

"I can already smell the storm brewing," I sighed as we geared up. I was with my twin, or is it my clone? Things like this get a little confusing after a while. I mean, he is my clone, he regrew from my severed hand. But, he is self conscious, very self conscious. So, calling him a clone is not quite right. A twin could be the right term for him. I named him Beta Ray because my name's Ray and he caused a fuss. So, I made him poop himself till he accepted it! Mwahahaha! Okay, maybe the laughing gas is not fully out of my system.

"Stop been a cryptic little shit. We're here to stop the bloodbath by causing an even bigger bloodbath," Beta Ray admonished me, looking at me with disgust! The nerve of this little shit! Even though we are twins, he has to know I am twenty seven years older than him. But, I decided to be the better bigger brother and reserve his ass beating for later.

"Just focus on the plan, Beta Ray. Everything hinges on you completing it," I told him as I put on my helmet.

"Right, right," he said disinterestingly. I just sighed at his antics before heading off.

Beta Ray POV

"Jeez, the nerve on that guy!" I scoffed watching him disappear into the night. I knew I could do the same but seeing someone else doing it was so cool I can't even express it.

"Any way, off to work then," I sighed as I got into the car.

The car was made by the original, parts by parts till it was this beast of a range rover that can ram into a tank and demolish it. It was outfitted with so many weapons I haven't even been able to learn them all. Everything on it was bullet proof and on a certain level, explosion proof. Grenades would do nothing but make it shake, that's where the awesome shock absorbers come in. They make the ones in Monster truck ralleis look like jokes.

I out those thoughts in the back burner as I put on my game face. Today's targets were two. The one the original had gone to obliterate and the one I am going to toy with. Putting the metal to the medal, I cruised down the Gotham street, a big goofy ass smile on my face. The car could go to two hundred miles an hour thanks to the original's tinkering. I know I am smart as him but I only have the self mastery thingy.

"Driver, pull over, this is the GCPD!" a heard someone say through a megaphone. Looking back through the rear view mirror, I saw a GCPD cruiser hot on my tails, lights flashing but oddly no siren sound.

"I need more of you," I said to myself out loud before looking at a red barton on the left side of the steering wheel. I pressed it and a speaker like canon sprouted from the roof before aiming at the car. I could probably hear the cop's shock and fear at seeing it but lucky for them, this was not lethal.

"Fire sonic canon, non lethal decibel," I commanded the car's computer. The sonic canon glowed once before the police cruiser suddenly swerved before overturning and rolling. The cops had been hit with a frequency that made them disoriented for a little while. I hope they wore seatbelts and most importantly, they were conscious enough to report of a dangerous individual downtown.

I continued on with the same speed, looking like I was in Tokyo drift as I hit any corners in the way like a pro. Till, I finally spotted my destination, the Iceberg Lounge. I grinned like a maniac before speeding up. Suddenly, two cruisers blocked the way, the cops got out and aimed at my car. Without issuing any warnings, they started firing at my SUV but this car was a unit on its own. They dove out of its way and it smashed through the two cruisers like they were made of cheese!

Before I could gloat, I saw a batarang suddenly hit the car's head, flashing red. I immediately knew Batman was here and thus the plan was going off without a hitch. Immediately, I wore my mask as the batarang exploded but the SUV only had a singed paint job. I spotted the dark knight's car, the bat mobile, approaching me from behind and smirked.

"Oh, this is gonna be epic!" I giggled as I put my beast into gear five. The SUV increased its speed exponentially, losing the batmobile little by little. At this speed, I was sure Batman would not try to pop my tires, that would be the same as killing me, if I could die. And so, I smashed through the concrete wall and hit the brakes before innocent lives could be at stake.

There was screaming, tires screeching and loud music all at once but I was on a tight schedule. As soon as the car stopped, I took my two machetes and jumped out of the car and speed to the stairs. I had memorized the entire of Iceberg Lounge in my head so I knew where to find the slimmy mob boss Penguin.

