
Snap 11: Bonding I.

Jupiter said it'd be best if we built our relationship, as friends of course. The greater our bond, the better we'll do in battle. But...

"First things first, let's identify the powers within you." Venus said. She took out a strange black box. She opened it, revealing an orb so clear, you could barely make it out.

"This orb," She continued, "Will identify your Mystical Element, and any Birthal magic within you."

Ai placed her hand on the orb. It glowed green. Indicating Ground Magic. However, something else glowed as well. There was a layer of some warm, orange light. It reminded me of home, vaguely.

"Oho?" Mars chimed, attention on the orb. "That Orange light looks like Birthal magic!"

Jupiter grabbed the orb and looked at it.

"Hm. Oh!" She realized what it was, "A Spirit's Blessing!"

"A Spirit? Is that like a Nymph?" Ai asked.

"Yeah, a Spirit is a Greater Nymph. They usually stay away with their own kind," Mars answered, "Rarely, if they find a child they like, they bless them with a part of their own powers, strengthening them. Most Blessed by one may have a great place in the world."

"Oh? That was word for word from the Magical Index. Good studying" Jupiter said. Mars seemed to grin. Just a bit.

I approached and placed my hand on the orb. It crackled with a blue sparkle. Inside, a miniscule golden cloud. We recognized the Lightning, but the cloud was an anamoly.

"What's that?" Ai asked.

No one knew for sure but Jupiter thought it indicates some greater potential.

I stared into the cloud. Something was so... entrancing about it.

"H-hey?" Ai asked, looking at me.

I realized what was happening. I found tears, lightly streaming down my face all of a sudden.

"What's wrong?" She follows up.

"Huh?" I took notice of the tears. Once I did, they stopped flowing and I wiped them away in a hurry.

"Are you okay?" She asks, concerned.

"Yeah, it's probably just my allergies acting up." I did my best to brush it away, but no one was really convinced, but moved on anyway.

"Moving on..." Jupiter said, shifting things along, "Before we can do proper training, it's important you build your bonds. Stronger bonds give larger chances, capisce? Power if Friendship and all that."

"So what should we do about it?" I asked.

"A date, I guess." Jupiter said with no understanding of the weight of those words.

"W-wouldn't a date be a bit much? We barely know each other?"

"Call it whatever you want, it's best to build your relationship before you build your power."

Me and Ai wondered what to do at this point...

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