
The Recruit

Author's note: I now have a p-word as you all know, so if you feel like reading 5 advanced chapters at the measly price of $3, then do join. The link is in this book's bio, or you can just search 'Archonstine' followed by p-word on your browser.

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P.S, donate some power stones while you're at it. And maybe... write up a review?


16th September 1997 (Tuesday)

Ricky Stirling (POV)

"On the 8th of September, 1997, the Venice Film Festival witnessed a historic moment as two exceptional films, "Hana-Bi" and "Good Will Hunting," shared the prestigious Golden Lion award, marking a rare two-way tie at the festival's grand finale. Directed, scripted, edited, produced, and featuring an original score by the remarkably talented 19-year-old Ricky Stirling, "Good Will Hunting" made cinematic history by becoming the youngest film to win the highest prize at any of the Big 3 film festivals.

Ricky Stirling's remarkable achievement didn't stop there; he also clinched the Golden Osella for Best Screenplay, a testament to his exceptional storytelling prowess. The success of "Good Will Hunting" didn't come as a surprise to those who witnessed its premiere at the festival, where it received a thunderous six-minute standing ovation, signaling its arrival as a cinematic tour de force.

Following its festival success, "Good Will Hunting" enjoyed a triumphant worldwide release, captivating audiences and critics alike. The film's box office performance was equally impressive, grossing an astounding $21 million in its opening weekend and another $24 million the following weekend, overtaking "The Hun's Release" to claim the top spot in the weekend box office rankings.

While Ricky Stirling's youth and prodigious talent are undeniably remarkable, it is the universal appeal and emotional depth of "Good Will Hunting" that truly captivated audiences and propelled it to the pinnacle of cinematic achievement. With its heartfelt storytelling, compelling characters, and poignant themes, "Good Will Hunting" stands as an exemplification to the enduring power of cinema to inspire, entertain, and touch the hearts of audiences around the world.

Hana-Bi on the other hand-"


With a clack, I pick up the phone, "Yes Daisy? My father? He's waiting outside- send him in please, immediately. And any time after, don't stop him at the door, just allow him in. Okay? Thanks. Oh! And also, I sorted through the resumes, and marked the one I want to interview with a green tick, keep them aside, and throw the rest in the trash. Yeah, jus- chuck 'em in the shredder, scrunch them up into balls and throw 'em out the window- you do you. My decision is final- ok, thank you."

And with that, I end the line, just as the door slams open and my dad makes his unexpected entrance.

Oh, he's looking a little pissed. Not a lot, but definitely a little, His teeth clenched, eyes unblinking, jaw muscle twitching all over the place-


"Now listen here kiddo… I have entertained your antics for years, so at this point, I'm always expecting a curveball from you… but you just turned around and tossed the ball out of the fucking stadium," He said calmly, as he passed over a bunch of familiar papers, "Mind telling me what the fuck you're doing?"

Huh… frankly, this doesn't even count as an overreaction, I kept wondering when this exchange was going to take place all week, and it seems today is the day.

"Okay so… I started my own production house."

"Oh I heard, and pretty ambitious name at that huh? MIDAS Productions? You wanna be a King, Ricky? What- you wanna be the man with the golden touch?"

"Honestly? Yeah! I want every single project of mine to be treated like a goldmine by the other studios, and I wanna helm all of them. The goldmines, not the studios, good lord would that be a hassle-"

"Don't invoke His name you little- piece of shite! Also… you registered the company 2 days ago… Why am I of all people, hearing about this today, and not from your mouth?"

"... You want the honest answer?"

My father, who was quickly looking more and more vexed grinded out, "Yes."

"I forgot. I wanted to surprise you with the papers, but I got busy almost immediately, and bloody hell! How do you do it? How do you head an entire studio? Any golden pearls of wisdom-"


"Why what?" I questioned, as he asked somberly.

