
Sociopathic Ninja

He doesn't conform to the norms set by the society. He is blunt, does whatever he wants, and cares little about his surroundings. He values little of emotions. He uses people instead of befriending them. People call him by many names. The last addition to those names is misogynist. With so many people against him just because he perceives the world as it is, how will he live in the world where being realistic is a must and feelings matter the least? Will he feel his previous world better or will he feel at home? Whichever it is, he has to spill a lot of blood.

Frona_Gorgophone · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Change is Initiated

10 advanced chapters on my Patreon: Fiction Haven


Five days had passed since Karin's arrival at Konoha. As expected, Kusa didn't know about our involvement. The only thing they did was ask for reinforcement from Konoha and Konoha happily did it. Of course, it was not without a catch. In other words, Konoha was winning big time.

I didn't do anything but focus myself on exploring my power. With Hiraishin mastered, I moved on to the Shinigami Mask. The debacle from five days earlier drove me to understand the seal written on it. After meeting the Shinigami, everything suddenly made sense. At the end of the journey, I should be able to fool the Shinigami without Orochimaru's help.

The other thing I did was integrate Karin into Konoha. That was not necessary given my plan, but I didn't want her to stick to me all day. Unlike me, an adult stuck in a kid's body, she was a proper kid. She needed to socialize and enjoy her life. Introducing her to Ino and Sakura seemed to be the correct decision.

"Do you have any plans today, Naruto-kun?"

"I will be training with Sarutobi-sensei, I guess. After successfully using Version 2 in Kusa, I think I have to up my training."

"Ah, I see."

I hummed absentmindedly and slurped my miso soup. Although I didn't mind talking during mealtime, I preferred having breakfast in silence. My eyes met Tsunade's disapproving gaze. I just shrugged. I knew Karin was asking me to go out, but I couldn't pass up an opportunity to train my control on my wildest power.

"The Hyūga patriarch is commissioning a mission for Shinobi well-versed in Fūinjutsu. His youngest daughter recently developed an interest in Fūinjutsu, so he wants to have someone teach her," Tsunade spoke. "Maybe, you should take that mission, Naruto."

"I am expensive, Tsunade. Go ask Jiraiya and see if he is willing," I declined.

"You only need to teach her the basics. Just enough for her to make a simple explosive tag and a storage scroll."

I shrugged.

"He will pay you two million Ryo."

"When should I teach her?"

I was suddenly in a mood to teach children.

"I will let someone notify him," Tsunade said with a sigh. "Anyway, take Karin with you. I doubt you can bond with a child given your attitude."

"To be fair, I like big tits. I am not interested in wooing a child," I clarified stoically.

"What are you babbling about?"

Tsunade looked appalled, but the blush on her cheeks told otherwise. On my side, Karin patted her chest which was still in development. I put a comforting hand on her head. She would have a pair of big tits growing up, so she didn't need to worry.

"I will like them eventually," I told her assuringly.

"W- What?"

Yeah, I would react that way too if I were her.

"Anyway, I am taking the mission."


Tsunade looked at me weirdly. I raised my arms in defense. I was not preying on Karin. Although saying I preyed on her was a fallacy, to begin with. I was her age despite my more developed physique, after all. Then, I realized Tsunade was wondering if I was having a fling with Karin. It was quite humorous seeing her feel threatened by a kid.

Well, she is dealing with a kid after all.

That train of thought made me realize Tsunade was the predator. But what was the significance of age in this world? We killed for a living. That was the least immoral thing people in this world did.

Half an hour later, Karin and I stood before the Hyūga compound. The residents looked at us curiously. Some bowed at me, but all of them kept their distance and minded their business. Walking into the compound, we headed to the house of the clan head. The said clan head was waiting for our arrival with his daughters on his side.

"Welcome, Uzumaki-dono. I thank you for taking up the mission I commissioned."

"Good morning, Hyūga-san. There is no need to thank me. I am being paid, after all."

