
Solitude makes me the strongest

A man trapped in some unknown dimension becomes the strongest after being alone for so long and having one familiar thing that happens every 10 years [attention you are fr-error] [stem reboot. [Attention you will be free in 10 years so do something] and after along time he is finally free what will he do. He even gets mistaken for the villain and a hero when he just wants to explore his new environment peacefully. The origin of the solitude will be revealed later so will the origin of why the story takes place how he ended up where he woke and who he is. The writing may be bad at some points but I will make the story good 1 or more chapters a week And if you want to read a novel better than this go check out villain retirement it’s a great novel There will also be a side story later of what he experienced in solitude but this will happen later

Frozen_fruit · Fantasy
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Start of the adventure and the dogs

After 10 minute of walking a bush started rustling and what came out from it was a pack of wolves that appeared from the bushes ranging from lv20-40 they had surrounded Grimm.

"Aw it's some cute puppies." "I thought it was monsters." The wolves where confused at his remark.

But then one of the wolfs tried to bite him and it broke its teeth when it bit him.

"You shouldn't bite people." He scolded the wolf.

The wolfs became afraid because of the one of them that broke their teeth just by biting him.

So the wolfs tried to flee.

"Come back puppies, I haven't pet all of you yet." Grimm had never seen a dog before so he wanted to pet them and know what a dogs fur felt like.

The wolves fled even faster. But he appeared directly in front of the wolves and the wolf that led the retreat crashed into him.

"Now then it's time to pet you doggies."

The wolfs trembled with fear. Then they howled for they where calling for help. Grimm paid no attention to them and walked over to the nearest wolf and pet it on the head accidentally breaking its neck.

"Oops I used to much force I will use less strength next time. Now come here puppies." He walked over to the next wolf and it trembled uncontrollably for it believed it was the end for it so it tried to flee. He caught the wolf. "You aren't supposed to run." He said with an innocent smile.