
Chapter 1

You know...people really need to be clear with their words. When they said that the hokage wanted to see me, I thought they meant just the hokage, not the whole damn council. Shit. Even Danzo's here too.

I've been in this council room for almost five minutes and no one has said a word. I can see the hokage and some clan heads frowning a bit. It's probably because a normal four year old would be afraid or at least nervous when facing so many adults, but instead here I am looking at them calmly. Either that or it's the fact that I killed a man last.

Something about that last thought bothers me. It happened last night. It almost midnight right now. Why did they wait so long to call me here? It couldn't have taken more than two hours to find me. So why?

The hokage finally decided it was time to start talking. "Izuna Genki. I assume you know why you're here."

I stared calmly before replying. "...Yes"

"Can you explain to us the details leading up to last night's event." Came the elderly hokage's gruff voice.

I nodded before beginning my explanation. During the explanation, a multitude of emotions crossed the face of the council members, but one emotion was common between all of them. Sadness. It was clearly visible on Hiashi, Danzo...not so much.

Why would they feel sad? Why would Hiashi be so sad. His daughter's alive right? Realization hits me as I think it through. So that's how it is...

"Where did you learn genjutsu and shurikenjutsu?" The hokage's voice broke me out of my thoughts. He really wants to drag this out.

"I learned genjutsu from a scroll I found at home. I'm self taught in shurikenjutsu." I replied as calm as I had been since I stepped into the office.

This time their emotions were clearly visible on their faces. Even the stoic and scheming Danzo held an expression of slight shock.

There was a lot of murmuring at the table. Mostly about the absurdity of a child at the age of four to have learnt what most academy students struggle with. What they were thinking didn't bother me. What I wanted to know was what Danzo was thinking and I have the perfect solution.

Two years ago I came to the realization. It was that if at any moment, a Yamanaka goes though my mind, I would be locked in an interrogation room for the rest of my life. I didn't want that to happen. I searched the system's store for anything that would help me protect my mind. What I found, both excited and disappointed me.

I found [Occlumemcy] from Harry Potter. But there was one tiny problem. It cost 10,000 system points. Back then I didn't have enough points. Hell, even now I still don't. I have only 6800 system points. So I came up with a solution. Skills can be learnt through skill books. So what if I create my own skill book.

I asked the system whether it would work and I was excited when it said yes, though there would be a slightly fee, it's still worth it in the end. I took me 5 months to write everything I knew about [Occlumency] in the book. I didn't stop at [Occlumency], I divide the book into two different parts. The first part was [Occlumency], the second part was [Legilimency].

Who knows when I'll need it. I might not have time or I might not even remember to buy the skill so I added it on to it. The result of it was this.

[The Art Of The Mind]

The mind is not a book, to be opened at will and examined at leisure. Thoughts are not etched on the inside of skulls, to be perused by any invader. The mind is a complex and many-layered thing. ~Severus Snape.

[1st Effect]:[Occlumency]:Allows user to arrange and fortify their mind against mental attacks.

[2nd Effect]:[Legilimency]:Allows user to delve into the mind of targets.

Another advantage I found with self created skill books was that they didn't have levels. They are set at max by default. Peering into Danzo's mind, what I find didn't shock me that much but it did prove that my thoughts on what was going to happen were correct.

'-Hiruzen, you fool! Do you not see the benefit of this child being in konoha!? You-'

The rest of his thoughts were about how Hiruzen wasn't fit to be the hokage and how he wanted me in his root army. Got to hand it to the guy. Even with the raging thoughts in his head, his face didn't so much as twitch.

Hiashi's thoughts were asking Hinata to forgive him, which I found mildly amusing. Shikaku's thoughts however, were interesting.

'How troublesome. This will come back to bite us the ass. I just know it. Not like I can do anything about it. What a drag.'

The murmurs finally quiet down as the hokage finally decided to come out with it.

[[[20 minutes later]]]

I walk out of the hokage tower in slight anger. In the end, I could do nothing as the old bastard presented his 'solution' to keep the peace between Kumo and Konoha by giving me up to kumo.