Hiashi was stiff. Thankfully, he didn't behave like a Karen and overlooked my lack of formality. Of course, I remained respectful. The guy paid me a huge amount of money, after all.

"This is my daughter, Hanabi, the one who will learn Fūinjutsu from you." Hiashi introduced. "And this is Hinata, but I assume you already know her."

Was that supposed to be a joke?

"Hello, Hanabi, Hinata. I am Naruto," I introduced myself with a small smile. "And this is Karin. She will be joining us in the learning session. You won't mind, will you, Hyūga-san?"

"Why would I? You are the mentor. You are free to do whatever you deem fit," Hiashi shook his head. "Now that the introduction is done, let Hinata take you to the study room. I will attend a clan's meeting, so I will entrust everything to you."

I nodded assuringly and the man promptly headed off to the meeting. I turned my gaze to Hinata and found the timid girl squirming in her place.

"I will g- guide you to the study room."

"Well, lead the way, Hinata."

Karin and I entered the house, following Hinata's lead. On the way, Hanabi kept staring at me. I sensed genuine curiosity from her, but I didn't know what made her curious. She could probably sense Kurama inside me or it might be something else.

"H- Here is the room."

"Thank you, Hinata."

"You are welcome. I will prepare the tea and the snacks."

I watched as Hinata excused herself and closed the door. The kid was too endearing to live among the cold-hearted Hyūga. She needed to work on her confidence to survive in this world. On the other hand, however, her behavior provoked your protective nature. I wouldn't mind going against the world to protect her. Of course, I needed to take care of my ass first before thinking about that.

Returning my attention to Hanabi, I unsealed three empty scrolls and threw two of them to her and Karin. They put their scroll on the table and opened it. I put mine on my table and used the brush provided on the table to write a character in calligraphy. I showed them the calligraphy and told them to do their best to mimic it.

"Done," Hanabi declared.

"Me too," Karin said.

The two looked at each other as if they were competing. I couldn't believe Tsunade thought Karin would make my job easier. Then again, she was not completely wrong. Given their rivalry, Karin would be able to easily bond with Hanabi.

"Well, good job you two," I commended.

"Which one is better?" Hanabi prodded.

"Tell us, Naruto-kun," Karin insisted.

To be fair, Karin was more talented in Fūinjutsu, which was not that surprising given her lineage.

"Both of them are shit."

However, they didn't know what they were doing. It was partly my fault, of course, since I hadn't taught them anything about the proper way to write.



I created a Kage Bunshin and sat behind Hanabi whereas he sat behind Karin. We guided the hand of our protégé and helped them learn to write properly. At this moment, Hinata entered the room carrying a tray. She put the tray on the ground, served each of us tea, and distributed our portion of snacks. She did them silently.

"I will be outside if you need anything."

She excused herself and walked out. Before she was outside of the room, an idea struck me.

"Are you interested in learning Fūinjutsu with us?"

Hinata stopped in her tracks and faced me with a lowered head. "F- Father only paid you to teach my sister. I can't afford to join."

"Well, I will teach you for free. You are my friend, after all."

Hinata looked up and looked at me with widened eyes. She tried to form words but found herself incapable. I chuckled and motioned for her to sit in front of my table. She shyly did that and put the tray aside. I created another Kage Bunshin before scooting over to her. I could hear her heart beating dangerously.

"Let's begin the lesson, then."

I led Hinata's hand as she wrote the calligraphy. She was a slow learner compared to my two protégés, but her nervousness might cause that. I thought the anime was exaggerating it, but the girl was fighting for her life just by being near me. Her infatuation with me was undoubtedly the most intense.

A thought occurred to me, one that was not so innocent. I was reminded of the mischievous Hinata in Road to Ninja. My experimental side made me wonder if I could pull that out of her. She would be a force to be reckoned with as long as she was as confident as that version of herself. But the trade-off of that nature was that she would be a pervert.

All right, let's do it.

Uzumaki Naruto would commit his first sin in this world: corrupting an innocent mind.