

Kara Zor-El, the daughter of the Kryptonian scientist Zor-El and Alura In-Ze, the last daughter of Krypton felt, for the first time in years, a glimmer of hope in her chest. The hope for freedom after years of captivity in the hands of those… humans.

But within that hope, there was also fear. The fear that none of this was real, that she was on the floor of her cell instead of rising through the ceiling, that this was all merely a fanciful dream that she would soon wake up from.

"Almost there." The green giant who had destroyed the door of her cell, whose name she really should have asked, and offered to take her out muttered. And then, there was light.

She had almost forgotten, the feeling of actual sunlight on her skin rather than the artificial light. Except this was better, much better. She felt like as long as she stayed under the light of this yellow star, nothing could trouble her ever again.

"Freeze!" But her moment of euphoria was cut short, by a group of human soldiers in armored suits pointing guns at them. And as she focused on their guns, she could suddenly see everything about them. The smallest rust on the gun's barrel, the mechanism in order to shoot and the ammunition inside the guns. A weapon that used chemical reaction in order to send a small piece of metal at high speed, how primitive. Though a part of her wondered how exactly she was able see such fine details.

"Hmm, great, we got company." Her savior said as he scratched the back of his head and Kara couldn't help but think that he looked strangely adorable doing such a thing.

"So, how do you wanna deal with them?" He asked as he looked down at her and a look of confusion appeared on her face. Shouldn't they simply get away from this place, couldn't he just fly them away?

"I mean, I woke up just today but it seems like they have been keeping you locked away for a long time and now want you back in the cage. Do you really want to just leave?" He asked with a raised eyebrow and she could feel something she hadn't felt for a long time.


She remembered when she had waken up on this planet, the government of these people had already transported her into that red light cage of her's and as far as she knew, they also had taken her ship apart in some vain hope to understand Kryptonian technology.

She remembered the cold and lonely nights, not knowing whether they will decide to cut her open in the morning for some demented experiment.

She remembered Krypto, that cute little innocent dog that had been the only good thing in her life for years before they had shot him.

Finally, she remembered Kal. The little boy who should have arrived on this planet with her, the boy she was supposed to raise with the best values of Krypton, the boy she was supposed to protect. The boy that she had never seen.

She didn't know if Kal had for some reason never arrived on this planet or… or if he had but had been taken much like she was. She remembered the times when she still had hope, when she asked for any kind of information about her little cousin. All the questions that had remained unanswered.

She knew, she knew that if Kal had arrived here with her… then he was no longer in this world. Cause she knew, what these bastards would do to him!

As her rage grew with each of her thoughts, so did the heat behind her eyes and finally when she felt that they had reached the highest heat they could, she glared at the soldiers and they ceased to be.

Red hot light came out of her eyes and vaporized anything in their path as she looked from one soldier to another. But that wasn't enough, she was not satisfied yet! So she cut off the heat coming out of her eyes and jumped towards one of the remaining soldier, her fist cocked back and then she threw her punch at the soldier. Then the soldier's torso was gone, leaving behind only his head and limbs which fell to the ground.

With rage, she repeated what she just did with another solider. Then with another, and another, until there were none of them left. Finally, with all the soldiers around them dead, she started to calm down and her rage was replaced with grief. Grief for all the years she had lost and she started to cry.

In the midst of her tears falling down her cheeks, she felt a huge weight on her shoulder and looked up to the green giant that was her savior looking down at her with sympathy and then pulled her close to his chest, where she could continue to cry.

She wasn't sure how long she cried but when she finally stopped and stepped away from her savior, she felt like a huge weight was lifted off of her.

"Feel better now?" He asked with a smile and she could feel her cheeks burning with shame.

"I… I'm sorry." She said, her voice hoarse from not using it for a long time and crying just until a moment ago.

"No need to apologize. I actually liked the show." He said with a chuckle.

"Thank you. I… I don't even know your name." She chuckled at the absurdity of her situation, her day really had been a space storm. Going from one state to another without any kind of consideration for what is considered normal.

"Hmm, my name… you can call me Hulk. I'm the only one after all." He mumbled the last part but she still heard him, what did he mean?

"Well then, now that we have dealt with the undesirables; we should go get food. I am starving." Hulk said with a smile as a red glow surrounded his body and he started to levitate off the ground.

"You coming?" He asked with a smirk that made her feel giddy and she felt her feet leave the ground.

"I'm coming."



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