighters. A dark voice comes from Izuku, one full of rage and hidden pain. 

"Am I strong enough now, All Might?" Izuku swipes the air sending the dust away and clearing the field. Everyone saw the destruction of the two powerful fighters as the 5 city blocks around them were flattened. "Have I proven to you… to everyone that I belong here?" Izuku steps forward the road was filled with cracks and busted asphalt. "or am I still that quirkless kid on that rooftop?" 

"Young Midoriya, I apologize for my words that day." All Might felt the presence of Midoriya. In all honesty, it reminds Yagi of himself during his prime. 

"Would you still say that if I was quirkless? I haven't called on any of my soldiers. This" Izuku motions to their surroundings. "Is my strength, but this is all physical" The monarch jumps towards All Might with his fist pulled back. All Might dodges left as Izuku's fist hits the floor, sending shockwaves through the floor ripping the earth and sending it upwards. "Heroes are physically strong as well as mentally." Izuku grabs the dirt beneath him before throwing it into All Might's face to blind him. All Might claps sending the wind outwards, which knocks the dirt away. 

"Correct young man, but even heroes slip up. What I said that day was a mistake. I was in a ru-" All Might gets cut off by a roundhouse kick to his right arm. All Might digs his feet into the dirt, so he didn't go flying. 

"A mistake? A MISTAKE? You couldn't even spare me a few minutes before you brushed me off like some groupie." Izuku growls. "If I…" Izuku grits his teeth to shut himself up. 'They are watching, probably listening as well.' Izuku pulls out the handcuffs. "Let's just get this over with." 

All Might curses himself before dodging another attempt as Izuku tries to catch his wrist to cuff him. "If you didn't, what? Run into the slime villain like a hero? When other heroes did nothing but stand by watching your friend suffocate?"

"HE IS NOT MY FRIEND!" Izuku yells with more pain than rage. "He's just Katsuki, my classmate." Izuku almost crushes the cuffs in his hand if he wasn't careful. "My body moved on its own," Izuku admits. 

"That is what heroes say. Their bodies moved on their own. You did that without a quirk." All Might had to get Izuku talking for this to work. 

"And I would have never got mine if I didn't almost die that day." Izuku grits his teeth. "I don't even know where I would be right now if I didn't make it into U.A. I never really thought about it." 

In the observation room

"D-does that mean what I think it means?" Momo asks softly. She prays she interprets Izuku's words wrong. 

"What does All Might mean about apologizing?" Mineta asks. 

"The slime villain? Didn't that happen last year?" Mina pulls out her phone to check. 

"Quirkless?" Ochako questions. When she first met Izuku, his quirk brought him to her family's construction site. He never really talks about school or family around her. She just knew he's hidden a lot, and not only from her. 

"Bakubro…" Kirishima starts but saw a look on his friend's face he never saw before. Guilt. 

'Izuku, you got a lot stronger, haven't you.' Shoto watches the destruction of the city from the back of the room. He wasn't jealous or mad; he was impressed. Going head to head with his father's rival. 'He can't even match All Might's strength and your making it look like child's play. But why are you so mad?' 

"Student's" Nezu was sitting next to Recovery girl watching his plan start to work the more Izuku talks. "Please pay attention, we will explain later." 

Aizawa, on the other hand, was sitting on the bus feeling the two S-ranked opponents clash. It sent shivers down his spine as he hears the rage in Midoriya's voice, but there was also pain. 'I hope this works.' Aizawa turns back to the flight. 

Back to the fight

"What are you doing, All Might?" Izuku asks, straight up. "You fight head-on with most of the villains you face. So why are you talking now?" 

"Talking is a valid way to get a villain to give up. Connecting with them and getting them to stand down." All Might swallows softly. 

"Connecting? What do you even know about being quirkless? Your All Might! You don't know what I've been put through. How much I've had to bury and justify for other people so that I could look myself in the eye?" Izuku grabs his hair wanting to keep everything buried and never bring it up again. His quirk already hides the physical scars. Why couldn't it hide the mental ones? 

All Might knows everyone was watching and listening. He couldn't tell Izuku he used to be quirkless until his mentor granted him a powerful gift. He moves closer, keeping his hands open as his student looks like a wounded animal, and just like a wounded animal Izuku lashes out. Izuku punches All Might in the upper right shoulder, staying clear of his old wound. All Might grunts and launches into the walls surrounding the city. Yagi quickly realizes every hit Izuku sent his way steers clear of his injury. Every attack was aimed at his right side instead of left.