What made it worse was the fact that he tried to make it seem like I was doing the whole of Konoha a great. Like I was meant to be a bargaining chip.

Before I met the Hokage today, I already had a bad impression of him from what I already knew about him. Before coming here I kept my mind open to see if maybe I was wrong in my assumption. What little respect I had for him had already been destroyed.

A Kumo shinobi would be in Konoha to take me to Kumo tomorrow. How do they not realize the fact that Kumo shouldn't have been aware of the death of the Kumo ambassador unless they have a spy in their midst.


It was only the familiar sound of the system that slightly lifted my mood. Every month since I've been born here, I always get one Gacha ticket. I mostly get ninja tools or skill/jutsu that I don't have enough chakra to use. I even get system points sometimes.

The last time I rolled it, I got [Wind manipulation]. The skill is self explanatory. I'm excited to see what I'll get this time. Using the ticket, I watch as images spun wildly on the roulette until they finally stopped.


[Hair Manipulation]




Are you kidding me? Sigh. I don't even bother checking the skill because whatever good mood I hoped to have is crushed.

I walk back to the building where the sperm donor that I unfortunately live with resides. I refuse to call him my father and I refuse to call this place a home.

Entering the building, I go straight to my room. Walking past the living room, I see the man passed out drunk on the chair. Thinking about what I'm about to do carefully, I calmly stare at his limp body for a few second before thinking 'screw it'.

I remember something from a childhood tv show, where a guy kill someone else by manipulating air into a ball around his head and sucking out all the oxygen and whatever gases from them with said ball.

Funny enough, my wind manipulation doesn't use chakra unless I'm producing the wind, so even with my low chakra reserves, what I'm about to do is still possible. Or what I might do. I sigh, calming down as I walk past him. I can't kill him just yet. I'm still in Konoha. I'm sure there is some kind of punishment for killing a leaf shinobi.

Going to my room, I lay down thinking about what to do now. I'll be leaving the village tomorrow. I could always escape from the jonin. I sigh as I finally look at the [Hair manipulation] skill.

Turns out, it's actually very useful. It's like the jutsu Jiraiya casts with his hair, only much better. I can increase the length of my hair, change it's color, make it as elastic as rubber, make it as hard as iron or even make it as sharp as a kunai.

I let a smirk creep onto my face. I already have a plan for tomorrow.

[[[The next day]]]

I stood outside the gates of Konoha with the hokage and an Anbu, waiting for the shinobi from Kumo to come pick me up. I'm not even sure that they won't kill me upon getting to Kumo. When you talk about face value, I'm not as valuable to Kumo as a Hyuga.

Even if I'm a 'prodigy', that may not even matter. I'm not too keen leaving my survival up to chance. A gruff voice broke me out of my musing.

"Are you ready, Izuna-kun?" The excuse of a hokage looked at me as if nothing was wrong. As if he didn't just sell me away to another village.

I simply sneered at him before turning my face away. After waiting for a while, a figure blurred to the gate at high speed. When the blur stopped, it revealed itself to be the Kumo nin that we were waiting for.

He walked towards the Hokage and the anbu, completely ignoring me. They spoke in low tones so I couldn't hear what was spoken between. He finally looked at me.

Without even saying anything to me, he simply snatched me up and held me under his arm. I was relatively small so there is not much problem. As he walked past the gates carrying me, I gave the hokage one last hateful look.

The moment he was a few feet past the gate, he immediately picked up speed. I felt the wind pick up and dig into my face. When I felt that we were a good distance from Konoha I started my plan.

Using [Wind Manipulation] I increased the air resistance around the Shinobi holding me, slowing him down a bit. I shifted a bit under his arm causing him to grab me tighter which would serve good for me.

All the time I had been under his arm, I had been looking for the most critical point through his armor that would cause maximum damage. I can't fight a jonin head on, not that I plan to.

