
Chapter 1 ~Casper~

FOR WHAT FEELS LIKE AGES NOW, I've been stuck in this crazy-ass mansion that never seems to age. Seriously, it's like it's frozen in time or something. The furniture, the decor, even the food—it all stays the same, no matter how much time passes.

One day, I took a bite out of an apple and put it back on the table. The next day, I came back, and boom! The apple was whole again, like nothing had ever happened. And don't even get me started on the piano—I smashed the heck out of that thing, but the next day, it was all fixed up and good as new. Even my hair grew back overnight, like some kind of magic shampoo had been applied to it.

The place was like a labyrinth, man. No matter how many doors or windows I went through, I always ended up right back where I started. It was like being trapped in an endless loop of fancy wallpaper and antique furniture.

Apparently, some big-shot witch from this spooky town of Shadowvale had put a spell on me and bound me to this mansion. Now I was stuck here, wandering the halls like a ghost, trying to find a way out. But so far, it had been nothing but dead ends.

So, there I was, day in and day out, just staring out this big, fancy window. I could see people walking by, going about their lives, totally unaware that I was even there. And who could blame them? This mansion was like some kind of invisible fortress—no one could see it, no one could find it.

I'd been watching the world go by for so long; it was like a never-ending history lesson. I'd seen civilizations rise and fall, wars waged, and even nuclear bombs go off. But no matter what happened out there, it was like I was stuck in my own little bubble, completely untouched by it all.

One day, I got so fed up with being trapped here that I tried to end it all—drive a stake right through my heart, vampire-style. But wouldn't you know it? The house's enchantment brought me back to life. Talk about a buzzkill, right?

Still, every day, I found myself standing in front of this damn window, hoping against hope that some kind of miracle would happen. Maybe someone would finally see me, notice the mansion, and come to my rescue. I knew it was a long shot, but hey, a guy could dream, right?


So, here we were, Scarlett and I, just cruising along on our bikes under the hot sun, the wind whipping through our hair. Everything was just peachy—until it happened. Out of nowhere, my eyes caught sight of this drop-dead gorgeous guy peering out of a massive, fancy-schmancy window in some ancient-looking mansion. It was like time slowed down, and I just had to get a better look. I slammed on the brakes, and my bike let out a screech that echoed through the air.

Scarlett, bless her heart, kept on pedaling away, totally oblivious to my sudden stop. But then she noticed I wasn't by her side, and she turned around, cycling back to me with this puzzled look on her face. "Why did you stop?" she asked, and I could feel my cheeks heating up.

"What?" she pressed, and I bashfully glanced back at the window, where Mr. Dreamy was still staring out. But this time, his gaze was fixed on Scarlett, taking in her gorgeous face with this far-off, dreamy expression. I mean, who could blame him?

"It's because of that boy over there," I said, trying not to giggle. "He's staring at you all dreamy-like, and he's, like, super handsome."

So Scarlett squinted up at the mansion, all confused-like, and said, "Huh?" She had her hand up, trying to block out the sun, but she still couldn't seem to spot the hottie I was talking about. Then she gave me this worried look and went, "Are you alright?"

I was like, "Yeah, why?" Because, honestly, I was starting to wonder if she was the one losing it.

Scarlett sighed, clearly not buying it. "Because there's no one there, and there's no mansion!" she exclaimed, looking at me like I'd grown a second head or something.

"You must be insane to even think so," she added, shaking her head. "Come on, let's go before passers-by think we've gone nuts."

But I grabbed her hand, 'cause I wasn't done yet. "Wait, are you telling me you can't see the mansion?" I asked, totally bewildered as I glanced back and forth between her and the mysterious mansion.

"Of course not!" Scarlett shrugged, like it was no big deal. She pulled out her phone and snapped a picture, then shoved it in my face. "Look," she said.

I took a peek at the screen, and my jaw dropped. There was nothing there—just empty space where the mansion should be. It was like it had vanished into thin air or something.

Let me tell you, we were both freaked out at this point, but I couldn't help but wonder—what was going on with that mysterious mansion, and who was that dreamy guy peering out the window?

"Oh my gosh!" I gasped, feeling a shiver run down my spine. I mean, I was staring right at this big ol' mansion with buildings on either side, but apparently, it was invisible to everyone else? What the heck was going on?

I cautiously peeked back up at the window, and there he was—Mr. Dreamy, still peering down at us. Our eyes locked, and I couldn't help but feel a mixture of fear and curiosity. I mean, was I losing my marbles? Was this mansion and the hottie upstairs just figments of my imagination?

Just then, the boy slowly raised his hand, like he was underwater or something, and waved at me. It was like he was expecting me to wave back, but I was totally frozen. My heart was pounding like a drum in my chest.

I could just imagine what people passing by would think if I started waving at thin air. They'd probably assume I'd lost my mind, right? So, I was standing there, debating whether to wave or not, but before I could make up my mind, the boy's face fell. He looked genuinely hurt, like my snubbing really bummed him out.

Now, I was feeling all kinds of guilty, even though I knew I shouldn't. I mean, this whole situation was downright bizarre! But still, there was something about that boy—something that made me want to know more.

So, I was standing there, watching this gorgeous ghost boy turn away, all dejected-like, and I couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt. I mean, who cared what people thought, right? If it meant having a super cute spirit friend, then so be it!

"Hey!" I yelled, waving at him like a lunatic. His face lit up like a Christmas tree, and he let out this joyful leap, like he'd just won the lottery or something. "Hello!" he yelled back, his voice as sweet as a summer breeze. "Do you see me?" he asked, gesturing to himself.

Now, I was a bit hesitant, and with Scarlett giving me the old "you've lost your marbles" look. But I figured, what the heck, and replied, "Yes, I see you!"

The boy's voice turned urgent and frantic. "Please," he pleaded, "the doorknob of the front door is broken, and it can only be opened from the outside. Could you please help me open it?"

I glanced at Scarlett, who was now looking mighty curious. "What did he say?" she asked, and I explained that he was trapped and needed me to open the front door to the building.

"Don't even think about it," she warned. "You don't want to become a ghost chow, do you?"

"Let's just go, please," she said, and I could tell she was getting antsy.

But I hesitated, chewing on my lip. I mean, she had a point—I was the only one who could see this mysterious boy and his mansion. What if it was a trap? If I got caught, nobody would even know where to find me.

So, I took a deep breath and said, "Let's go." Scarlett gave me this relieved smile, and we got ready to pedal off. But then the boy's voice rang in my head again, all desperate and pleading. "Please, you've got to help me! I'm trapped, and I could starve if I don't find a way out. Everyone just ignores me, but I know you're different. You've got a good heart; don't let your friend stop you from doing what's right."

I groaned, shaking my head and trying to block out his voice. But it just kept echoing inside my skull, like a broken record: "Please, please…"

Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. I dropped my bike and bolted for the door, Scarlett hot on my heels, shouting at me to stop. But I was a girl on a mission, and before she could grab me, I'd got the doorknob in my hand, twisting it open.

The door swung inward with a creak, revealing the interior. I could feel the temperature drop, like I'd just stepped into a walk-in freezer, and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.

Scarlett grabbed my arm, her eyes wide with fear. "What are you doing?" she hissed. "This is crazy!"

But I wasn't listening. All I could think about was that boy, trapped somewhere in this eerie mansion, and how I might be his only chance at freedom. So, with a deep breath, I stepped over the threshold, and Scarlett, bless her heart, followed me in.

The door slammed shut behind us, and we both jumped, clutching each other like a couple of scaredy-cats. But there was no turning back now—we were in this together, for better or for worse.

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