
Snap 3: Discovery I.

I walked into my room for the first time in months. It's almost surreal. You spend two months in a pure white hospital room, with crap for food, and suddenly you're back. Then again, I wasn't here for long before that either.

Regardless, I checked out what new songs were coming out. Mostly the same pop songs, with a few semi-interesting songs. But one did manage to catch my eye. It was a song about feeling invisible, when no one talks to you, or even bothers to notice you, do you even exist? Deep stuff... for someone on acid. Either way the song was pretty good, I started thinking about being invisible, but for real. Snapping, snapping, snapping along as per usual.

Until... something strange happened. I disappeared. As in I was still there, but my body wasn't visible. I started panicking and yelling, as anyone would do. But I didn't make any sound. I ran over to the mirror. And by to the mirror, I mean into it. I went inside the mirror. Freaking out even more, I lost focus and fell through the floor. I started falling, through the living room where everyone else was. And then through the ground. Then... somewhere else. I saw a blinding light, only reason I didn't end up blind was because I was intangible. But I saw an immense sight. I stopped falling, my focus squarely on the bright flame before me. It was... beautiful, beautifully hot, destructive and... radiant. I realized it was the Earth's Core, and that I stopped falling.

"Oh God..." I thought. "What... the..."

I realized that it was my focus on the Core that kept me still. So, I tried focusing on going "up". I started ascending, but slowly. I then tried thinking "home" and I shot back up like a bullet. Not flying, but more like being a Fast Ball thrown to Home. It was then I realized specific thoughts would be needed to travel efficiently.

I ended up back in my room. I was stable, but still invisible, intangible, as if I didn't really exist... Wait... Didn't exist... What if... Somehow... My mind raced back to the song and what I was doing. I initiated the last thing I remembered from before I changed. I tried thinking of invisibility and snapping. Nothing. I tried again, but thinking about becoming normal again. I looked down, I saw my hands again. I was normal again. In my excitement, I kept snapping between invisibility and normal. It was amazing. But only the beginning of my Discoveries.

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