Leaning my head head more into his skin, I use [Hair manipulation] to simultaneously extend, sharpen and harden my hair. My hardened hair immediately cut deep into his side, draining my chakra at the same time.

The now injured shinobi tumbled to the floor releasing me as we fell into a rough roll on the floor. My body hurt as I tried to stand. I looked to the Kumo nin to see him looking at me in hatred.

Seeing him painfully drag himself towards me, I hastily cast a [Genjutsu] with the small sliver of chakra left in my reserves. It only takes him a second to dispel it but that was enough time for me to launch a kunai into his head.

His body fell to the floor as I let out a sigh of relief. I try to move before realizing that I didn't think this through. I used the last of my chakra to cast the [Genjutsu]. I can't move my body. Chakra exhaustion is the worst.

*Ding* Host has received 1000 system points!

Reading the notification, I didn't know how to feel. I got the same amount of points for the other Jonin. While 1000 system points may seem much, it's not. The skills and items in the store are freaking expensive.

I could do nothing but lay on the ground waiting for my chakra to reach an acceptable level for me to be able to leave.

[[[Hokage Office]]]

Hiruzen Sarutobi leaned into his seat as he released a sigh. Kumo was getting desperate for the byakugan. If not for Izuna, they might have escaped. Now he had no choice but to give him up for the sake of peace.

No matter how he looked at it, sacrificing the life of one was better than sacrificing thousands to a pointless war. It was all for the greater good. All he wanted to do now was take a break but it seemed fate would not grant him rest as the window opened.

A figure rolled into the office through the window. The third hokage looked at the familiar figure that stood before him.

"Ahh...What brings you here, Jiraiya?"

The now named Jiraiya stood in front of the aged Hokage.

"Yo Sensei. We have a problem." Jiraiya had an uncharacteristically serious expression. In all of Hiruzen's time as a Hokage and his Sensei, he can count the amount of times he's seen that expression on his student's face on one hand.

He immediately sat up at that. Seeing that his Sensei was waiting for him, he continued.

"The toads have seen something. Or rather someone. They're not sure if it's related to the prophecy or not but it's important." He spoke and started weaving hand signs.

[Kuchiyose no Jutsu!]

A puff of smoke appeared in the middle of the room. The smoke cleared to reveal a green toad sporting beards and a cape.

"Jiraiya-chan. Hiruzen-dono." The toad greeted as he looked round the room.

"Greetings Fukasaku. What's this about someone being related to the prophecy?" The elderly hokage asked.

The toad had a grave expression for a while before answering.

"Not many toads have dreams. It is very rare. When a toad dreams, it most likely comes through. For a long time, only the great toad elder has had dreams. But..."

He paused and there was a grave silence in the room as they waited for the toad to continue his tale.

"For the first time in history all the toads dreamt. Not only that. But they all had the same dream." He stopped to let it sink in.

"What was the dream about?" The third Hokage asked.

"We all dreamt about a boy." The toad answered. The third hokage looked confused.

"A boy?" He asked skeptically.

"Ye, a boy. Unlike the child of the prophecy, this child's face was clear but it is unknown what role he'll play in the future. One thing we do know is that his strength...will be terrifying." The toad replied.

The room was silent for a moment before Hiruzen asked. "Can you describe what the child looks like?"

Jiraiya, who had been silent finally spoke. "It would be better if we showed you."

He fished out a folded piece of paper from his clothing before presenting it to the hokage.

"The great toad elder had him sketched to make sure no one would forget."

As Hiruzen opened the piece of paper, his face paled instantly. Jiraiya looked confused at his Sensei's behavior.

"What's wrong, Sensei?"

His words fell on deaf ears as his Sensei continued staring at the familiar picture. Brown-almost black-spiky shoulder length hair. Black eyes and a stoic expression on his face.

"Sensei. What's wrong? Do you recognize that boy?" Jiraiya asked.

With his face still pale, he nodded.

"Yes. Yes I know him."

Jiraiya looked relieved before asking. "Where is he?"

Hiruzen sat in silence for a while before speaking.

"That may be a problem."

Next chapter