
Kicked out...

"My dear~ did you want to call me stupid?" Sera narrowed her eyes.

"No. Absolutely not. My wife is so beautiful and smart. If you call yourself idiot then that won't be good at all."

"Right... So you do know about it. Now be a dear and shut your mouth up Sean."

Sean pouted. "You were not like this at that time my wife. Look I am so lovely and cuddly and sweet. Just the way you would want for a husband material (he peeked at the qualities she wrote she wanted in a husband material)."


"Just for you, my dear."

And King was feeling way too awkward to interject between his parents. He could neither go out without permission nor could he say anything.

"Um... Mother..."

"Oh my, I almost forgot you were there. King, your sister said you were fighting in the middle of the street. May I know the reason?" Sera exclaimed after shooting her husband a glare.

Sean just shrugged and left some space for mother and son duo.

"I am sorry mother. I won't do that again." King apologized.

"You still didn't answer my question young man."

"That... actually... umm..." King hummed for a long time. He really didn't want to disappoint his mother more than he already had.

Sighing Sera looked at King. She already knew asking him won't get her any answer. Hearing his mother sigh King felt guilt bubbling over.

"...Mom... I... I am sorry. Ple..ase... so.. sorry."

"King, you should learn some self-constraint. You know your father and I won't always be around to look after you. You need to grow up. You are not just our son but also our heir; heir of our Hall family. Do not ever forget the mission that has been passed down to us by our ancestor."

"... Yes mother."

"You may go and reflect what you did wrong."

"yes." King turned and left.

Within the room Sera sighed again. Sean took her into his arms and consoled her.

"He will be fine."

"But I am still afraid. King... He is still so impulsive. I fear he wont be able to control himself if he knew about that."

"It will be alright. He is after all our son."

"I hope it would be alright."

"I think he should go and gain more experience. Aft.."

"NO!" Sera interrupted. "He would suffer so many hardships. My poor baby would be wronged."

Sean coaxed, "But without gaining experience, he wouldn't grow and you know it my dear."


"Hush~ No more buts. We should have more faith in him. He is already strong."

"He is strong but not enough to protect himself from every harm that might come his way."

"That's exactly the reason why he should go."

"...Fine. I will listen to you on this. But remember this! If anything ever like EVER happens to him then you won't be getting in my bed FOREVER!"

"Rest assured. Nothing will happen." Though Sean said that he was thinking something like 'Boy, my life long happiness depends on you. So don't get hurt.'

And just like that after a week, King was kicked out of the house.

And just like that, I was lazy... __( : 3 | <)__

Snowdreamcreators' thoughts