"Do you think I asked my best friend to abandoned me as soon as I was diagnosed quirkless? Do you think I wanted adults to look at me with pity or disgust? I was seven years old, the first time I heard someone tell me to kill myself because I wasn't born with a quirk! When was the last time someone told you to kill yourself All Might?" Izuku stalks towards All Might with raging green eyes. Izuku watches the revulsion come across All Might's face finding out a seven-year-old was told to kill themselves. "I have received over 700 spider lilies, 200 fake love letters, ten death threats, and I've lost count of the times people have said "Take swan dive off the roof" So what do you want to connect with first All Might?" Izuku was standing over a shocked All Might at the numbers Izuku just gave him. 

"Should I go on?" Izuku asks in a tight voice. Since the scars were already open, why not go digging. "The teachers did nothing as the verbal abuse continued; they even joined in. Then students turned on me because SOMEONE caused them to." Izuku wouldn't name drop Katsuki. He always knew Katsuki could be an amazing hero, and he wouldn't destroy his dream like that. "That's just verbal All Might. Ready for the physical?" Izuku unbuttons the top few buttons showing his neck. "Burn scar." Izuku points to his collar bone. "broken shoulder." Izuku didn't move his finger.

"Few broken ribs, broken arm, three times, I believe before I learned to run for my life." All Might stares at the clean skin that showed no sign of damage. "Scars used to litter my skin until the day we met. I still don't know if that was the best day ever or the worst. I mean, I got to meet you. The one hero that used to say 'Anyone can be a hero!' The one hero that kept me going through all that, I got back up, I patched myself up, and I kept forgiving and forgetting every wrong the people closest to me did. I kept going." Tears freely roll down Izuku's face as he holds onto his jacket tightly as if as soon as he let go, he would fall apart. "Then, you just buried the last nail in the coffin with your words." Izuku chokes himself up with tears. "I was so close, so damn close…" Izuku takes a deep breath as he remembered looking over the city after All Might left him on the rooftop. He remembered clinging to the metal railing until that explosion distracted him from his plan. 

"I am so sorry," All Might was bowing with his head on the floor. "I am sorry for not giving you the hope and safety I strived towards since I was a student at U.A... I was so distracted I didn't notice your pain and dismissed you. I'm sorry I failed to be the hero you looked up too. I can only ask for you to give me the chance to make up for my mistakes." Izuku's bottom lip trembles. He sees All Might kneeling and not asking for forgiveness but asking for a chance for redemption. 

Izuku crumbles to the floor as he just stares at All Might for a long time. All Might didn't dare move waiting for Izuku to answer. 

All Might hears the softest 'Okay' from his student before feeling something cold snap around his wrist. Izuku was smiling weakly. "guess talking can help some." Izuku sniffs and looks at the floor. 

"Midoriya Izuku passes his final exam." Nezu's voice wasn't as chipper as before the exam started. "All Might, the camera feeds, and sounds are cut." Nezu continues leaving the two alone. 

"Midoriya." Izuku hears All Might deflate, and he looks up. "Thank you for giving me the chance to make up for my past mistakes… and not aiming for my weak side." Yagi smiles softly. 

"I don't hate you, All Might… I just…" Izuku wipes his cheeks. "I'm just angry because you were just like everyone else." Izuku slowly stands up, buttoning up his shirt again. "I was wrong. Your different." 

"No, I dismissed you just like your teachers and own parents," Yagi argues. 

"Yet, you are the first one to bow and ask to fix your mistakes." Izuku holds out his hand towards Yagi. "You're the first person to say sorry, not in a self-interested way but one that was meant for me… Thank you." 

"I should be the one saying thank you for giving me a chance." Yagi takes Izuku's hand, and he gets pulled to his feet. The two look around at the destruction. "Oh, this reminds me. My old friend invited me to I-expo. Would you like to come with me? I have a plus one, and I saw you talking with that Hatsume girl about her support equipment." Yagi sees Izuku's eyes light up, and his mouth drops open some. 

"Seriously?" Izuku's voice cracks slightly before covering it with a cough. "That would be pretty cool… if you would have me. I would love to go." Izuku looks away from Yagi, who laughs freely. 

"Perfect! We leave a day before the expo opens. Will you still be in the dorms?" Yagi gave his full attention to Izuku as they begin to walk back to the bus. 

"Yes, I still don't want to face my parents." Izuku rubs his neck. 

"Okay, young man. I will come to get you before we leave." Yagi and Izuku stop at the gate before turning around facing the city. 

"We seriously destroyed this site," Izuku mutters softly. 'I kinda feel bad for Cementoss.' 

"Haha, yes, we did. It was a good fight." Yagi sweatdrops. 'Cementoss will kill me.' 

"You two done. The class is waiting." Aizawa voices from the bus trying to look nonchalant while looking at the old S-rank hero and the up-and-coming young S-ranked kid with more issues than most villains he's had the pleasure of meeting. 

'crap… my fami- my class saw all that…' Izuku bites his tongue and nods. 

Next chapter