
Chapter 1

Myra's sneakers pounded against the pavement as she sprinted across the commons of her new college, past a large gate, and across a grassy field. Her high school friend, Nellie, was close behind. Myra clutched her bag closer to her side and ran faster.

"Slow down, Myra!" Nellie panted. "I can't run this fast!" She was grasping her side as her feet wobbled in her heels. On the day of the new student orientation, Nellie had wanted to give off an impression of being taller than her actual short stature. Now, she regretted wearing heels.

Myra whipped her head back, her two long braids whacking her across her face. "We're almost there, hang on for a bit!" Myra continued running, her shirt billowing in the breeze. Nellie had no choice but to continue running after Myra.

"Here it is!" At last, Myra made it to the doors of the large lecture hall as the last few students were straggling in. She turned around to look at Nellie, who was far away, still teetering her way over. "Come on, let's go!" Myra smiled, jogging backwards towards the door and waving at Nellie to hurry up.

Suddenly, Myra bumped into something. Letting out a cry, she fell backwards onto the ground onto something large. It let out a soft "oomph" as she fell on top of it.

"Hey, watch your step, that hurt," someone beneath her said. The voice paused for a moment. Then it said, "can you get off me now?"

In a slight daze, Myra turned her head back and saw that she had fallen on top of a boy. Her eyes widened as she realized the situation. "Ack, I'm so sorry!" Myra exclaimed quickly. As she jumped to her feet, she tripped over her bag and the boy's leg. Myra gave a small cry and she tumbled forward back onto him. The papers from her bag fluttered into the air and settled around them like falling leaves.

The boy was now definitely annoyed at her. Myra had fallen onto him again, her face inches from his neck. The boy muttered something Myra couldn't quite make out, though she could tell it was probably not a good thing.

"I'm so, so sorry, I was rushing to get here and I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and I…" Myra trailed off uncertainly as the boy continued to stare at her. His cold, coal-black eyes pierced through his long black bangs as he looked at her. "U-um, anyway, I'm sorry… here, let me help you." She held out her hand, blushing furiously at her stupid blunder and clumsiness.

The boy ignored her hand as he pushed himself up off the ground and dusted his knees. He picked up the contents of Myra's bag, thrust everything back in, and then promptly pushed the bag into her hands. "Don't offer someone else help if you need it yourself," he said, turning away and walking into the lecture hall without a single glance back.

Myra blinked and stood there stunned as she watched him turn the corner into the hall, her bag dangling from her hands. A paper fluttered down to the ground. She bent down in a huff and snatched the paper up, glaring at the place where she last saw the boy. "How annoying!" Myra hissed under her breath. Who was this infuriating guy and why was he so mean to her? All she had done was accidentally bump into him, but she apologized many times and offered to help him up. So why was he mad? "Geez…" Myra sighed and shook her head as she shoved her now crumpled paper into her bag.

She was moving her braids behind her back and straightening out her shirt when Nellie finally came panting towards her.

"Nellie… it's okay, we're here now," Myra looked apologetically towards Nellie, who looked pained and frustrated. "Sorry I ran so fast," she added.

"It's… fine–" Nellie gasped. "My feet though…" she groaned and let out a bitter laugh. "Oh well… I have… Band-Aids in my bag," Nellie said. "Let's go in!" She looped an arm through Myra's.

"Okay," Myra smiled and took Nellie's bag, swinging it over her shoulder.

"Thank you, my dear friend!" Nellie said, laughing a bit. "Oh! Also, what just happened as I was running here? I had my eyes closed from the pain–" she made a wounded expression and chuckled, "–but I think I saw you and some guy talking when I cracked them open a bit." Nellie looked at Myra curiously, expecting an answer.

"Oh, that," Myra said. "I accidentally ran into him, and I think he got a bit annoyed," she replied nonchalantly, trying not to let her own annoyance surface.

"Ohhh…" Nellie's eyes looked slightly vacant. "Hmm… well… actually, never mind," she finally said.

Myra frowned. "What is it?"

"I thought you two could have made a good pair." A slight smirk flickered across her face. "I mean, isn't he your type? You know, dark eyes… straight, dark hair with a side part… tall, lean… looks smart and also athletic…" Nellie cast a sideways glance at Myra, smiling coyly. "Ri-i-i-ght?" She said in a sing-song voice.

Myra's expression clouded over, and she frowned. "Well, yeah, I guess, but I'm not into annoying guys! Anyway, I'm never going to see or talk to him again, so whatever! Let's just go in before we're really late!" She pulled Nellie along through the doors of the lecture hall, dragging her up the aisle towards a cluster of empty seats, where they both plopped down into.

Myra could hear Nellie sigh with relief as the orientation started.

wooo um not just me sporadically deciding i wanted to write web novels and then just winging it and writing one uhhh yeah… hope this wasnt too bad, as i only drafted a very loose storyline and then just pretty much improvised this all in one go ahahha–

anyway, its my first time writing web novels - well, its my first time actually doing creative/original writing like this, so please share any thoughts, comments, suggestions, etc so i can learn and improve ^_^

lastly, thanks for reading, i hope you somewhat enjoyed this??

jellycatcreators' thoughts