

Matou estate. Probably the single most disgusting place in Fuyuki, if not all of Japan.

From outside, it looked very normal. It was the kind of place a wealthy family would live in, wealthier than most of people in Fuyuki would ever be, but the truth inside was far too disgusting.

For the Matou estate was the living space of a teenage rapist called Shinji who lived simply for the sake of abusing his adopted sister and a living parasite in the vague form of a human named Zouken, after he had thrown away his real name; Zolgen.

Honestly, one had to wonder how exactly a man that disgusting was still alive in the town where Gilgamesh lived. The golden king was almost useless when it came to shit like this, probably due to giving such tasks to Siduri in all his life.

"So, what can our enemy do?" Nobu asked with a smile, gone were her clothes as a servant and in their place she was wearing a black jean and red shirt combo with a black leather jacket and knee high boots completing her modern look. Still so fucking beautiful.

"Well, his name is Matou Zouken; formerly Makiri Zolgen. He is a magus who has been alive for about five hundred years, give or take a decade or two. In his prime he was a genius magus whose power could rival that of a weak Servant. He is the one who invented the command seals when he designed the Holy Grail War with Tohsaka Nagato and Justeaze von Einzbern. Though he is a shell of the man he used to be, far weaker and his mind is almost completely gone except for his goal for immortality. Stupid worm probably doesn't even remember why he wanted to be immortal in the first place." I said as I shook my head in disgust.

Matou Zouken would have been a pitiful creature if it wasn't for the fact that he was pure evil at the moment. A man who had once wanted to create a utopia with no human suffering but ended up as something worse than the most Dead Apostles. Killing him was practically a mercy for the man who used to be Makiri Zolgen. Something that I don't really want to give him.

"His magecraft nowadays is mostly dependent on crest worms. He might be able to use some other curse based magecraft but the worms are his prominent attack method and the tool he uses to keep himself alive all this time."

"If you brought me here to fight literal worms, we will have problems; Master." Nobu said with a glare and I thanked my genes cause that glare would have been far scarier, not to mention confusingly arousing, if I wasn't six feet three(190 cm) to Nobu's five feet ten(180 cm).

"No need to do that my dear. I brought you here merely to make sure no complications happen. I should be able to deal with Zouken and his worms by myself." I said with a shrug.

It was no lie, I had the powers of Kenjaku. A Kenjaku that had been quite a bit stronger than his canon version with more cursed spirits and tools. Even if I was the canon Kenjaku, that would still make me a special grade sorcerer.

Someone who can overthrow a country by themselves.

This would be fun.


Matou Sakura was a good girl. She was also in a not so good situation when it came to her home life but that wasn't as bad as it used to be.

She now had her senpai. She was... not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed but her senpai was a really good person. Just being around her made Sakura remember that no matter how scary the nights were, the sun would rise once more in the morning.

Now if only she could realize her feelings, senpai would be perfect!

But right now, even her senpai couldn't make things really better. After all, she was preparing for the Holy Grail War. The same war that had taken uncle Kariya from her ten years ago, and scarred senpai for life with that fire at the end of the war.

And her grandfather told her that she would be summoning a servant, then Shinji declared that she would give her servant to him so that he could represent the Matou family as the proper bearer of the bloodline.

She didn't object to either of them, she knew what would happen if she tried.

She didn't wanna go into the pit.

"Sakura..." Her grandfather's voice, much like two stones grinding on each other, shook her out of her thoughts. Matou Zouken didn't look pleased.

"Someone just broke into the manor, go to your room and stay there." He ordered her and Sakura did as she was told, her mind going through thoughts with unprecedented speed.

Someone had broken into the manor? Who would do that? It couldn't be some sort of mundane thief since the bounded field around the mansion would have repelled them, same for most magi as well. So who would...

"Stop walking so slow!" Her thought process was once more interrupted, this time by Shinji.


"Just shut up and keep walking!" He yelled at her, spit flying out of his mouth.

"I don't know what fool decided to break into my home, but they will be dealt with like the insect they are! For that you need to be out of our way!"

"My my, I knew you were a rude lil bitch Shinji. But this is a bit too much even for you, don't you think?" Shinji's tirade was cut pff by a voice coming from the end of the corridor. A voice that was somewhat familiar to her.

Its owner was a young man, around her and her brother's age. With narrow eyes and black hair that was done in a bun and had one bang over his left eye. He looked familiar though.

"You! Geto!" Now she understood why. Geto Suguru, a student who was in her senpai's year. This was probably the first time she was properly looking at him. She had thought that he was merely just another student but since he had managed to break into the manor, that meant he...

"You are a magus?!"

"Hmm, oh yes. Yes I believe I am." He said with a shrug, which worried Sakura. He was calm, far too calm. If one took a look at them they would think that he was the one in his home and Shinji was some hooligan who had broken in.

"You... you bastard!" Her brother yelled as he ran towards Geto with his fist raised high and Sakura's eyes widened as she witnessed what happened next.

Some sort of... bugs(?) came out of Beto's palms. They somehow looked both comical and horrific with a cartoonish appearances and their mouth that looked like Hyottoko. For some reason, her brother acted like they didn't exist even as they flew closer to him and then...


...they latched onto his face!

"Wha, what the hell?! What is..." Before he could continue talking, the bug like creatures flew up and slammed her brother to the ceiling before dropping him back. She could hear him groaning in pain, so he wasn't dead.

"Now then, onto you." Geto said as he turned to her and Sakura's legs finally gave out under her and she fell down. This was... this wasn't right. Her life was already like a nightmare. She didn't deserve any of it! Why was this happening to her?!

"No one came for you huh." huh...

Geto... he was looking at her with... with sadness, with pity as he walked towards her before he knelt down before her.

"It must have been so painful, Sakura-chan." And then he hugged her.

The whole world simply did not make sense anymore. A student from her school had just broken into her house and then used small monsters to hurt her brother. And now he was hugging her, why? Why? Why?!

"It's okay now. I am here for you."

...why was she hugging him back?

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