
Adventuring Into Starfall Forest And Naming

Now that I finally got out of the academy I should start by looking for good places to camp at. With that being said I looked at my phone and opened the map on it. And after a while of checking the map for good places I managed to find a good place to camp at called Starfall Forest. Like it's name suggests, you can see shooting stars there and other than that it's also known for how beautiful it looks at night.

With that being said I should go stock up on some things so that i'll be able to actually camp there.

After deciding on that I quickly got on the first bus that I found that would take me to an area with a shop where I could buy camping equipment and other necessities for camping and survival in general. When I got there I picked out all the items that I would need for camping there and most likely be safe in the wilderness.

I then went to the cashier to pay for the items that I picked out, which quite expensive actually since I have to admit that I thought that it would be cheaper then what it actually costed in reality.

Ok, what should I do now? Since there's still a while before I even get close to the time that I decided to leave on but.... If I do leave now then I can both do more research about the Solmythos there and also be able to aquire knowledge about the types of herbs that grow there and also take some herbs that seem usefull to me...

After contemplating about it for a while I finally decided to start heading to Starfall forest. Because if I do that then it would be more usefull then to just stay here and do nothing for a while, not even five minutes after saying that I left the shopping area and got on a bus that would take me next to one to of the areas in the forest that could get me to the actuall Starfall Forest, since there's a forest surrounding the actuall Starfall forest, which is one of the reasons that even with all the beatiful things in it it's still an unpopular place to camp in.

So I got on the Bus and paid the fee like any normal person would do.

After a long drive on the bus I finally got to the area that I wanted to get to and oh boy was I tired from that drive. It's normally supposed to take around fifteen minutes to get there but this time it took around half an hour so double the the time.

Anyways, now that I'm actually here I should probably start going in. With me saying that I went in and took out one of the books that I had with me, this specific book was about herbology, the reason that I chose to take it with me is quite obvious really.

After a while of walking I found an area that looked like I can rest there so I sat down and started reading the book and then found out that some of the herbs in this area are the same ones that there are in the book, seeing that I started picking them so that I could use them later if I ever need to or just use them for cooking in general.

When I finished picking all the herbs that we're shown in the book I then got up and continued walking towards Starfall forest since by now I'm actually quite close to it due to walking for a while earlier.

It didn't even take me five more minutes of walking until I got to Starfall forest and it did infact look as magnificent as people said it was. After walking for a bit more I came across an area that's perfect for camping due to there being a lake near there with all types of fish Solmythos, next to it was a large patch of all types of herbs so I could stock up on herbs whenever I want to have more.

So after a while of settling down and setting up my things there I thought that I should give the two catterpilars names since they can't be nameless their whole life now can they.

After letting the two of them outside of my bag I started thinking ahbout names that would fit them, after a while of thinking about their names I decided to call the red one Ignis since his eyes did look like flames and call the white one Lunaris, the reason being quite of obvious due to his eye that looked like the moon.

Then, Lunaris, Ignis and I layed down one the grass and just rest there.

I hope this chapter turned out well since I kind of half asleep while writing this one so that's why it might not be as good as I wanted it to be.

BlepLeFrogcreators' thoughts