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Egla_Praiz · Fantasy
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My name is Lisa Wilson daughter to Mr Dave Wilson and Mrs lena Wilson.I have a little brother called Tyler Wilson.

We live in this small house found in Gardenia Kingdom ruled by a nasty evil old king called King Duke.

My dad is the only source of food in our family.He works for a fat rich man called Sir David .He works in his farm as one of the caretakers of his animals.

One day my dad came home earlier than usual that day.He came right on time for lunch.so he joined us for lunch."Dear how come you came home so early today,"my mom finally asked."

"Well am a afraid honey I have some bad news,"my dad answered my mom.Since we were taught almost everywhere to give adults space while talking my brother and I decided to leave.

But as soon as we woke up from the mats which served as a sofa our dad told us to sit back down the bad news was for the whole family.So we sat back.

" I lost my job ,"my dad said almost like he was saying to himself."What.Honey how why,"my mom asked confused."I don't know how Sir David came to me this morning and told me am fired and I should leave before noon,"he said tears rolling down his face.

So that was it we were to become poorer than we thought. The money my dad earned sustained food only.The house we lived in belonged to my late grandmother which meant we didn't have to pay rent. We didn't have money to buy clothes. when other girls my age wore brand new ,expensive and fashioned clothes.I had to rely on the old clothes that they threw away.

Life was already hard and now it was to become worse.But I gave myself hope saying that things will be okay and my dad would probably get a new job.I mean how hard can it be finding a new job.

But I was wrong my dad never got any luck finding a new job.And by the end of the week I was sure I had lost almost ten pounds because of starvation. We only ate food when some good and generous person threw a coin at my brothers or my begging bowl.

So guys this is my first novel .Am so excited right now and please guys do support me.Comment also so that I can know your thoughts

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