
Chapter 2

After descending my beloved mansion and waving my final goodbyes to my loved ones. I began to stare out the window of the cozy carriage. My eyes widened seeing the beautiful view. I hardly was allowed to leave home due to my father's overprotectiveness. Laughing internally I pushed that thought away and continued to take in the view.

Halfway through I noticed someone walking on the road side. It was a female who contained majestic violet-pink hair that reached down to her hip area. She was wearing a dress which was a light azure with golden buttons. She wasn't alone though, a young man about her age was next to her. His hair was an ash almond color, his outfit was the male version of what the young lady is wearing.

My carriage was about to pass by them and at that moment I decided to tell the carriage driver to stop. Which he abid and looked at me with hesitant eyes. I decided to ignore that and opened the carriage door before he could. Meanwhile, the young girl and boy stopped and looked at my carriage. I stepped out of my carriage and headed towards the pair. The young male stood protectively in front of the girl. Taking notice I rose my hands up, in order to show that meant no harm.

Seeing this the boy relaxed a bit, but still kept a defensive stance. Now that I got a closer look at both of them I quickly noted down the icy cerulean almond-shaped eyes that gazed at my direction. It truly made the girl look breathtaking, while the boys were a smoky circular type. Which made him look handsome. They both seemed to be gleaming with sweat as if they had been walking to their destination instead of in a carriage.

After a few minutes of silence, wind whispering and sun dazzling smile shined on those who stood outside of shelter. I decided to ask "What are you two doing out here?", for a moment the girl was unsure of what to say. Her male companion looked at her direction to see if he should speak. She seemed to be contemplating whether she should speak out or not. "How about we finish our conversation in my carriage. Since it's starting to get hot out here?" I inquired with a firm, yet gentle tone.

They looked at each other, eyes filled with uncertainty. "N-no, I wouldn't dare to bother you miss..." said the girl with a bit of fear. "Please, just call me Anthanasia. Or better yet, Athy" I all but smiled as I spoke. Trying my best to get her to trust me. "Um, Miss Athanasia, I don't think that it's a bright idea to invite an unknown person in your carriage. In my opinion at least" she hastily informed me. My driver was nodding his head as to say that he agreed with this girl. "Then how about we get to know each other better?" I inquired. I didn't wait for a response and stated "Since you both are going to be going to the same school as I am. Wouldn't it be best if we could become friends?" at that they both seemed to realize that I was wearing the same uniform as them.

"Ah, you are right mis-", "Please, just call me Athy" I boldly cut the girl off. "O-of course, Athy it's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Penelope Eckart and this is my friend and trusted bodyguard, Eclise. It is a pleasure to meet you" Penelope introduced herself and her friend. Her voice was smooth and gentle, yet very cautious. I was about to say something until my driver stated "You are going to be late for school if you do not hurry, my lady."

I looked at the sun and saw that it was beginning to move lower. 'No this can't be happening! I don't want to be late on my first day. Dad is not going to be happy about receiving a letter from the school, due to my tardiness. *Sob*' I silently ranted and cried in my mind. "Your right," turning my attention to Penelope and Eclise. "We should hurry. Lets all ride my carriage. It will be faster that way" I stated with a growing smile appearing at the end.

With that they both turned to look at eachother one more time. Then nodded their heads agreeing with me, about it being faster in carriage. Along the ride I got to learn more about the two of them and their reasons as to wanting to go to this school. I just hope everything goes alright for the three of us. But, the future is an interesting thing, doing whatever it desires and playing with our fate.

Hope everyone is having a great day. Sorry, I haven't been uploading. School has me staying busy, leaving me little to no time to write. But fear not I will not drop this story or my other ones either.

Again thanks for being patient with me. Until next time, bye ;)

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