"STOP!" Penguin's thugs tried to stop me, poor bastards. They were two of them, charging at me like they were going to ram into me.

Faster than their drug addled brains could register, I had hacked at their necks, slipping past them and continuing to the elevator. It took a second to reach it and when I pressed the down button, I heard two thuds behind me. Looking behind, I saw the two headless bodies bleeding out while Batman was already chasing after him.

'Where's the elevator when you need it!' I sighed as I turned to the doors and pried them open quite easily. Looking down the shaft, I saw it approaching and scoffed at it.

"Too late," I said before taking a step forward, a step that let me free fall towards the approaching elevator. Acrobatically, I turned in the air before punching down at the elevator. One thing you have to know is that I am hella strong! My noodly body was filled with anime like power that defied this world's logic. So, it came as a no surprise to me that the elevator had a giant sized hole through it while the building shook a little bit. Positioning myself once again, I landed on my feet and punched the elevator doors off. Only to find numerous guns already trained at me.

"Oh, this is a surprise!" I quipped, mostly to myself. I honestly never expected them to be already this organized. But then again, these are Penguin's men, one of the most notorious mob boss in Gotham. I shouldn't have expected less.

"FIRE!" someone commanded and I immediately went into alert.

Gripping my machetes harder, I went into hyper focus before charging. Everything was in slowmotion as all the guns were fired. Most were automatic assualt rifles, firing faster than handguns others had. But, everything was in my control! I reached the first gunman as two bullets were already out of his gun and swung a mechete right through his head splitting it into two. I went to the next victim and stabbed him through his heart.

The third had both his hands cut off, the fifth was beheaded and his head I used as a soccer ball to knock his friend off the ground. I quickly regained my balance before going on a full on frenzy. Blood, limbs, heads, gunfire gun powder and the smell of blood wafted in the air when I was finished with the last gun man.

"Thirty seven bad guys and only one hit," I said to myself, looking at the hole in my shoulder. I willed it to heal and it did just that. Who needs the original's regeneration when I've got complete control over my body!

"Oh Penguin! I'm your uber, here to take you back to the North Pole!" I shouted in a sing song voice as I headed deeper into the underground invite only club. "Place seems quite quiet, you doing okay Penguin? I was told it is usually packed this time of the night." I was heading to the bar, right at the refrigerator where a hidden entrance was. Suddenly, I ducked my head to the right as my left hand sprung into action, got hold of the batarang before throwing it back at sender. Looking back, I saw Batman dodging his weapon, his hand already reaching into his weapons cache, his utility belt. But, I was not about to let him level up.

So, I charged at the refrigerator and rammed into it. I tore through the metal and stumbled down the stairs ungracefully. But, I saved myself a awkward fall by acrobatically going to my feet and running down the tunnel at olympic speed. I was sure Batman was behind me and I didn't want to lose him. The original wanted him to follow me a distance away till he arrives.

A minute a running and I found the exit which I also demolished. Just in time to witness a single austin martin burn rubber, bolting off as fast as it could. I saw the fat fuck Oswald Cobblepot looking back at me smugly.

"Heh," I scoffed before gripping my right hand machete like a spear and threw it at the car at full force. The machete sailed in the air, tore through the rear windscreen, Penguin's neck and imbedded itself into the car's dashboard. Yeah, no way he was going to survive that. So, I looked back at the tunnel and saw Batman already gaining on me. He slowed down when he saw me looking at him and became cautious but still approached me. He stopped in his tracks when the original landed beside me, both of us looking at him.

"You took your time," original said emotionlessly.

"Cobblepot's me. were surprisingly well organized and he is shockingly quite meek. But, a mechete through his throat, he's already dead," I said smugly. But, the original turned to me in a glare.

"In this universe till you see a body nobody's dead. And even then, they can still come back. Haah! Let's just deal with him and go after the car," the original admonished me before turning back at Batman.

"You must be wondering who we are," original started as we walked into the tunnel. I closed the door behind us and I could see Batman becoming tense and ready to go.