3 Expectations of a Husband

The pin had dropped in the Connelly House. It looked like everyone had come to terms with the idea of the marriage, but the little side glares of the power hungry relatives made Sera sweat. There were still rude quips about her going around the table, but Sera paid no mind to them. Being raised in the house of the duke and as the spare, made Sera grow thick skin at a young age. Lilah even younger.

She and Lilah had never been close despite their two year age gap. They were always kept in different rooms, different classes, different expectations. They had sweet memories together, but bitterness choked her once a upon a time when Sera didn't know better. She resented Lilah, but those feelings died down when she made plans for her life outside the walls that such an emotional and mental hold on her.

The plans were all ready to be set in motion when she turned eighteen, but that had been put on a hold when she had some close some loose ties. She had planned to get on a boat and sail across the ocean to a new land and start fresh.

She would not have any family ties there and learn to fend for her own. Maybe become a merchant or a textile worker. Find a husband and settle down. She had the funds to start her own estate if she wanted to as well. But in the end, she didn't get time to leave before it was too late. Lilah had already disappeared. And no one knew why.

Dinner was adjourned quite hastily, which led many to scramble to their feet and exit. Not that Sera was complaining. She wanted to leave and go dream in another land far away, but it was too late for that now. The life that was laid out for her has changed. She needed to get adjusted and fast.

The dining hall has cleared out and the immediate family was all that was left with the occasional maid and cook here and there. Sera started to get up but settled back in her chair when her father lifted a hand--telling her to sit.

"Pack up immediately. We are going to send you to the palace, so that there is no chance of you escaping your word," her father said.

"You have my word," Sera replied, pleasantly. "However, if I do not see Lilah returned in good condition, I will come after this house."

"Are you threatening me, Sera?"

"I will destroy it."

"Sera!" her mother shouted in dismay. "Don't blaspheme your own household. You will bring a curse upon us, you witch."

"Mother," Sera sent a chilly glare.

Derek laughed. "Let her be, Mallory. She is going to her own grave. My dear, I do not think you have heard about Sir St. James have you?"

Sera paused. Of course she has heard. The good, the bad, and the ugly. There were rumors that were so bad, she was sure that the man made it up himself. She wanted to wrap her arms around herself, but she gave them both a nonchalant look. "Yes, I have. And he will be my husband."