"Why did you start your own? Were you not happy at Stirling? Was it a third party? Someone approached with a better deal-"

"NO-no-no-no-no! Please, stop talking, just let me explain." Seeing him nod, I proceed. "I wanted to spread my wings. I'll come back to 'Stirling', bring this one under your banner in a few years, probably 8-10, not more than that. But I wanna build myself up from the ground, not jump out of a plane, land on a mountain, and continue the trek. I need to build connections here, a network that allows me to embed myself, establish myself here. That involves working with everyone out there- not just the ones in Stirling! I want to establish my credentials, not just as a talented film-maker, but also a businessman… I need to do this dad, I just need to and it's not like I'm severing ties or anything- I mean, we'll need a distributor and who do you think I'm gonna choose? Universal offered me a 'first-look' deal yesterday and guess what? I mailed back the offer. We'll still be working together, just… give me some space to do my own thing for a while. I'll come back eventually, with far more experience at my behest. Then you can feel free to hand me the reins over at Stirling, and not possess an ounce of worry regarding my competence in these matters. Okay now, did any of that make sense to you?"

After a brief silence, where he simply processed my little speech, he finally responded, "Ok. You do you. Spread your wings, root yourself, I don't give a damn. But I'm sending over Higgs tomorrow to hammer out the distribution deal. And for god- nope, for goodness' sake Ricky, refurbish the damn office! Seriously, what the hell is this? You've got tens of millions, and quite a few headed your way in a few months, and here you are, working in this dump? Seriously?"

I sighed in relief, before addressing his concerns, "Relax, I rented it out. Renovations begin tomorrow, and I've got my eyes on a building downtown for a more… permanent headquarters. I'm renovating that as well. Between these 2, and the non-refundable bonds I bought, I'm actually a little strapped for cash right now-"

"You want a loan or something? I gotta check up with the accountancy firm, but I think I can 'gift' you a little, making it tax free, what do you say?"

"Thanks for the offer dad, but no. Between Good Will Hunting, and Catch Me If You Can, I'll be bleeding red for the next few months, but it'll all be paid off by January latest. Actually, speaking of Jan, I plan on releasing a movie at Sundance you know? A paltry budget really, it won't cost more than 3 million, inclusive of marketing. Though the FYC will take a little more money. But it'll be a good starting point for MIDAS… put us on the map and everything."

"Another? Ricky, 'Catch' is undergoing post-production as we speak, and yeah you taught the editors well, but you didn't teach them everything. What if they need you? And for its marketing? You're telling me you'll have time for it all, while you try to rush a production for a Jan release, and you haven't even started on the script yet-"

"The script has been finalized. Also the score. Now, to make it in time, I'm gonna set 12-hr workdays, and plan to shoot it in 15-20 days max, and I've got my eyes on a few people who I think will work with me just fine-"

"Ok-Ok! Listen, I don't have a lot of time, I got places to be, I just dropped by cause I wanted to know what the fuck you were doing- quite a bit apparently, so I'll take my leave. You meet with Higgs tomorrow, and hammer out a contract for this new movie of yours-"


"-whiplash… ok I got nothing, what the hell is it about?"

"The relationship dynamic between an aspiring jazz drummer, who is pushed to his limit by his abusive instructor at a music observatory in NYC. Speaking of it, there are a few scenes I want to film at Sherwood, can it be done?"

"Depends of the dates and availability really, we're hosting a high profile premiere on 27th September-"

"Good enough, I'll need 2 days in October. Please make it happen, I'm under a lot of pressure here-"

"You put it on yourself kiddo, can't blame anyone but yourself for it!" He smirked annoyingly, before his eyes softened a bit, "I'll make it happen. Forward the shooting schedule next week, and I'll see what I can do."

"Thanks dad… Your support means everything to me."

"I'm sure it does."

We both smile simultaneously, as the room descends into a comfortable silence.

"... Dad?"

"Yes kiddo?"

"Don't you have somewhere you want to be?"

