
Herbs,stars, stutters and flying

Third day of the week is herbology in the morning and astronomy at midnight. Waking up slightly earlier so we can get the real farmers experience of waking up at 5am, the Gryffindors marched to the great hall for breakfast.

Jon already noticed a little variety as their was buttermilk pancakes on the menu. After serving themselves a large breakfast to get them through the day they went to the greenhouses with their leather gloves in tow.

Jon couldn't help but wonder how Professor sprout was so nimble on her feet despite her size. She practically zoomed around the classroom inspecting our gear and pointing out who among us is a broke bitch. Honestly me and moe don't need the gloves because of the magic resistance. Our hands are calloused from years of sword training and sparring so I doubt a Venus fly trap will do much.

This subject is much simpler in terms of syllabus. It's not as expansive as other subjects which have numerous different topics falling under their category. The skills learned in the first year of herbology will carry over into any career relating to it.

First up was identifying tools of the trade, Sprout showed us the various types of clippers and shears meant for grooming certain plants along with certain trowels and shovels for excavating. They all have various enchantments or are doused in certain chemical concoctions so they can remove a specific plant. She reminded me of a father lecturing a child about the majesty of their tool box and sheds.

Next up was how to train your snapdragons, once I heard the joke I got depressed thinking about stoic the vast before realising that those stories might actually be real in this universe. The subject was actually named after the HOTYD books which a muggle would get their hands on and rewrite removing the parts they didn't understand.

Anyway this topic was about what to feed and how to water a lot of plants. It would cover when and how things would go in terms of feeding and nurturing them. The numerous greenhouses where toured to show us the varying environments. I was impressed with the nocturnal greenhouse, when we walked in it was like I was in a Rave with all the UV lights. I almost choked looking at Malfoy and his goons. The lights showed a lot of liquid stains on their faces.

The third topic was about telling whether plants have magic in them or not. If so we would then go through several excavation processes depending on how much magic is in the plant. To demonstrate the professor performed engorgio on one of hagrid as pumpkins. Wizards can solve world hunger!

The next three topics were straight forward, they were memorising plants and herbs that first years will encounter. The hard part was identifying whether a herb was hazardous or not. A China study found out that some magical herbs can actually absorb curses and hexes that are cast near them completely changing the herb which made this topic much more diverse.

The last two topics were plant grouping, this is about caring to plants that belong in the same environment such as those found in a rain forest. The final topic was called herbology intertwined, it was all about how herbology relates to alchemy, rituals and potions.

The rest of the class was going over the rules of the greenhouse but I got distracted by the weed stashed away in the corner. When I asked the professor about it she said it was "divination herbs that are used for enlightenment". I'm taking divination in third year now—- wait no Jon! They might not even work on your body. I'll have to get a check up so see what exactly can work on me.

Once class was finished we took a stroll to the library and read up some of the books I picked before having lunch and going to bed. Ron complained about us going to bed early so me and hermione looked at him as if he was an idiot. An 11 year old doesn't normally stay up to 2am. Class begins at midnight and lasts for three hours.

So me, Nevil and Harry went to bed, did I mention I love having a bed with curtains that are enchanted to block out all light and sound. In my past life my bedroom always had light leaking through the corner of the curtains and the walls were paper thin so I couldn't have girls over.

I woke up at 11:30 pm and tapped my King Crow cloak to revert to its normal form. Being outside in the middle of the night while spending it on the tallest tower in the castle sounds like an excellent way to freeze to death. Nevil gave Harry one of his coats that his grand mother sent him. We saw Ron in the common room playing chess with Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas. They were yawning and still dressed in their school robes.

When they saw us bundled up in heavier clothing they couldn't help but sneer at us. "Why are you bundled up lik at' its only September!" Said Ron. When he heard a hairs of foot steps he turned and saw the girls coming down dressed in similar attire. I noticed Mordred's coat was in a similar pattern to her secret of pedigree so I assumed she changed it to that form.

We all walked to the tallest tower and marched up seven flights of stairs, everyone was huffing and puffing while Mordred and I just needed to take a few breaths to adjust to the change in altitude. We met professor Sinistra already waiting with the Ravenclaws. She had assembled the viewing stands so we could peer up at the stars with our telescopes.

She discussed her syllabus while the idiots began to shiver. Her first two topics was about the muggle tools and the wizard tools. Wizarding tools are enchanted to view the AME, the astrological magic effect. Muggle tools will not be able to see the AME therefore they would not realise the relevance of celestial bodies.

Using astronomy wizards can determine star paths and new constellations which can be used for rituals and divination. The effectiveness of these is determined by how prevalent the AME is. She then gave a brief overview about how centaurs are natural masters of this and shared it with wizards in exchange for property.

The last three topics were about our solar system and it's relevance, identifying celestial bodies and their mythological relevance followed by the final topic; big names in astronomy. Professor began to list people to research such as Aristarchus of Samos, Copernicus, Galileo, Newton and Von Rheticus.

