
Chapter 1

The Winter Soldier or Bucky he wasn't sure which, walked through the snowy forest. He had just escaped Hydra during a mission fighting Captain America, but the man seemed to know him and called him Bucky and his friend and now he was in Canada thinking it would be better to be out of the country. Suddenly he saw a small jacket lying on the ground he looked around cautiously and picked it up and it was a small kid's jacket. He kept walking taking the jacket with him to see a small girl laying next to a tree shivering from the cold. He looked around again for anyone before approaching the child. He could hear the girl whimpering, "Please don't hurt me please don't hurt me." He decided instead of waking up the girl by touching her but to go back and stomp in the snow to wake her up since touching her would scare even more so that's what he did.

The girl opened her eyes and shot up like a rocket, then she looked at Bucky and relaxed, "What's your name?" Bucky asked. "Katrina I think," Katrina responded still shivering. "How old are you? Bucky asked approaching her and giving her the jacket, he found which she put on. Katrina lifted up her hands and held 6 fingers. Bucky looked at her in shock, what was he supposed to do with the poor girl? "Come here," Bucky knelt down and held his arms out. Katrina looked at him cautiously before letting Bucky pick her up. "How can I trust you?" Katrina asked very cautious still. "I can't even trust myself so I don't know," Bucky replied. Kat nodded sleepily.

Bucky stood there for a second not knowing what to do then he decided he would go back to New York and find Steve he could help him with Katrina. Bucky started walking back in the direction he came as Katrina asked him a question, "What's your name?" "Um, uh, Bucky," Bucky responded as the memory of him falling off a train came back to him. Silence came upon them, the only thing that was heard was the cruch of snow under Bucky's feet and their breathing, it was a very still day nothing moved at all. Soon Katrina fell asleep in Bucky's arms as they made their way to New York.

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