His eyes widened with realization, as he abruptly stood up, before making his way to the door, "See you tonight kid and uh… break a leg." And with that, he closed the door behind him.

The moment the door closed, I let out an audible sigh, as I finally wiped off the developing beads of sweat about to stream down my forehead.

Granted the AC's not been working right for the past 2 days, but I blame my dad for the sweat. Really, facing him, Wyatt and my dear Sherry, while they're annoyed, sum up all my fears pretty neatly if I dare say so.

But now, with great power… comes great responsibility. And I need to get off my ass and continue working, so I take out my phone and ring up Trent.

"Hey! Good morning buddy! Yeah, no- I'm doing good, I'm doing great in fact, how about you? We haven't really met since Venice dude, tell me- what're you working on right now? … So you're unemployed? I'm sorry Trent, but 'between jobs' means unemployed, everyone knows that! … Yeah ok, fine, now just listen okay? What I am about to say next will solve your problems perfectly… Trent, buddy, my brother from another mother… I'm making a new movie, and this time, it's gonna be all indie. What I'm asking is- I need a Director of Photography, a cinematographer… Trent, will you be my DoP?"

"Missy?! Hey! Yeah, thank you, thank you! But please, no need to congratulate me any more, I assure you I have had my fill girl… No- yeah, Trent's doing great, actually, speaking of Trent, I'm making a new movie and I just bagged him as the DoP! … No! Nope, not a studio production… Well you know it honey, I decided it was 'bout time I rebelled a little, so I just went ahead and started my own little production house… yep, it's gonna be an indie and I'm going all in… Yeah, thanks, no- thanks, it means a lot to me really. Anyways listen, what're you working on right now? Oh, oh well, that's pretty good! I'm proud of you Missy, I really am, I mean- working with Norman Jones and producing his new anthology- I'm proud of you girl, I really am… Of course, of course. So listen, you'll be done in a week right? … Perfect then, this is quite literally perfect timing for me and you! So now you see, for my new movie… I need a producer. I'm gonna finance it all, but I need someone I can trust to oversee the monetary aspects of it all… Missy, wanna be my producer? Just like the old days, remember? Shooting Paranormal Activity together and all?"

"Mr. Chauhan? Yes Yash! It's me, Ricky! … Yeah- no, the rumors are true man, I started my own production house, wanted to spread my wings a little. Though between you and me, things haven't changed a whole lot. I mean, Higgs is coming tomorrow to sign a distribution deal for future projects… Yeah, I'm just changing ships, not the destination if you get what I'm saying… yep, exactly. So anyway listen, now I couldn't get you for 'Catch me if you can', Paramount insisted they handle marketing and all- yeah, exactly, I'm glad you understand man, it was a headache, and a whole lot of aspirins working with those motherfuckers- Anyways! I got a script here Yash, top notch and everything. You know me by now Yash, I don't chase success, I chase excellence, and success comes running from behind, trying to play catch up and all… So I'm making an indie movie with a rushed production, and planning a Jan premiere at Sundance, and this type of last-minute marketing- I think you'd be perfect for it Yash so how 'bout it? Wanna be the Head of Marketing at 'Midas Productions'?"

"Phil! It's me, Ricky from college! Yeah, the one and only- oh yeah, thanks man. Thanks a lot, I worked really fucking hard and I finally made it you know? The Golden Lion… yeah, it's really something. Hey listen, I heard you got an uncle who owns a music conservatory? … Yeah no-, I heard it from Hansen back at the Phi Sigma party… no-no-no, you know which one I'm talking about! Mr. peg-leg Dancy pants here suffering memory loss, huh? You want me to conk your head? Don't test me, I'll come down and do it, you know me Phil, I'm fucking crazy, I'll do it… That's better. Now listen, remember that test I helped you with? Your capital market finals, you came 2nd, cause I tutored you 10 nights in a row? And I was what? 14? … Yep, that's the one. Listen, you said you owe me one… can I expect you to come through?"

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