
End of winter

January was hell for most of the student body, as soon as they returned they'd gained a few pounds from stuffing themselves over Christmas or just the exam stress. January mid terms had most people blowing steam out their ears, literally with the pepper up potion addiction.

The exams were a synch though, occulemency memorisation is OP and choosing to integrate spells into my and Mordred's sparring was wise. Now we can perform all the first year spells and a few simple ones chantless. I'm waiting until our magical maturity to being practicing wandlessly as I read a few studies that it helps.

Once the exams finished people deflated for two weeks relaxing again until quidditch season starts at the end of February. Most of Gryffindor are fanatics about the sport so I just gave them a wide berth. Me, Mordred, Hermione and Neville would be found in the library usually accompanied by Susan Bones and her friend Hannah Abott.

Hermione was a little intimidated learning that the people surrounding her were all pure bloods. She took solace in the fact that Harry had her back until I chose to slash that notion in half when in the courtyard one day.

"Harry I'm so glad that I'm not the only muggleborn among us, even Ron is technically a pure blood though his behaviour screams the opposite." Chimes Hermione while Harry just grins. Naturally Malefoy was in the area sneering at then but he didn't act upon it with my presence there.

I then spoke up "technically your wrong, Harry's a half blood. Heir to house Potter and house Black". The courtyard went silent and then several people screamed "what?!?!" Before I was barraged with questions about that. Harry himself mostly while Draco was glaring even more than usual. He then stood and walked towards me.

"Snow what do you mean Potter is heir to House Black, that title belongs to me!" He floated raising his chin in the air. This kid could give Boa Hancock a run for her money. I chuckled and then pointed at Harry.

"Harry James Potter is the last male in the Potter line. However what most people don't realise is that he's also part Black. His grandfather Charlus Potter married Dorea Black which means Harry has a claim." Everyone's jaws dropped not realising that fact, this wasn't in the novels some of them murmured.

I continued " Aside from Harry there are three people who could inherit the house. Sirius Black who is currently in Azkaban, Draco Malfoy as the son of Narcissa Malfoy neé Black and lastly Nymphadora Tonks~".

I then heard a *phew* noise of someone performing a spit take. Heads turned to see a seventh year girl with her hair turning white. She stormed through them and stood infront of me. I looked up and noticed her chest swelling a little as if to gain my attention.

"What was that you said about me?" Wow an E cup I thought before replying "your mother is Andromeda Tonks neé Black. Though ostracised by the family Arcturus Black never disowned her meaning that she's still a family member. Your the eldest among the children of the three black sisters who are the only breeders and you are a metamorphagus meaning you hold the most claim."

She froze and then shakily said "but I'm a half blood?" "So is Harry, won't stop him thought. Plus Draco there is the Malfoy heir, if the matter went to the wizengamot I doubt they'd allow him the heir ship when you exist. They'd feel a half blood is easier to manipulate. You could also say that Harry could claim your position meaning you won't have to deal with it."

The courtyard was pin drop silent until Malfoy squealed "my father will hear about this" before scurrying off. I looked at Nymphadora and said "I'd go message your parents, your dads a lawyer so he can review it and get you that spot. With those resources you could improve your family life immensely. Plus the pure bloods are going to bombard you with marriage contracts soon so you best get ahead start".

And like that she's off rushing to grab her owl while Harry is as stiff as a board. I tapped his shoulder "so hows it feel to be the bronze medal" "like all my family is dead". "Do you know who else lost their family? Batman". "Please don't Jon"

"Nanananana Harry" and like that he swiftly chased after his new cousin Dora. I just chuckled until Hermione bopped me on the shoulder "must you make me the only muggleborn among us!" I shrugged "theres hagrid" She then rise a finger to counter that until it slowly lowered as she actually thought about that.

I left her to ponder while I planned my imbolc ritual, Valentine's Day arrived and my bed stand received a hefty pile of letters. I'd be a fool to taste those chocolates so I just pointed Ron towards them and watched him have his first boner in Potions class. Snape would never miss an opportunity to destroy a Weasley so making him stand up infront of the whole class and recite paragraphs was the worst thing he could think off.

Ron felt like jumping off the tower when he heard some girls snickering at his "tiny twix" as they called it. The rest of my day was spent pampering Mordred who wasn't happy about her man being confessed to. Or at least that was her surface thoughts as I practiced Legilimency on her to test her occulemency.

She chased me around the school as soon as I recited her thoughts. She could never catch me though~ so she chose to do the next best thing and take her anger out on the girls. She became the alpha lioness in Gryffindor placing all the other girls under her in the popularity chart. If some girl wanted a boy they had to go through her and if they wanted Jon then they needed to have their standards lowered.

I laughed when hermione recited how tyrannical she was being in the girls dorms. The female prefect could do nothing to Mordred after all. When someone went to MacGonagall to snitch about it she chose to turn a blind eye. You don't take meat from a hungry lion was her train of thought.

I also performed the blessing ritual on loved ones, Mordred was beaming when I prayed for her first but then soured when I recited more girls names just to annoy her. I then suggested doing another ritual among lovers during ostara or Beltane. Her neck is really impressive when she bobs that fast.

I also decided to perform the animagus ritual during litha which means I'll have to start the ritual during may. I can swipe some mandrake leaves during the exams and then perform the sticking charm. Finding a private apothecary to get a brewing room for the potion may be more difficult. Then again I have a feeling I'll turn into something epic.

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