The professor decided to take pity on the shivering students and give us an early night. The feeling of wrapping up in those deep bed covers was blissful. I decided to go study how to enchant stones with a heat charm. I could keep them in my pockets or under my mattress to warm my bed for the night. Perhaps even establish a timer charm so the effect kicks in automatically.

DADA the next day (Thursday) was actually held slightly later giving the students the opportunity to sleep in and make up for the loss of sleep caused by astronomy. After waking up at 8ish I went downstairs to satisfy my craving for scrambled eggs. After filling my stomach I went back to the dorm to grab some books on the subject as I felt the quivering mess won't be able to cover anything of relevance.

Some Gryffindor students got to go meet Madam Pomfrey as they developed colds. The woman lectured them for not probably wrapping themselves up before going on a rant about how she wishes younger years didn't have to take the subject.

DADA was held in a well decorated room with numerous anatomy models of different creatures such as a preadolescent dragon. The turban terror of a professor hovered around mumbling about what we would be covering. He barely hid his bloodlust leaking from the turban. I wonder why no one ever discovered him and how Harry would always have a mild headache in his presence.

He continued to mutter, tremble and stutter so much I was half convinced that his named was izuku Midoriya. He mentioned learning some useful charms that would keep us alive should we ever get in trouble, learning jinxes, hexes and curses, studying a wide variety of creatures that include: imps, bowtruckles, gnomes, doxies, gargoyles, hags, ghosts, poltergeist, gytrashes, fire crabs and lastly blast ended skrewts. Following that is the end of year exam based on all that was covered.

One the bell chimes I happily slipped away into the library to continue my research. When I asked Madam prince is there was any books about enchanting hot stones she raised an eyebrow so I spoke my reasoning. I noticed her brow tremble which should she acknowledged my good idea. After finding me a book which included a list of stones which best carry the enchantments along with different heating spells I got to work.

When Hermione and Mordred asked about my little project they quickly began encouraging me. Growing up I often carried around a hot water bottle during the colder days, I didn't know a single girl that didn't do the same.

The subject was rather easy to memorise and the spells easy to perform (including the timer function). The hard part was carving on the stones. I wisely chose to go outside and practice on the stones outside. Good thing too as three of the stones turned into bombs and one of them actually froze the surroundings as I misplaced a decimal point.

As I was carving I was greeted by the friendly giant Hagrid. "Ello Frst Yrs, whatcha upta'". Greeted the hairy saint. Hermione being already acquainted with him introduced us and told him about my project. I would have spoke but I was focused on carving so I wouldn't make another bomb. Hagrid was impressed with my idea so asked "Jon could ya make one of them for me? It gets cowl quickly round here' fang would love a warm pilla to sleep on".

"Sure hagrid just bring me a few stones that you want to use". The giant can certainly move when he wants to as he took off running and returned with bowling ball sized stones. For a man his size they could be considered pebbles. The greater surface area made it much easier to carve it out. When I finished and passed him the stones he rubbed his hands on them and felt them hera up quickly. He smiled and offered me a big thanks followed by a hug. Is this how Bran felt being carried by Hodor?

The last class of the day was held with Madam Hooch, flying class. Everyone was eager to learn to fly on a broom but me. Not really much point considering the rider skill but alas I still had to participate. The class was basically the same as learning to ride a bike in middle school for me.

The first trick was making the broom fly into our grasp. I simply thought about it floating to my hand using intent just like how I fasted spells. Low and behold it leaked into my grasp. Mordred was met with similar results followed by Harry and Draco. Madam hooch awarded a few points for being able to do it wordlessly on our first try.

She then had us mount our brooms and attempt to hover. I was like a fish to water as soon as I sat on the broom. It felt like I was handling a game controller in my mind to pilot the broom. Neville still managed to take off towards the walls of the castle. I followed him with my eyes before watching him snag onto a stone ornament.

As he fell I casted Cushiant which is a softening charm used by quidditch players when they can break their falls. It's normally learned by pros who can cast it wandlessly but I decided to learn it. Neville landed and ended up with a concussion. Madam Hooch lifted him and escorted him to the infirmary while warning us to stay on the ground.

Draco attempted to take the remberall but Mordred picked it up first curious about the item. "Give it here girl!" He hissed, Mordred turned and raised an eyebrow whilst the other Slytherins eyes almost popped out of their heads. "Did he just make a demand of a royal family member?!?" They all collectively thought.

As Mordred's gaze locked onto him she was 'saved' by Harry looking to defend her and applaud her for returning Neville's item. Return it? If Mordred likes it then Neville won't even remember he owned the thing. As they had their little game of tag we watched as Hardy showed off his prowess on the broom. Professor McGonagall arrived to take him away on his quidditch journey.

I turned to Mordred "hey tomorrow after class you wanna try out some sparring. We need to freshen up on our skills". She grinned "most definitely". The others who overheard were confused about what I meant by skills, sparring doesn't sound like a furlong term and first years aren't allowed to dual. They chose to ignore it not realising it would be a blood bath tomorrow.

Next chapter