
Their 1st Meeting

Alison was sitting by the table, looking through the menus. (Ouu, there's strawberry shortcake, muffins, ouuu wonton soup and the three flavor delicacy that has beef, shrimp, baby corn, zucchini, and chinese peas...) The door opens and he walks in. She didn't care less who it was. All she want is food.

He sits down across from her. He notices she was wearing a mask. She then calls for the waiter. He didn't think she would order a lot of food and desserts. She then looks at him. "What about you? What did you order?" "...I will have the same as her." The waiter nods. Another waiter comes by and put their drink down. She then removes her mask.

He was shocked to see those scars on her face. Without thinking, he asked, "Did it hurt?" She heard him and tilts her head. "You mean my scars?" "Yeah." She smiles, "I'm used to it." Before he could ask her how she got it, the waiter comes with their dishes. She immediately digs in. His lips curves up as he enjoys looking her eat.

She felt a stare and looks up. She then talks with her mouth full, "Eat." He nods and also digs in. After a while, she stands up and excuse herself to go the restroom. He nods. A few minutes later, a man, Trevor, a friend of his, stops by. "Hey. Tariq." He smacks Tariq's back. "What are you doing here?" "...Eating." "Oh man. Let me tell you something. Other day, I had this blind date, man, she was hella ugly looking. She has scars on her face."

Tariq raised his brows. (Is he talking about her...?) "When she removes her mask, oh my god, the horror, I tell ya." She was about to head back and she heard a man talking to her blind date about her. She grabs the wine and "accidentally" spill on him. "Ah..geez." He looks up and sees her. Tariq also looks up and sees her. (Did she hear him?)

She sets the glass down and walks to her chair to grab her bag and jacket. (Where is she going?) "It seems you're the same, Mr. Jorge." Jorge pointed at her, "I-It's you." She smiles. "It seems like you love to talk other poeple's back." "N-no." She grabs her cellphone and calls someone. "Hi. It's me. Yes. I'm well, thank you. You see, Mr. Hamilton." (Tariq: Hamilton? Isn't that Jorge's father? Are they close?)

"Your son is in front of me. He interrupted my date. And also said inappropriate things. No. No charges. Just take the assets away from him and that will do. Thank you." "H-hey. Just who do you think you are?!" She puts her cellphone down and look at him. She then lean against the chair. "You don't even know yet you talk like you know it all." "Wha?"

She glares at him. "Fine. I'll tell you. I'm Alison, the owner of this restaurant and L'erin Bakery aka i'm the granddaughter of your father's boss." "Y-you're..." She snaps her fingers. The two security guards appears. "My Lady." She pointed at him. "I want him out. Now. And in the future, I hope I don't see him again."

Tariq just watch her and he couldn't help but smile. (She's tough.) Jorge then asks Tariq for help. "Tariq. Tariq. We're buddies. Help me out." Tariq then said, "Sorry. Who are you again?" Jorge was shocked how Tariq sided with Alison. "TARIQ!"

Alison then asks, "Is that okay?" He looks at her. "He's your friend, is he not?" "Not really." She nods. She stands up and grabs her jacket. "Let me take you home?" She was surprised about his offer. "Why? Because of my reputation?" "Excuse me?" "Or is it because you feel pity because of my scars?" He was stunned by her questions.

She puts her jacket on and said, "Thanks for the offer, but no thanks." She turns her heels and walks out of the restaurant. He covered his mouth with one hand. (Dang. She's cute.) His phone rings and it was his grandfather.

"Tariq. Did ya meet her?" "Yeah." "Did ya like her?" "Yeah I do." "You stupid idiot! Just how many---wait...what did you say?" Tariq walks out of the restaurant and watch her leave. "I said I want her to be my wife."

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