4 Accident

When I was still a baby, Rachel put me outside the house, I was as usual, there were some goats there, these animals my father José used for the strip and the milk they produce, the goat had a pair with a horn, who was scared by my father who tried to tie her up to get the milk, she got scared and ran out of control in my direction.

I was only a few years old, the goat's horn hit my head right in the back, José alarmed Rachel to come running and check that I was still alive, when they arrived and saw me under the ground, Rachel cried, they despaired, but I put strength against the ground, and managed to get up, they were amazed to see me react ...

Rachel running her hand behind my head, on the back of the neck, looked and saw that there was nothing there, no bloodstains, no bruises, nothing, that day they realized that I had something special, really I would have come from another place, a place where there are not so many limitations of the human body, they lost that I could have powers, now I would have to grow up so that if I really had those powers they could manifest themselves.
