

Another city, abandoned. In ruins. It's residents are either dead or ran away. The only sounds are the cawing of the crows, and the rats searching for nourishment. Empty streets, houses partially or completely destroyed. Utter solitude.

'How many was it?' Nim looked around. 'I need something to eat, anything.'

He searched the houses, and found some smoked meat and slightly moldy bread that the townsman left behind. 'Still better than rats.' He thought, and started eating his pokey meal.

While wandering, searching for an inhabited area, he had time to analyze and test his powers and their limits. A status bar in the left corner of his eyesight constantly showing his level and condition; health, stamina and physical capabilities such as strenght or endurance. His abilities were in the average, nothing special.

Other people have also acquired the ability to see their conditions and level up through fighting; they are called Levelers, members of the Special Subjugation Force. Nim has become one of them.

'Let's see. I'm currently level five. I should be able to overpower an above average soldier now, not bad. My status has improved quite a lot, if I continue like this I'll be... What will I become? Well, that's a problem for later.'

There have been experimentations on what causes the phenomenon and the possibility of creating artificial Levelers to no result. They remain an enigma. Some believe it is the work of Gods, others think of it from ascientific point, but nobody knows for sure.

Nim finished his meal and stood up. He still wasn't sure about what to do now after everything that happened. He decided to take a walk amid the remains of the city. Everything was quiet, it was different from the environment he had been accustomed to.

He, for the first time in his life, felt peaceful and relaxed. Perhaps he could live a peaceful life like a normal citizen without the burden of the Levelers.

Took a turn around the corner; destroyed houses, but something felt different. Like someone was watching him from among the houses. Something was definitely moving there, but what could it be?

Nim went to take a look.

Next chapter