
Snow's Diary

This is the story of Snow's Journey before his death and his Dad getting over his daughter (snow) passing.

D_R_L · Fantasy
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6 Chs


*" One week After the arrival of the angel the kid that I've been observing since I've been tasked to take this kid soul. Now in front of me with an eye that was all black as if it lost all it's light, with a cold and pale skin I was certain that the kid was dead. " At that time I was sure of it, I was so sure of it but when I was about to do the soul collecting the association calls for me as another deadly sin has arrive. At that time it was an emergency everyone at the hq is panicking as the impossible happened, one of the seven deadly sins has spawned at the presence of an angel. As normally angels eliminates evil thoughts or more likely purify people from their sinful thoughts making it impossible for one of the seven deadly sin to spawned but the impossible happened at that very day. And coincidentally snow was legitimately dead when all this happened at that time I didn't paid attention to the connection of it because of the ruckus it made.*

*" What happened!..... Here? What the heck! Was that wh-why is LUST here!?! Isn't she the most unlikely to spawned at the presence of an angel! " At that time it was horrifying that scene was not because of the pieces of limbs that has been cut by lust but by the fact that lust was able to become so powerful that she was able to physically manifest herself at the human world with so much power at the presence of an angel. As I arrived on the scene the angel arrived too they're fight was astonishing as the lust main skills was activated Regeneration And multiplication, the two skills allows lust become a virgin forever and have as many victims as she can, thus allowing herself to become more powerful by absorbing the life out of his victims as they were showered with pleasure.*

* It was a sight to behold with lust's multiplication and being a part of the the seven deadly sins having her main weapon Claws of Domion as it allows her inflicting a wound that will continually bleed Vs the angels weapon of age of divinity that is shaped like a javelin, it's allows anyone that get damaged by it weakens in terms of speed and and strength and it's skill being sanctuary reverting any wounds, before it was inflicted essentially healing the wounds. Now as the two higher being fought to death at their humanoid form, us death's has a mission to trap them between dimensions so that the higher beings will not inflict any damage on both world's resulting in any catastrophic events. As lust keeps attacking with her slashing skills jumping from buildings to buildings while the angel keeps thrusting the age of divinity javelin creating shockwaves, even though the shockedwaves hit lust it was almost already recovered by her skill regeneration. Until one them gets closed and actually able to put a wound on each other the two higher beings will be stuck in a tied battle, " Hold the seal for me I'll create an opening for the angel to lust! " Each deaths has a different ability for my ability it's gravity manipulation. At that time to create an opening for the angel I had to use my trump card Bringer Death a skill that renders an individual movements by increasing the gravitational force. But for that to happen I had to directly touch lust for it to activate, As I run towards lust trying to not get noticed as much as I can using the copied house's inside the middle dimension between spiritual and physical dimensions. *

* Every step I take towards lust is filled with regret, and confusion, the thought of my existence getting erased is scary but I know I gotta do it as my Bringer of death can create the ideal opening for the angel to deal a death blow to lust.

As I arrived at lust location seeing the two being so close, I was in awe at their beauty specially lust with her crimson hair and eyes. The more you look at her the more you feel like you get sucked in by her beauty, it was seemingly impossible to resist at that time I still can't believe how powerful lust with the angel presence. Even though I know that I'm being sucked in by lust, I cannot do anything she wasn't even looking at me she still hasn't sense my presence but I was already getting sucked in just by looking at her back I can't do anything I wasn't it was painful, knowing my impending doom while you're killer hasn't even noticed you, knowing that you still can get out as your killer still hasn't noticed you it was scary and traumatizing.*

* But as I was about to step outside of the pillars I was hiding in, I got hit by golden thread immediately the power that making me walk myself death towards lust was gone and it was as if it was never even there. At that time I knew it was finally my chance lust still hasn't noticed me while carefully sneak in behind her back and trying to find the right moment touch her back while not allowing her to turn back and killing me. After waiting for a while I saw a chance the golden thread that saved me pullued out a bright light in front of lust and knowing that while lust eyes will regenerate and she will probably not feel me as the pain of burned eye's will make my touch seem unnecessary. and finally I now was able to touched her, I was able to complete the requirements, " Oh power that bound one's sin to earth allow me to borrow your power and bound this being !!!! Activate skill: Bringer Of Death!!!!! Don't allow lust to move!" At that time I didn't notice it but the golden thread was messing with lust ear's so that she will not be able to hear me chant. The moment I finished the chant I immediately run out of range, while lust was tied down by the increase of gravity. The angel already prepared his attack, lights started to gather at the tip of the javelin and as the light gather at the tip of the javelin the angel prepared his stance bringing back his arm readying to thrust it forward directly at lust head. As the light finished gathering at the tip it was shining so brightly it can be mistaken as the sun, after everything was finished the angel thrusted the javelin at lust head so fast no one was able to see it I doubt even lust saw the javelin as the light is probably blocking her view.*

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